Sunday, March 15, 2009

THE OBAMA DECEPTION: On DVD, Google Video, and more... it's awesome! :-)


Hey Folks,

I just finished watching "The Obama Deception" documentary and it's awesome, a great and timely explanation of what's happening right in front of us while many think it's something else. Brilliant experts, original documents, rare news and video footage and great sound and graphics explain the plan before Obama, behind Obama and for Obama in the future. There's a reason every corporation in the world promoted him for two years. It wasn't for us. Please spread the word and allow people see the film on DVD, Google Video, at or elsewhere so they can make up their own minds, if they really think the film is wrong they can stop watching it anyway. If billions of Obama supporters see and understand this, we're free at last, free at last, thanks God almighty we're free at last...



Alex Jones - The Obama Deception


On DVD -
