Vancouver 9/11 Truth Strikes Again -- Makes Infowars Front Page!

Courtesy of Darren Pearson, Vancouver 9/11 Truth:
Front page of Infowars! (that's Alex Jones in Texas)
Vancouver 9/11 Truth Strikes Again
wearechangevancouver | You Tube | February 13, 2011
CTV’s 1 Year Olympic Anniversary Broadcast gets infiltrated by peace activists and their signs, again.
Necessary Guerrilla tactics in the face of media silence on endless war and the reason for it all.
Bonus: Do-It Yourself Labeling! :-P
Do-it-yourself GMO labels: Show grocers how to label their GMO and factory farmed foods!
Ronnie Cummins | Natural News | February 16, 2011
(NaturalNews) This month, the Millions Against Monsanto Truth-in-Labeling Campaign will start taking matters into our own hands. We're sticking "Oh No! Is It GMO?" labels on non-organic foods likely to contain GMOs as well as non-organic meat, dairy, and eggs coming from animals raised in CAFOs, (Confined Animal Feeding Operations), where they are force-fed GM grains. Utilizing OCA's petitions, you can send grocers photos of your handiwork.
First, download the Non-GMO Shopping guide and our "Oh No! Is It GMO?" sticker from the links provided. Take them to your local grocery store, Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and label the products that you suspect to be contaminated with GMOs. Take a picture of the product with the new "truth label" and then send it to your grocers using the "See Me" function at the end of the action alerts below.
Not comfortable "guerrilla stickering" in your store? Look in your pantry. Unfortunately, there's bound to be some GMO products in there too. Put a label on them, take a picture and send it to the grocer you got it from, using the alerts below.
Here are the tools you need:
#1 The Non-GMO Shopping Guide
#2 "Oh No! Is It GMO?" Stickers
(Prints on Avery #5160 address labels.)
#3 The Millions Against Monsanto Petitions
To Whole Foods:
To Trader Joe's:
To the top six food retailers:
#4 OCA's Activist Photo Album:
Learn more:
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