INFOWARS: Govt Blocks 84,000 Websites vs. V for Victory Continues to Draw Strong Submissions vs. Cheney WeAreChange-Challenged

Just a head's up, while we get tons of info, and the iPhone (etc.) is really cool, it can be hard to keep track of the game by putting the pieces together. Great websites like with the best of the day's mainstream news and more can help. Right now, it looks like -- after the media widely introduced the concept in Egypt -- the U.S. government is looking at using a "kill switch" to shut off the internet. Policies are in place and governments worldwide might try this too. We even sort of expect it.
After years of warnings about almost everything, from the police state, the financial meltdown, to nuking Iran and losing the internet, everything is getting sort of "old" today. We're being conditioned to accept every apocalyptic possibility in the book, or in movies, music, tv, videogames, websites and more for that matter, too put us in a permanent state of fear and to give the new world order behind this lots of options. No matter what happens we can nearly all say "I told you so", or something like it.
Before whatever happens, or more accurately continues, we can see it's important to be able to talk about this stuff with people in our community -- offline -- where we can speak in more detail about how to deal with it. Our online communications are getting shorter, snarkier and sillier, even about conspira-stuff. That's why there's very little action-planning going on. If this carries over offline, we literally won't be able to "talk" about what to do in the event of an emergency, or better yet before.
Since most adults are obviously capable and intelligent enough to figure out a lot, including what's been done so far in the info war and more that can work where they live, we just have to beat the mind control that keeps many of us from taking action. Based on how science and PR has been used against us so far, we might be in a last stand for the fate of the human mind vs fear. One guy to help us do that is Luke Rudkowski and the folks at WeAreChange. Hell, they just went after Dick Cheney.
Can people get inspired to act instead of just entertained by acts like this they see?
If we lose the internet, will we be able to "talk" about this stuff with others -- offline?
Unless we practice informing the people around us -- will we even be able to later?
If we don't try to act in small ways now, will we know how to act in big ways later?
Fortunately, we have the info war that's put us in a position to win, so we can use it.
People have passed on info to resist tyranny for thousands of years, we should too.
The "V for Victory" postering campaign put on by is still going strong.
Perhaps we can all find ways to at least start thinking about doing something like it.
Kill Switch Beta: Government Blocks 84,000 Websites
Kurt Nimmo | | February 16, 2011
Under the banner of fighting child pornography, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice knocked out 84,000 websites last week. The websites did not host or link to child pornography as the government claims.
“As part of ‘Operation Save Our Children‘ ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center has again seized several domain names, but not without making a huge error. Last Friday, thousands of site owners were surprised by a rather worrying banner that was placed on their domain,” reports TorrentFreak, a tech site.
V for Victory Continues to Draw Strong Submissions | February 16, 2011
Submissions for The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Contest continue to flood in. The contest is intended to counter government media propaganda assaulting the American people on all levels. It is designed to keep the Web free and resist Big Brother and Big Sis. It is a delivery vehicle for the message of liberty.
Please check out the rules and deadlines here.
Email info on your submission to
WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order
Aaron Dykes | | February 15, 2010
During the CPAC conference, confronted Cheney about these questions, which he refused to address.
“Hey Mr. Cheney, what did you do in the underground bunker on 9/11? Dick Cheney we know what you did on 9/11 with the standdown order. Norman Mineta testified against you on the 9/11 Commission report. What happened on 9/11?”
When he was being forced out, founder Luke Rudkowski calmly asked security not to push him; security backed off after asking him, ‘Are you being polite?’
WeAreChange confronts Dick Cheney Stand Down 9/11
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Wahsington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
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