BK and Doug vs. The New World Order: Screw 'Em!

BK and Doug vs. The New World Order: Screw 'Em!
At the Behind The Green Doors Presents: Have You Ever Been Conspirienced? Bomb-Ass Shindiggery Inc. planning session house parties every Saturday in Toronto during January and February in 2009 (4:30 pm - 8:30 pm = save 90% of population from being murdered; 8:30 pm - ? = punch and cookies) host BK and guest Doug Plumb, former MP Candidate (Toronto Centre), journalist and researcher, discuss the New World Order on February 14, 2009 to plan for a great year where we finally figure out how to screw these bastards.
Activism and apathy and how never the twain should meet are explored in this two-part conversation that works independently and together. If we didn't know what was happening we'd have problems, but because we do know we have solutions, or we can all certainly think of them, including ones that anyone could use just in case they couldn't think of them. We all have our own stuff to do, but if we think of what all of us could do then all of us could do something to beat the New World Order. Then we would. Please see more of Doug's work by visiting DougPlumb.blogspot.com/ today!
Part 1 - 35 mins
Part 2 - 55 mins
Bonus Bit - 2 mins
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