Mission B.C. homeowner fined $5,200 for growing cucumbers: Another good reason to March On Ottawa in 2011?
Just caught this article about a man in B.C. fined $5000 for growing cucumbers in his basement from a posting at Alan Watt's Cutting Through The Matrix .com. It's probably part of the "food safety" Bill C-36 Act that finally passed after several incarnations and Harper stacking the Senate with his lackeys. This is bad news.
According to Dr. Rima Laibow (among others), similar acts worldwide give the UN control the world's food supply under Codex Alimentarius (.net) regulations. This includes criminalizing vitamins, herbs and minerals unless small amounts are given by prescription like Europe, introducing banned toxins and regulating production.
Non-compliance by December 31, 2010 would result in losing any cases brought up in court at the WTO (World Trade Organization). We just squeaked by and can't be sued by Finland for all our trees and lose, for example. Now, we have crackhouse style laws against purveyors of home-grown food. Now, we can see them in action.
Fortunately, many Canadians have been active on this and people know about it. Senator Elaine McCoy was blogging about Bill C-36 live from the Senate floor and warning us Health Canada was asking for drastic new warrantless powers, more than the cops have, to arrest people and take their property even without a trial.
Using "grow-ops" as their excuse after they've been in the news is a nice touch.
Especially with no evidence that anything (previously) illegal was being grown.
We can see the conspira-stories we've seen for years turning into reality.
Another good reason to March On Ottawa on Canada Day in 2011?
Mission homeowner fined $5,200 for growing cucumbers
Citizens planning class-action suit over municipal grow-op inspections
By Sam Cooper, The Province January 10, 2011 Comments (100)
There’s no way Len Gratto is paying a $5,200 fine to Mission city hall for growing cucumbers in his basement.
Gratto — a 67-year-old who has lived for 30 years with his wife in their Mission home — says he’s raring to join an imminent class-action lawsuit attacking the municipality’s grow-op bylaw inspections.
A number of citizens, led by Mission man Stacy Gowanlock, will allege their homes were illegally searched for pot grow-ops and they were slapped with fees and repair orders costing upward of $10,000 — all on questionable evidence.
Gratto says he’s never grown pot, but “laughable” evidence against him consists of pictures of some “dirt” on the basement wall and “a furnace pipe going up into the chimney, where it should be.”
“It’s upsetting they can do this,” Gratto said. “We were growing cucumbers in the basement because they wouldn’t take outside.”
Gowanlock said he was searched in 2009 and hit with thousands in fees and repair orders despite never growing pot in his home. A lawyer could be filing his civil suit within days, he said.
“I’m going to be the one that steps forward,” he said. “It’s the whole process. You’re violating people’s rights.” ...
... Including both RCMP and PSIT searches, inspection fees of $5,200 were levied 275 times. Mission says its inspection program is revenue neutral, and paid back its startup costs by Dec. 31, 2009. Fees include funding for the RCMP, who monitor searches from the sidelines.
Critics such as Gowanlock claim Mission’s inspection funding scheme amounts to a “cash grab.”
Coun. Jenny Stevens says she initially supported the program, but now believes about half of homeowners inspected are innocent.
“My biggest worry is about 50 per cent of these people were subjected to embarrassment and innuendo,” she said. “I’m very concerned about the threat of litigation . . .”
Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
Dr. Rima Laibow - 40 mins
Bill C-36 Lost
Posted By Senator Elaine McCoy - Dec 14 2010 - 07:38AM
Bill C-36, the Consumer Products Safety Act, was lost in the Senate last night. I say 'lost' even though a majority of senators voted to pass the bill. Unfortunately, a majority also defeated several amendments designed to preserve Canadians' safety from unwarranted state intervention.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: must we choose between product safety and citizen safety? The answer is no (scroll down to the 2030 mark). To pose the question that way is to create a false dichotomy.
We could have had safety for both citizens and consumers. Instead we've ended up with a law that allows bureaucrats to run roughshod over the interests of private citizens, innocent or otherwise.
Is that what you, a Canadian citizen as well as a consumer, really want?
Codex Alimentarius
The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Welcome to New Codex Members
It is with great pleasure that we welcome the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Nauru as members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Regions: Europe and South West Pacific).
This brings the membership of the Commission to 185 members (184 member countries and one member organisation).
UPDATE: 2 Comments
Anonymous Anonymous said...
take action :
A Referendum for Natural Remedies
2. Stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive
3. Stop Codex Alimentarius
2:07 PM
Blogger Black Krishna said...
Thanks 4 the add, I'll add it to the post, it's good to know where to go to know how to show we're ready to know, show and go thanks to all the great people with info! :-)
2:18 PM
take action :
A Referendum for Natural Remedies
2. Stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive
3. Stop Codex Alimentarius
Thanks 4 the add, I'll add it to the post, it's good to know where to go to know how to show we're ready to know, show and go thanks to all the great people with info! :-)
Stop GMO poluting the Planet and causing all sorts of disorders both in humans and animals.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eilDbdLAyFs
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