Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WYWTBI Korea? Promotion Has Started in Earnest: Prepare to Be T's'd.


FYI, after doing random searches for "wywtbi" and seeing the site referenced and mirrored worldwide, I'm quite happy about it. Partly because it's so different from English, it was neat to see it in Korean:


WYWTBI Home Site:

I hope Zazzle is doing it for everyone or because they like my stuff, I'll call and find out tomorrow. I sold a few and I'm waiting for the next report, but I'm also looking for honest to good or badness positive and negative feedback so I know what to keep and lose, direction to go in, etc.  I'm serious and it's fun.

I've started contacting friends on Facebook and I'm getting great feedback and look forward to more. Next is LinkedIn, stores, the media and more before Valentine's Day. Hey now, I'm not saying they'll change the world, but hopefully occupy a stable and productive place in it, or what many an artist has sought.

It may sound silly, but that's better than scary, so I'll take it, laugh and run with it for now. If this goes well I may try complementary music and stand-up comedy, or see what the market wants and accommodate, like act and sing in a cover band. That plus more interviews and journalism, a podcast and more fun.

After an extended personal break I'm coming back on personal business while making more money, friends and fun. I don't think I can change the past, but I do think I can change the future along with everyone else who thinks they can. Perhaps it's important to some of us. If so, I look forward to being in touch.




WYWTBI Consulting (Private Conversations About What-everrr...)



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