There are probably at least a thousand Canadians working on the big problems with globalization we face, like the control of Canada by international banks and other institutions that affect every aspect of our lives. Beyond traditional activism, which rarely looks into the role of big banks, big finance, big foundations, international institutions and more, they share info about the 9/11 attacks, fluoride, vaccines, other health risks and more esoteric aspects of the system that we all live in.
While no two people on earth agree on everything, everyone can learn something new about where they live, or just see if something is worth learning. Like anything else, what we do with what we learn is important. If we habitualize a weak or non-response, we'll get used to what we learn. If we each make smarter choices and figure out how to find our voice for freedom, we can figure out how to translate what we know so everyone around us can easily see what's worth looking into.
Below are a few bios and websites where you can see the work of fellow Canadians, including radio shows, documentaries, video reports, links, flyers, dvd's and more. There's something here for everyone to get more informed and make better choices to improve everyone's lives. Of course, there's no quick-fix for all our problems, but knowing that we're working on them with a positive outlook can give us more energy and control of our future. We're lucky millions of people worldwide feel the same.
We Are Change27 Canadian Affiliates out of 200 Worldwide
Independent Radio.
Alan Watt's Cutting Through The Matrixhttp://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/
Richard Syrett's The Conspiracy Showhttp://www.richardsyrett.com/
James Corbett's The Corbett Reporthttp://www.corbettreport.com/
Shannon Reinhardt's CKLN 88.1 FM Plunder Newshttp://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/46323
Dr. Christopher Holmes' Zero Point Radiohttp://www.zeropoint.ca/zpradio.html
Truther Girls Video and Radio Showhttp://thetruthergirls.com/
Stefan Molyneux's Freedomain Radiohttp://www.freedomainradio.com/
Black Krishna's CKLN 88.1 FM Rude Awakeninghttp://blackkrishna.blogspot.com/
Independent Journalism.
Press For Truthhttp://pressfortruth.ca/
Global Researchhttp://www.globalresearch.ca/
Toronto Street Newshttp://www.torontostreetnews.com/
SiLSa! Productionshttp://www.youtube.com/user/SupportLocalScene
Conspiracy Culture Book and DVD Storehttp://www.conspiracyculture.com/
Toronto G20 Exposedhttp://www.torontog20exposed.ca/
NAU Resistancehttp://nauresistance.org/
DJ Logitekhttp://www.youtube.com/user/djlogitek
Owen Sound Free Presshttp://owensoundfreepress.com/
The Great Conspiracyhttp://greatconspiracy.ca/
Studies In Propagandahttp://www.facebook.com/pages/STUDIES-IN-PROPAGANDA-by-Sydney-White/113460515334070
Peace and Lovehttp://www.peaceandlove.ca/
Canadians for Health Freedomhttp://canadiansforhealthfreedom.wordpress.com/
Fluoride Action Networkhttp://www.fluoridealert.org/
Vaccine Risk Awareness Networkhttp://vran.org/
Global Outlook Magazinehttp://www.globaloutlook.ca/
Stop Lying .Cahttp://www.stoplying.ca/
Independent Activism.
Toronto Truth Seekershttp://torontotruthseekers.com/
Info Army .Orghttp://www.infoarmy.org/
Civil Information Activisthttp://www.ciactivist.org/
Truth Action Ottawahttp://truthactionottawa.com/
We Are Change Ottawahttp://www.ottawa911truth.com/
Canadian Action Partyhttp://canadianactionparty.ca/
Canadian 9/11 Truth Groups.
AlbertaCalgary 9/11 Truth - http://www.calgary911truth.org/
Edmonton 9/11 Truth - http://911truthedmonton.blogspot.com/
British ColumbiaFraser Valley 9/11 Truth - http://www.fv911truth.org/
Nanaimo 9/11 Truth - http://tribes.tribe.net/nanaimo911truth
Vancouver 9/11 Truth - http://www.v911truth.org/
Vernon 9/11 Truth - http://www.vernon911truth.org/
Victoria 9/11 Truth - http://www.vic911truth.org/index.html
WeAreChange Cranbrook - http://wearechangecranbrook.ning.com/
WeAreChange Vancouver - http://www.wearechangevancouver.org/
ManitobaWinnipeg - http://www.stoplying.ca/
Newfoundland and LabradorSt. John's 9/11 Truth - http://www.nl911truth.blogspot.com
Nova ScotiaHalifax 9/11 Truth - http://www.halifax911truth.blogspot.com/
OntarioKitchener 9/11 Truth - http://kitchener911truth.blogspot.com/
Ottawa 9/11 Truth - http://www.ottawa911truth.com/main/
Sarnia 9/11 Truth - http://www.myspace.com/sarnia911
Toronto 9/11 Truth - http://www.toronto911truth.com/
Toronto Truth Seekers - http://www.torontotruthseekers.com/
Truth Action Ottawa - http://truthactionottawa.com/main/
University of Waterloo 9/11 Research Group - http://uwaterloo911.wordpress.com/
WeAreChange Brantford - http://wearechangebrant.blogspot.com/
WeAreChange Ottawa - http://www.wearechangeottawa.org/
QuebecMontreal 9/11 Truth - http://www.mtl911truth.org/
Sherbrooke 9/11 Truth - http://911truth-sherbrooke.org
YukonYukon 9/11 Truth - http://www.yukon911truth.com/
Canadians for 9/11 Truth - http://canadawantsthetruth911.blogspot.com/
9/11 Truth Canada - http://911truth.ca/
9/11 Truth .Org Links - http://www.911truth.org/links.php
Sometimes I ask people who they admire since it may help us live in a world worth admiring. Sometimes the answer is a sports star or celebrity. Sometimes others. Sometimes it's historical figures. Sometimes there's no answer. Today, many people think there aren't many people worth admiring the way we used to anymore.
Below are some of the people in Toronto I admire, so hopefully others can at least appreciate some of their work. No two people agree on everything all the time, so I don't expect anyone to agree with everything they say. But, I still admire and appreciate what they say and do on behalf of others and hope you do too.
Warm regards,
Victor Fletcher, Publisher, "Toronto Street News"The Chairman Emeritus of Toronto Truth who's spent the last 12 years putting over $1 million in the pockets of Toronto's homeless years while sharing all the truth he can find. Victor's our best bet to get good news to improve our health, wealth and relationships, plus some good karma by giving $2 to the homeless to get it.
Barrie Zwicker, Professor, TV Host, Author "The Great Conspiracy"On Vision TV, Barrie was one of the first journalists in the world to question the official story of the 9/11 attacks, something most of us now do (while the TV mostly ignores it). He helped organize the second international inquiry into them in Toronto in 2004. His accolades over a distinguished career go on and on.
Ian Woods, Publisher, "Global Outlook Magazine"Many deserve credit, but Ian is a big reason why many in Toronto get it, or know how the people behind globalization affect us and what we can do about it. His massive magazines with great articles and where to order hundreds of books and dvd's on 9/11 Truth, health, money and more gave us a great chance to.
Sydney White, Professor, "Studies in Propaganda" (U of T)A fiery speaker and great teacher, Sydney has been a fixture on the scene for years while hosting classes on a variety of world issues at University of Toronto, speaking at rallies, advising young and old alike and proving that we might be in a better mood if we're mad about the right things. Her course can be found at:
Terry Burrows, Project Coordinator, "Skeptics Inquiry for Truth (SIFT)"A founding member of SIFT, Terry along with Norman Thackeray and others, help give young Toronto truth seekers a sense of history and this "conspiracy" stuff more credibility. They're nice, normal, Canadian old white guys who just happen to be able to handle it well. Terry's recent G20 provocateur expose is below.
Dan Dicks, Journalist, Filmmaker, Owner of "Press For Truth"One of the nicest and most normal guys you'll meet has a tattoo of a giant exploding pyramid on his arm. Dan learned who "they" are years ago, researched it, and now owns one of the most respected indie media companies in Toronto. Their new film is called "United We Fall" and they're hard at work on a G20 expose.
Patrick Whyte, Owner of the "Conspiracy Culture" Book, DVD and More StoreAfter partying in the underground rave scene, Patrick and I re-connected years later and discovered we both got older, more mature and into figuring out how we can share the truth we all need to know with our fellow Canadians. His beautiful store on Queen Street is admired by his customers and the media. Check it out.
More shortly...http://www.whatyouwanttobelievein.com/119112.html
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