Porn Again Christians: What's Really Happening and What God (and Truth?) May Have To Do With It

Porn Again Christians: What's Really Happening and What God (and Truth?) May Have To Do With It
Heya TTS Family and Friends,
Sorry for my confusin' ADD truthin', but I like to cross-train the brain. I'll set up the Facebook group, online poll, online petition, short emailable blurbs, graphics and other promotional tools for the "Fluoride - Endgame" campaign this evening and send them out later. However, my mind is currently preoccupied with porn.
Dr. Henry Makow can take credit for this, though I'm not sure if he'd want to. Then again, I did sodomize porn on this morning's CKLN radio show using articles from his website, so perhaps he might. The bottom-line is: pornography easily one of the most dangerous tools up the New World Orders' arse-nal. So: we should destroy it.
Now, lest I be accused of hypocrisy (I've seen porn) or prudery (I've seen how we were taught to accept, like and love porn), let me just say that I also just read several testimonials from of former porn stars, male and female, which oft-tell an oft-sad tale. As someone who is used to looking for credible info: I find this stuff incredible.
"Pink Cross Foundation is a faith-based IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to reaching out to adult industry workers offering emotional, financial and transitional support. We largely focus on reaching out to the adult film industry offering support to women and men. Pink Cross Foundation also reaches out to those struggling with pornography offering education and resources to recover."
Found this a while ago too: "What $56 Billion International Industry Is Ignored By Anti-Globalization Critics?"
With dis-respect to this, the top pornanalysts have it correct: almost nobody craps on porn. Not the "left", "right", "feminists", "academics", "journalists", "artists", "conspiracy theorists"... nobody. Since the NWO are likely run by Satanic pedophile guilds who abuse children - until many grow up to be porn stars - the cycle will continue until people decide to stop it.
Now, many people use versions of this logic to identify different groups of people and say: "See? They're the ones in charge!" However, in this case, logic is better used to define just how important "porn" is to the NWO plans. Not only are they selling us all their sadistic sexuality, they're teaching us to sell it to each other as - at worst - "normal" - and at best - "sexual liberation."
People who seek the "truth" - as many patriots define it today - need to have reasons for doing so that are not selfish. Otherwise the "truth" falls into the same "New Age" category of people just "learning" stuff and then "bragging" about how much they learned. FYI, this is where the Christian perspective on "G-d" comes in: most of these porn-survivors are born-again Christians who want to help others.
Hopefully this was some food for thought and action in today's info war; especially since we have to figure out how to share information with people to avoid losing it; which may also mean figuring out what people are preoccupied with instead. They say "sex sells", but since what we are "sold" is oft-B.S., perhaps the new version of "sex" we're sold is B.S. in the way of progress too. Hey now, I'm just sayin'. Surf's up.
No worries and no guilt, just stuff to do, as usual. For more perspicasperation, today's radio show is below.
Peace by piece...
March 4, 2010
CKLN Rude Awakening hosted by Black Krishna
Porn 2 Be Wild vs. Fluo-riiide vs. The Shadow Government
This episode: the launch of the Canadians Exposing The Fluoride Deception & Endgame campaign by Toronto Truth Seekers; seeing if opinions put on pieces of paper may be taken more seriously than those normally spoken; the author and producer/director of the hot new film "Shadow Government" that explains... well... you know... or if you don't... check it out; male-female relationships, Satanic pedophile guilds and the coolness, sadness and madness of porn are all discussed for our bemusement.
CKLN Rude Awakening is hosted by Black Krishna (BK) Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Download links by 8 am at, and Please contact with any questions, answers or suggestions..
Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water
Fluoricide - Promo Video
Legal Vaccine Exemption Forms
Numerous Vaccine (and other) Risk Awareness Flyers (search)
"Shadow Government" author and filmmakers Grant Jeffrey and Andre van Heerden on The Alex Jones Show (3/Mar/10)
Shadow Government
I'm a Prisoner of Porn and Can't Escape
Porn -- Watching Bruised, Drugged Prostitutes
Too Much of a Bad Thing: Internet Lures Kids into Porn Addiction
Pornstar Suicides
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