Sorry for the unusual emails, but I'm afraid the usual won't cut it before the G20.

"Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it..."
- Jay-Z, "Already Home"
Heya TTSsasins! ;-)
Sorry for the unusual emails, but I'm afraid the usual won't cut it before the G20. FYI, this is how we got going last year, or the people who could get us going did, myself included. Brad just dropped by the Second Cup near MuchMusic where I'm working, so we're going flyering.
However, either AJ's been listening to my show and biting my style, or it's just one of those times when all truther-leaders worldwide should say it, but it's the same damn thing that I've been saying for weeks now, and to some degree, for years. It's truer than ever, so we'll keep saying it.
I guess AJ's only being fair though, I've watched a bunch of his movies for free, plus I got the idea that we need our "faith to be justified by good works" and we need to "wake up to do stuff" from him anyway, among many others I respect. No worries, it's a great day so enjoy it, we will too! :-)
P.S. I'm half-joking about AJ stealing my stuff, but I'm good at this and would love it if he did, plus I hope we all repeat each others good ideas and analysis, so whatev's. Just speaking with Brad now, we realize that ANYTHING anti-NWO can work to win... we just need to tell other people about it! :-)
Alex Jones vs. 150 Years of Fake NWOwned Endtimers - 19May10
The Alex Jones Show (May 19, 2010) where AJ explains how the NWO promoted Biblical end-time scenarios to fool Protestants into not taking back their Christian country. Just a reminder that ANY faith without works doesn't work for anybody at all.
Alex Jones - You Wake Up 2 Take Action Glow-Worms - 19May10
The Alex Jones Show (May 19, 2010) where AJ explains how people are only supposed to "wake up" to "take action", or do something with what we've learned, just like all other successful people do. We can definitely win, we just have to act like it.
Hi [redacted].
Thanks so much, I'm glad you like the increased intensity on the show, plus it's always great to hear from you too! :-)
I agree, and your "drip-drip" analogy is brilliant. All the little irritating things we deal with weaken us to the point where we just feel like healing from it. That's why I avoid most of that crap, or, once you're more conspirienced, you learn to laugh at it.
Just got back from several hours of postering and flyering with my buddy Brad (the 12-foot tall white rabbit! ;-) today too. I've been going from about 4:30 am to 1:30 am since Sunday. But, it's not as hard as you'd think when you're motivated.
Frankly, it's really no big deal just because it happens to be about "this" stuff. I look at it just like anybody else who's motivated to win an Olympic medal, figure out a scientific equation, get a rilly nice butt, or like, what-ev-errr... :-P
Sorry, I know I said I wasn't going to email anymore today, but this is a "Can we focus now since lots of people are looking at us?" bonus email. Mark passed on an email from CityTV, they wanted to know who from our successful TTS group they can contact.
I'll protect their name, but what I wrote on behalf of TTS (cc'ing Mark) is below. After all that we've done for a year, it would be a shame for "us" -- or -- "Hey! It's the anti-vaccine guys who saved my kid!" to suddenly lose our focus now right before the G20.
On that note: please keep in mind that I'm just a humble strategist, nothing more, nothing less. If a muslim came to me and said: "Hey Vij, I think Mohammad wants us to fight corruption, and you know a lot about that crap, so what the heck should we do?"
Then I'd tell him, or anyone else who wanted to "act right" based on their own beliefs for their -- or -- all people. I also know people didn't want Bob Marley to make "Kaya", 2Pac to do half the stuff he did, Gandhi to dress like crap, and so on. So: I'm not playing.
When people suggest they don't want to listen to "me", or they want to fold their hands across their chest until I dance or sing the way they want to, I just feel bad for them. Don't think you can build me up -- or -- tear me down. Think you can build yourself up.
See: in our crack'd mirror culture, we're too-fickle for ANYBODY to handle this "Get Up, Stand Up!" crap in ways that can make everyone happy. However: if you already like and respect somebody: listen to them. Then: ask for my advice. Then: do stuff.
Anyway, this is as short as I can make this analysis in email form. An old friend is even complaining that my writing sounds less fluid than it used to, but I'm trying to make it as short as possible (spaced and twatted) while saying something. As you'd like.
Subject: [FWD: CityTV G20]
Hi [redacted],
Thanks and it's great to hear from you, on behalf of Mark and all of us at Toronto Truth Seekers (TTS), we appreciate your time. My name is Vijay Sarma, my phone number is 647-865-9292, and you can call or email as you'd like. I can answer for TTS right away, or if you have time, I can take issues back to the group to get a variety of answers. Much obliged!
Warm regards,
Vijay Sarma
1512-C Dundas St. West
Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1T5
uh oh... here we might go again.
fyi, i don't trust mike worth a damn. he didn't respond to my answering his question, but that's not my issue. it's everything he writes. the NWO doesn't have any new tricks. they don't think they need any. this is an ancient one. and we saw it last week.
anyway, we'll see what happens. personally, i think this is a test of our discipline. we can discuss christianity and freeman(sanry? -- joke! ;-) until the cows come home, but if we really want to use it to make a difference: then we should tell other people about it.
we can have the same arguments with each other over and over again, or we can figure out how to get 300 of us to email the same MP at the same time to apply pressure on them, for example. as an official affiliate: we should also "truth" too.
no worries. all we have to do is realize what's been done. when truthers do nothing, they think nothing can be done. however, when TTS did something, we proved something can be done, like many other groups. unless we've forgotten: we should remember.
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