Random E-Sack-Kickery: Your Health and Sanity in The Age of Treason


"Do-do-do, Do-do-do, Do-do-do,
You can't tell the woman from the man,
No, I say you can't,
'Cause they're dressed in the same pollution,
Dressed in the same pollution,
Their mind is confused with confusion,
With their problems since they've no solution,
They become the midnight ravers..."
- Bob Marley, "Midnight Ravers"
Random E-Sack-Kickery: Your Health and Sanity in The Age of Treason
yo meng, dunno where you're at, but i'm looking for human intell, and you're a human and you got intell, so if you wanna hang for a minit, i'm at [redacted] 'til the warm-brew stops flowin', oh baby, caffiesfy my soul. i'm still on my soldier in babylon sh-t, but everyone likes it, so that helps. i'm dying to make some music, but i'm finishing up the mayoralanalysis and putting the final plug and play plan together so we can see it. if men man-up and defend this country on behalf of wimmenz, childrinz and old people, then we'll win. if not, we'll lose. or, we'll be robbed and murdered to be precise, something i strive for to explain why this is important.
the problem is the bad guys know this and have been attacking our balls. i've bitched about this for years without knowing why it was happening. now tons of people do. we're learning everything about how we're being killed. we just don't seem to care. that's mind control. that's why i'm working hard to beat our mind control and think everyone else should too. the rest of how to beat these guys is easy. check out this 1958 book. this dood was a whistle-blowing doctor who exposed how they started attacking out balls way back then, so it's a good thing we still have them. if we do. we have enough proof to prove we should fight back, and we like to fight, so we should be aiight.
anyway, this is fun stuff meng, i've heard the advice of better men than are made today, and it feels good to stay alive in the new millenium... :-)
The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity
Old-Thinker News | August 19, 2010
By Daniel Taylor
Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer was in many ways a man ahead of his time, and most certainly controversial. He was attacked by the medical establishment for connecting diet with disease and mental health in his 1917 book Dietetics. Dr. Clymer received his medical degree in 1902 from the College of Medicine and Surgery in Chicago and began practicing Osteopathy. Accusations of fraud surround Dr. Clymer's career, including this 1923 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association which claims that, "Our records fail to show that this man was ever regularly graduated by any reputable medical college." What Clymer had to say more than likely had something to do with the denouncement that he received from the medical establishment.
Though Dr. Clymer may be surrounded with controversy, his 1958 book Your Health and Sanity in the Age of Treason exposes toxic food additives and fluoride with documentation - the majority of which are mainstream scientific studies - that can be verified many times over. What makes this book unique is the fact that Dr. Clymer was one of the first to point out that statements by the elite indicated that these toxins were to be deliberately released "...for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass..."
The book is appropriately subtitled; "Food and Liquids Used as a Medium in Deliberately and Carefully Planned Methods Developed by the Vicious Element of Humanity, for the Mental Deterioration and Moral Debasement of the Mass, as a Means Toward Their Enslavement."
Dr. Clymer introduces readers with a stark warning for the future, writing, "Imagine yourself if you can, becoming conscious that you are gradually losing your manhood; that your mind is rapidly deteriorating so that you are no longer capable of thinking clearly; unable to plan your future actions. Your resistance is becoming so weakened that you are no longer master of yourself. In short, you are rapidly developing into a moron, a robot, a zombie, readily subject to the dictates of others..."
Bertrand Russell's 1953 book The Impact of Science on Society is cited by Clymer as one example of the elite's desire to dominate the masses. Russell stated that under scientific tyranny, "Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible."
still here, it's one of my best counter-psyop spots, but nah, i'm not going to the [redacted] until i can talk to guys without them peeing their pants. i gotta take care of that or soon they'll sh-t bricks, and after that who the hell knows. enjoy though, i know everyone's trying hard to be more paranoid and boring and disconnected, but hopefully you smarter than average chatty-cathy doods can realize and beat that offa beer.
sure, but not as much fun as it could be unless we stop ignoring what each other is saying, forgetting how to talk and turning into pussies. check the message boards and conversations. otherwise i'd rather be chillin' with my bob, figuring out how to beat it, sharing it, getting it right and having it appreciated. i get more satisfaction from cutting loose and having it validated than from trying to act like a polite robot. other people do too. they just forget. it's cool, you'll see it for yourself anyway. there's a reason why a week can go by and people say they've been up to "nothing", or nothing they feel is worth talking about. that never used to happen. the worse we get at talking the less confident we are in explaining things, so we start to suck at it and respect and want to hear each other less.
we're forgetting how to enjoy the world and stuff and people in it. being able to do that without being forced to stop by someone else's fears and insecurities is preferable to biting my lip. i still hang with confident people, i just hate when nervous people make me nervous or ask me to babysit, so i'm a bit more selective with my time. no worries, i got the game on lock, i've just gotta unlock a few minds to explain it. there's still a few men left in canada. so, i'll find 'em. then we can take care of this crap. with just 30 million people in the second largest country in the world, there's no way in hell "we" are broke. we can learn to fascist-parrot retarded explanations for why we are, or we can learn to reject them. it's not hard and it's more fun than being f--ked, so i figure we'll catch on before we catch a bad one.
Bob Marley - Midnight Ravers
"Do-do-do, Do-do-do, Do-do-do,
You can't tell the woman from the man,
No, I say you can't,
'Cause they're dressed in the same pollution,
Dressed in the same pollution,
Their mind is confused with confusion,
With their problems since they've no solution,
They become the midnight ravers..."
- Bob Marley, "Midnight Ravers"


"Do-do-do, Do-do-do, Do-do-do,
You can't tell the woman from the man,
No, I say you can't,
'Cause they're dressed in the same pollution,
Dressed in the same pollution,
Their mind is confused with confusion,
With their problems since they've no solution,
They become the midnight ravers..."
- Bob Marley, "Midnight Ravers"
Random E-Sack-Kickery: Your Health and Sanity in The Age of Treason
yo meng, dunno where you're at, but i'm looking for human intell, and you're a human and you got intell, so if you wanna hang for a minit, i'm at [redacted] 'til the warm-brew stops flowin', oh baby, caffiesfy my soul. i'm still on my soldier in babylon sh-t, but everyone likes it, so that helps. i'm dying to make some music, but i'm finishing up the mayoralanalysis and putting the final plug and play plan together so we can see it. if men man-up and defend this country on behalf of wimmenz, childrinz and old people, then we'll win. if not, we'll lose. or, we'll be robbed and murdered to be precise, something i strive for to explain why this is important.
the problem is the bad guys know this and have been attacking our balls. i've bitched about this for years without knowing why it was happening. now tons of people do. we're learning everything about how we're being killed. we just don't seem to care. that's mind control. that's why i'm working hard to beat our mind control and think everyone else should too. the rest of how to beat these guys is easy. check out this 1958 book. this dood was a whistle-blowing doctor who exposed how they started attacking out balls way back then, so it's a good thing we still have them. if we do. we have enough proof to prove we should fight back, and we like to fight, so we should be aiight.
anyway, this is fun stuff meng, i've heard the advice of better men than are made today, and it feels good to stay alive in the new millenium... :-)
The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity
Old-Thinker News | August 19, 2010
By Daniel Taylor
Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer was in many ways a man ahead of his time, and most certainly controversial. He was attacked by the medical establishment for connecting diet with disease and mental health in his 1917 book Dietetics. Dr. Clymer received his medical degree in 1902 from the College of Medicine and Surgery in Chicago and began practicing Osteopathy. Accusations of fraud surround Dr. Clymer's career, including this 1923 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association which claims that, "Our records fail to show that this man was ever regularly graduated by any reputable medical college." What Clymer had to say more than likely had something to do with the denouncement that he received from the medical establishment.
Though Dr. Clymer may be surrounded with controversy, his 1958 book Your Health and Sanity in the Age of Treason exposes toxic food additives and fluoride with documentation - the majority of which are mainstream scientific studies - that can be verified many times over. What makes this book unique is the fact that Dr. Clymer was one of the first to point out that statements by the elite indicated that these toxins were to be deliberately released "...for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass..."
The book is appropriately subtitled; "Food and Liquids Used as a Medium in Deliberately and Carefully Planned Methods Developed by the Vicious Element of Humanity, for the Mental Deterioration and Moral Debasement of the Mass, as a Means Toward Their Enslavement."
Dr. Clymer introduces readers with a stark warning for the future, writing, "Imagine yourself if you can, becoming conscious that you are gradually losing your manhood; that your mind is rapidly deteriorating so that you are no longer capable of thinking clearly; unable to plan your future actions. Your resistance is becoming so weakened that you are no longer master of yourself. In short, you are rapidly developing into a moron, a robot, a zombie, readily subject to the dictates of others..."
Bertrand Russell's 1953 book The Impact of Science on Society is cited by Clymer as one example of the elite's desire to dominate the masses. Russell stated that under scientific tyranny, "Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible."
still here, it's one of my best counter-psyop spots, but nah, i'm not going to the [redacted] until i can talk to guys without them peeing their pants. i gotta take care of that or soon they'll sh-t bricks, and after that who the hell knows. enjoy though, i know everyone's trying hard to be more paranoid and boring and disconnected, but hopefully you smarter than average chatty-cathy doods can realize and beat that offa beer.
sure, but not as much fun as it could be unless we stop ignoring what each other is saying, forgetting how to talk and turning into pussies. check the message boards and conversations. otherwise i'd rather be chillin' with my bob, figuring out how to beat it, sharing it, getting it right and having it appreciated. i get more satisfaction from cutting loose and having it validated than from trying to act like a polite robot. other people do too. they just forget. it's cool, you'll see it for yourself anyway. there's a reason why a week can go by and people say they've been up to "nothing", or nothing they feel is worth talking about. that never used to happen. the worse we get at talking the less confident we are in explaining things, so we start to suck at it and respect and want to hear each other less.
we're forgetting how to enjoy the world and stuff and people in it. being able to do that without being forced to stop by someone else's fears and insecurities is preferable to biting my lip. i still hang with confident people, i just hate when nervous people make me nervous or ask me to babysit, so i'm a bit more selective with my time. no worries, i got the game on lock, i've just gotta unlock a few minds to explain it. there's still a few men left in canada. so, i'll find 'em. then we can take care of this crap. with just 30 million people in the second largest country in the world, there's no way in hell "we" are broke. we can learn to fascist-parrot retarded explanations for why we are, or we can learn to reject them. it's not hard and it's more fun than being f--ked, so i figure we'll catch on before we catch a bad one.
Bob Marley - Midnight Ravers
"Do-do-do, Do-do-do, Do-do-do,
You can't tell the woman from the man,
No, I say you can't,
'Cause they're dressed in the same pollution,
Dressed in the same pollution,
Their mind is confused with confusion,
With their problems since they've no solution,
They become the midnight ravers..."
- Bob Marley, "Midnight Ravers"
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