Vanity Fair, The L.A. Times, The Village Voice, The New York Times, CSPAN and others are all trying to say 9/11 was an inside job.

The L.A. Times /
An indictment of Mr. Conspiracy
Some Internet sites say Oliver Stone's 'WTC' fails to address what really happened on 9/11.
LA Times | August 8, 2006
By Tina Daunt
Memo to Oliver Stone: Conspiracy theorists have a bone to pick with you.
The filmmaker's latest release, "World Trade Center," does not engage in any of the cloak-and-dagger mumblings that have made the rounds, particularly on the Internet, in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy. All this has conspiracy theorists very disappointed. They figured if anyone would be willing to — as they see it — challenge the "official" version of events, it would be Mr. "JFK" himself.
"Oliver Stone, having done 'Nixon' and 'JFK' and other movies that have been quite revealing, had a chance to use his power to ask a few very damning questions," said radio show host Jack Blood, who is urging a boycott of the film. "Instead, what we have is an establishment movie that certainly condones and endorses the cover story that was given to us by the government on 9/11."
Stone has a simple answer: He wanted to tell the story of two Port Authority officers who tried to save lives that day but ended up fighting for their own. Politics wasn't involved.
Alex Jones, who has an Internet radio show on and, said he doesn't fault Stone for making a movie that honors the heroes of 9/11. "He is allowed to make a movie about this microcosm that was such a big part of 9/11," said Jones. "We know that the police and firefighters were heroes, and I agree with that. But there is concern in the 9/11 truth community that the movie will be used to bolster the official story."
To be sure, there are plenty of alternate views on the events of 9/11.
Some believe the CIA was in on the attacks. Others wonder if bombs had been planted inside the towers. Still others think the U.S. government knew the attacks were coming but chose not to act. In March,
actor Charlie Sheen said in an interview with Jones that he too questions the "official 9/11 story."
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions." Sheen added: "There was a feeling, it just didn't look like any commercial jetliner I've flown on anytime in my life, and then when the buildings came down later on that day, I said to my brother, 'Call me insane, but did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen also told Jones he wanted an independent investigation of the events leading up to 9/11. "It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families; we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."
Now with Stone in the mix, there's even more intrigue. Some theorists theorize: Maybe the director himself is part of the 9/11 plot.
"Was Stone used by the Illuminati as an unknowing pawn to whitewash the 9/11 conspiracy theories to the masses?" wondered blogger John Conner."Was he approached with the project and coerced into a commitment to occupy his time in attempts to thwart any other 9/11 angle from being used? Is Stone a pawn in the game? Perhaps Stone didn't know at the time, and found out too late. Perhaps production had begun, and he was already on board when he found the 9/11 rabbit hole."
The questions just add fodder to the debate.
"At some point you will see a Hollywood film that looks at alternative views of the official 9/11 story," said Jones. "It's just who's got the courage to do it."

The Village Voice /
Fakes on a Plane
Conspiracy buffs craft their own online WTC movies
Ed Halter / The Village Voice | August 8 2006
Editor's Note: This article wrongly refers to Alex Jones' latest feature film, Terrorstorm, as "Terror War". Terrorstorm can be downloaded and watched in full online at
Oliver Stone and Paramount are intent on getting out the message that World Trade Center doesn't traffic in fringy speculations about the 9-11 attacks—since the unabashedly liberal director's JFK (1991) stands as the most mainstream movie elaboration of conspiracy theory to date.
Paramount retained Creative Response Concepts—the same marketing firm responsible for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign and numerous other conservative causes—and Stone's talking point became "This is not a political film." (See J.Hoberman's review.) Studio reps screened portions of the film on Capitol Hill a few weeks ago in a preemptive strike against potential red-state congressional grumblers. And indeed, right-wing pundits have so far embraced the movie: "It is one of the greatest pro-American, pro-family, pro-male, flag-waving, God Bless America films you will ever see," Fox News' Cal Thomas gushed in his syndicated column.
But Stone's attempt at muffling his JFK rep has raised hackles within the burgeoning world of conspiracy theorists.
David Slesinger of—one of countless sites devoted to alternative explanations of the events of September 11—organized a "call to action" to his fellow "9-11 Truth activists."Slesinger proposes staging nonviolent protests on the film's opening weekend by flyering and picketing "suburban mall theaters" that explicitly prohibit such activity, in hopes of garnering media attention through activist arrests., run by one "John Conner" (presumably self-styled after The Terminator's hero), denounces World Trade Center as "the biggest 9/11 whitewash in history."Asks Conner: "Was Stone used by the Illuminati as an unknowing pawn to whitewash the 9/11 conspiracy theories to the masses?"
When lefty news aggregator the Raw Story posted a release linking to Slesinger and Conner, it drew so many readers that Conner's site temporarily crashed from bandwidth overload. Another site,, argues that advance clips from World Trade Center seem to include the sounds of bombs going off in the buildings. "Only when Oliver Stone's movie is rolled out nationwide," Prisonplanet writes, "will we be able to comb through it for more proof that Stone is clued in to the 9/11 truth movement and the complete fraud of the government fairy tale."
Thanks to this active online community, 9-11 Truth seekers don't need Stone to see their theories propounded in cinematic form. In the half-decade since 2001, as a loose congeries of varied political fringe groups and conspiracy hounds melded with a newly radicalized crop of Bush-burnt Americans to form a growing network of like-minded skeptics, the movement has fostered a robust filmmaking subculture of its own.
Nearly 20 feature-length videos have been circulating through its ranks, first on DVD, more recently for free through video services like Google and YouTube. Directors have become important figures within the movement. And the audience is out there—more than you might think. An oft quoted May 2006 Zogby poll found that 42 percent of Americans believed that "there has been a cover-up" about 9-11 on the part of the government and the 9-11 Commission.
With forthright titles like The Truth & Lies of 911, The Great Conspiracy, and September 11th the Con, the Conspiracy, the Cover-Up, these home-brewed affairs play like the audiovisual descendants of old self-published conspiracy books: cheaply made, but spiced with highly idiosyncratic, lurid aesthetics.Their world-historical urgency is often endearingly undercut by an ill-lit, room-toned cable-access vibe, or the pasteboard rented-studio stiffness of a late-night infomercial. Their raison d'être, without exception, is the presentation of "evidence" that key parts of the standard narrative just don't "add up." The litany of examples changes, but is drawn from a common pool: The twin towers and nearby WTC 7 could only have fallen the way they did from a controlled demolition, key video messages from Osama bin Laden appear to portray a bin Laden impostor, no footage exists of a plane hitting the Pentagon, and so on. The conclusion, always, is that 9-11 was an "inside job." Though the skeptics don't agree on the perpetrators, most point to the Bush administration and neocon high-ups, and nobody seems to think Al Qaeda acted alone. On first viewing, some movies can be powerfully effective. For viewers already distrustful of Bush, they function as epistemological horror films, evoking fears that the state of the world may be even worse than it already is, due not to apparent hubris, negligence, and ineptitude, but rather a thrillingly brilliant cabal of evil elites: the perfect movie villains, and the inverse of the neocons' own terrorist demons.
A few conspiracy films include original interviews with witnesses (or more often, an echo chamber of fellow skeptics). The bulk of footage consists of the analysis of media artifacts found online: website pages of "buried" news stories, animated diagrams, tinny compressed video clips, and neo–Ken Burnsian digital zooms into pixelated photos. In this respect, these Truth movies feel like the birth of a documentary form uniquely native to the online culture: the DIY results of hours upon hours of Googling, blogging, and Photoshopping.
The most shoestring works, like Eric Hufschmid's Painful Deceptions, could barely be called movies, operating merely as multimedia slide shows with theorizing voiceover. Others, like BYU physicist Steven Jones's 9-11: Scientific and Ethical Questions, are little more than videotaped live PowerPoint presentations (though Jones's soft-spoken Midwestern timbre adds surprisingly powerful drama). The most extreme example of this info- centrism is 911 Stranger Then [sic] Fiction, in which a computer-generated voice reads scrolling text for two hours, occasionally interspersed with a flash of something grabbed from Google's image search. It's so sparsely experimental that one might mistake it for a work of video art. That is, until it begins railing against the "Zionist mafia"-—another unfortunate tendency of the genre.
Other directors have begun to uplift Truthie cinema. Austin, Texas, talk- radio host Alex Jones has pumped out a string of slicker productions, including Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State, 911: The Road to Tyranny, and Police State III: Total Enslavement, in addition to earlier pre–9-11 videos about other conspiracies. A strident opponent of the "New World Order," Jones cuts a more Michael Moore–esque figure, inserting footage of himself "bullhorning" at protests, interviewing bystanders, and being subsequently harassed by police—and in his recent TerrorWar, briefly confronts Moore himself. Jones's preacherly theatrics have helped him rack up a few Hollywood connections. Charlie Sheen is an outspoken fan, and Jones has contributed animated cameos in Richard Linklater's films Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly.
22-year-old director Dylan Avery of Oneonta, New York, has emerged as the hot young star of the skeptic set with his 2005 'tude-filled feature Loose Change. Avery claims in a recent Vanity Fair profile that he's received over 50,000 orders for the Loose Change DVD and over 10 million viewings online, and says he's in talks with a number of studios to release an updated cut of the film on September 11, 2006. His name frequently pops up in Technorati's daily list of most searched-for keywords, and his MySpace profile boasts over 3,500 friends. By mainstream media standards, Loose Change remains ultra–low budget, but with Avery's casual, no-nonsense voiceover, tight editing, and hip-hop DJ'd score, it's by far the most accomplished and accessible example of 9-11 Truth cinema, though not free of the questionable fact-sourcing practiced by its peers (most egregious: "According to Wikipedia . . . ").
In true Internet fashion, Loose Change has even spawned a counter-video. Mark Iradian's Screw Loose Change takes on "911 deniers" by subtitling a running commentary over Avery's video, parrying and mocking his arguments as they unfold. William Lewis and Dave von Kleist's woefully titled 911 in Plane Site also generated a critique, Not in Plain Sight. In this case, the attack comes from within the movement: Not in Plain Sight's anonymous author claims that In Plane Site is so full of errors that it must be intentional disinformation created to mislead and discredit the movement. (Not in Plain Sight also includes the most wonderfully bizarre music of any of these works: looping, whoomping synth blurts that resemble discarded takes from the 1980 Flash Gordon soundtrack.)
Despite these limits, the 9-11 conspiracy docs will surely inspire further imitation, and their wiki-style muckraking is bound to dig up something important during an administration addicted to data-fudging and cover-ups. In a world that increasingly seems all fringe and no center, other radical and niche ideologies will undoubtedly embrace the no-holds-barred, blog-friendly, direct-to-YouTube format.
With any luck, we'll see a whole new batch three years from now, made by embittered, paranoid conservatives who have been voted out of power.

The New York Times /
NY Times Features Barrett's 9/11 Free Speech Fight
In the MediaA Skeptic on 9/11 Prompts Questions on Academic Freedom
By Gretchen Ruethling
The New York Times
August 1, 2006
The 9/11 skeptic-slamming Gray Lady of establishment journalism finally offers some cautious coverage of Kevin Barrett's 9/11 free speech battle in Wisconsin. Yes, they bounce blithely past Barrett's evidentiary case for US gov complicity and feebly try to associate him with Ward Churchill (to alienate 9/11 families?) and a Holocaust denier (to turn off everyone else?), but on the whole it's another useful little breakthrough moment exposing the inconvenient endurance of 9/11 truth. - Ed.
MADISON, Wis., July 26 — Sipping on a bottle of water and holding a book about the history and future of Islam, Kevin Barrett ticked off a few examples of what he saw as evidence that the Sept. 11 attacks had been an "inside job."
As children zoomed by on tricycles and shot basketballs at a community center near his home, Mr. Barrett, 47, described how some news orgainzations (the French daily newspaper Figaro and Radio France International, in fact) had reported that an agent from the Central Intelligence Agency visited with Osama bin Laden two months before the attacks. He also said fires could not have caused the collapse of the World Trade Center towers at free-fall speed, as reported by the special Sept. 11 commission.
"The 9/11 report will be universally reviled as a sham and a cover-up very soon," said Mr. Barrett, who has been a teacher's assistant or lecturer on Islam, African literature and other subjects at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, since 1996. "The 9/11 commission has its conspiracy theory, and we have ours."

9/11 and the NeoCon Agenda on CSPAN 1!
In the Media
Another breakthrough media moment! This weekend CSPAN 1, the main CSPAN channel, will broadcast a truly powerful panel discussion from the June American Scholars Symposium: "9/11 and the Neocon Agenda," and will air it three times in prime viewing slots.
Click graphic for more details.
This dynamic panel including Professor Steven Jones, Col. Robert Bowman, Professor James Fetzer, Webster Tarpley and Alex Jones, powerfully demolishes the government's official story of what happened on 9/11.
CSPAN's schedule now confirms that the L.A. panel discussion on 9/11 will be broadcast Saturday night, July 29, at 8:00 PM (EDT), 11:00PM (EDT), and Sunday, July 30 at 2:15 PM (EDT) .
Pass the word and crank up the VCRs... -- Courtesy of

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