Game NWOver Grand Design Clothing Line

Work in progress clothing/gear line, but need to beat the NWO and stop WW3 now, so consider this public domain and open source. Feel free to get inspired and do something awesome with it, please email any results to so I can congratulate you - Peace, BK
Game NWOver Grand Design
(Title of each design minus parenthesis is what's on top of the t-shirt)
T-shirts, sweatshirts, laptop stickers, backpack logos, iron-ons, mugs, pens, etc.
Disclaimer: whether you agree or disagree, think, that way you won't get mindlessly angry, which we can all agree is bad. Incidentally, no two human beings on earth agree with each other on everything, so don't worry about it.
NWObama (1)
smiling Barack Obama picture with eyes blacked-out
in the middle of big Skull and Bones behind him
multiple colours, standard black, white, red, blue
in four bones corners (clockwise from top-left) pictures of:
Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Austin Goolsbee, Warren Buffett/George Soros/Wall Street
put names in small-type underneath the pictures
or, put names of Wall Street, CFR, New World Order, Ford Foundation, etc.
NWObama (2)
smiling Barack Obama picture with eyes blacked-out
NWO pyramid behind him with shining eye above
signs with lines pointing to blocks in the pyramid
Wall Street, Whoreporate Media, CFR, etc.
NWObama (3)
smiling Barack Obama picture with eyes blacked-out
Skull and Bones behind him over African continent
“Maurice Templespan has raped Africa for 50 years:
Why are you taking his blood money?”
McShame (1)
smiling John McCain with eyes blacked-out
in the middle of big Skull and Bones behind him
multiple colours, standard black, white, red, blue
in four bones corners (clockwise from top-left) signs/pictures of:
Vietnam POW's, Keating Five, Pork-money, Nuclear Bomb (at bottom)
McShame (2)
smiling John McCain picture with eyes blacked-out
NWO pyramid behind him with shining eye above
signs with lines pointing to blocks in the pyramid
Wall Street, Whoreporate Media, CFR, etc. (at bottom)
shots left to right of Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth, David Rockefeller
each just a head looking down and laughing manically
pulling puppet-strings on Obama and McCain dancing loosely
JibJab style graphics (at bottom)
NWO Wrestling
shots left to right of Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth, David Rockefeller
each just a head looking down and laughing manically
pulling puppet-strings on Obama and McCain dancing loosely (at bottom)
Feducation (1)
black stick figure with blockhead
arms slightly raised in shrugging motion
pastel colours: yellow, orange, pink, blue, green, etc.
great rave/club shirt, regular wear for all sizes, kids too
can be used for patches, mugs, etc.
(no website at bottom)
Feducation (2)
army of child soldiers with blacked-out eyes
wearing military uniforms with guns
Nazi logos where eyes should be (at bottom) (at bottom/option)
Environmental Illness (1)
cartoon person in the middle running
eyes closed and mouth open screaming
to the left is global warming sign and confused sun-monster
to the right is GMO, D.U., Fluoride, Codex, Pesticides, Lead signs and scary laughing dark-eyed monsters holding them
cartoony fun look, like newspaper editorial cartoon
(real green website)
Environmental Illness (2)
“Beware of... Climate Change!!!”
sun-wheel broken in four parts with line-divider
four sections with winter, spring, summer, fall on it
images in each section denoting seasons
Environmental Illness (3)
FLICK OFF??? (at top)
North American Union flag-merger
environmental regulations quote in the middle of it
Jerome Corsi, Connie Fogal, Ron Paul, whoever
“The North American Union will lower environmental standards to the level of Mexico or the Third World...” etc.
FLICK N.A.U.!!! (at bottom)
Environmental Illness (4)
two very simple images in the middle below headline
left is normal confused guy in shirts/shorts with “Guilty!” above his head
signs saying: SUV, lightbulbs, gas, fridge, etc. floating around him
right is corporate fat-cat smiling in a suit with “Innocent!” above his head
signs saying: GMO Food, Depleted Uranium, Sweetener, Fluoride, etc. floating
Environmental Illness (5)
“We found that global warming would fit the bill.”
quote from “The First Global Revolution” from The Club of Rome
UN logo in the background
confused/sad stick-figure guy emptying his empty pockets
NWO pyramid behind him with glowing eye from U.S. $1 bill
show it's from the U.S. $1 bill in the illustration
shot of Shrek flexing as graph behind him shows declining stock market
hands holding money, grimace/angry smile on his face
Donkey in background holding sub-prime mortgage in his teeth (at bottom)
Free The Masons (1)
show chains on ankles of stick-figures around the U.S. $1 bill pyramid
each of them carrying shovel, pick, hammer, etc.
different clothes on each figure
maybe below it
Free The Masons (2)
show Jay-Z/Kanye West throwing up the Roc-a-fella diamond
behind him is the Masonic Pyramid
maybe below it
Free The Masons (3)
shot of hermaphrodite cop outside cop-shop
at Bay and College building pyramid (at bottom)
Free The Masons (4)
screenshot of “It's hard these days for a Freemason” National Post
highlight/enlarge key sections of the article at bottom
Free The Masons (5)
“Why do old white people sell offensive music?” - BK
OTO – Order Templus Ordo (?)
Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal, Rap
or, just show Masonic hand-sign in middle of shirt under quote (at bottom)
O.G. Edward Griffin (1)
headshot of G. Edward Griffin over Scarface posture behind desk
copy the classic Scarface poster/t-shirt design
Illuminati pyramid behind him below it
O.G. Edward Griffin (2)
headshot of G. Edward Griffin cartoon illustration
wearing a skully and big rapper clothes/chains
flashing cash in his hand to the audience
Illuminati pyramid behind him below him
GAP Murde(Red) Campaign
“If it's so incurably infectious, where's it been in North America since the late 1980's? How come we all don't know five people with AIDS? Why do billions of dollars kill millions of Africans?” - BK
stylized italicized cursive script for quote below
Connie Fogal Canadians
Connie Fogal Canadians
her smiling face in the middle of a Canadian flag
CFC Fair Force Base (at bottom) (at bottom)
Skull and Boners
Bush and Kerry cartoons picking their noses sitting in coffins
McCain and Obama cartoons below it (optional) picking noses at bottom
big Frankenstein monster with dollar sign eyes
hands outstretched full of dollars
possibly Ben Bernanke's face on him
U.S. Federal Reserve scary mansion behind (at bottom of shirt)
Whoreporate Media
NWO pyramid with floating media companies around it
fuzzy TV screen in the middle of pyramid
Hey Alan, Watt's Going On?
white shirt with a giant red pill in the middle
maybe translucent with Neo's face in middle
maybe translucent with Alan Watt face in middle
maybe Alan Watt is wearing Neo's sunglasses at bottom
Codex Alimentarius
1)Criminalizes Vitamins and Supplements
2)Brings Back 7 out of 12 Banned Chemicals
3)Gives the UN Control of World's Food Supply at bottom at bottom (blue letters)
white shirt with red letters on top and bottom
black letters in middle
big UN logo in middle of shirt in background
Illuminati pyramid logo on it
middle of pyramid: Greenpeace, Red Cross, etc.
at three corners Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie Foundations
“Foundations were set up to destroy the family...”
Norman Dodds/Reece Commission 1954 quote
Your New World Orders Are No Good For You
Boys: Act Stupid, Act Tough, Shoot Stuff!
Girls: Make Your Hair Shiny, Make Your Ass Tiny!
Giant UN logo in background faded out (at bottom)
Air Jordan
shot of leaping Nike logo on either side of Illuminati pyramid pointing to top
picture of Jordan Maxwell in middle of pyramid (at bottom)
“Know What University Means?”
“Know What Diversity Means?”
Illuminati pyramid in the middle of questions
below a line (at bottom)
Heil Harper!
picture of Stephen Harper giving Nazi salute
picture of storm-troopers at Montebello behind him
picture of CBC news article “police caught infiltrating protest”
picture of union leader ripping mask off provocateur (at bottom) (at bottom option/instead) (at bottom option if allowed/instead)
New World Orderlies
pictures of Bush, Obama, McCain, Harper in nurse/surgeon smocks
performing surgery over North American continent (at bottom)
Fez Dispenser
Illuminati pyramid with big doorway at the front, at the bottom
two lines of robot-guys in Fez hats coming out towards us
each has theatre happy/sad face (left and right line) mask
like a conveyor belt of morons (at bottom)
Game NWOver
9/11 was an inside job pictures of protestors
other options of people speaking/acting up
news stories of celebrities/others
news stories of politicians in Japanese/Canadian parliament
shot of pyramid being destroyed in videogame, like Space Invaders with falling pyramid being shot at by craft on bottom of screen
other options? (at bottom)
GMOP – Genetically Modified Pussy
shot of girl with hyper-inflated boobs and butt
wearing a belly-shirt and short-shorts
tattoos and sucking on a lollipop (at bottom)
New World Ordained
shot of the Dalai Lama
CIAlai Lama 1954 – 2008 (at the bottom of his picture)
“Bush made mistakes... Hitler made mistake... Bush made mistakes... Hitler made mistakes...” quote continued below
The Masonic Dong
illustration of CN Tower and Toronto skyline
at bottom “Toronto, Canada” cursive tourist-shirt style
different colours, standard tourist shirt
Lululemon (U) Chickilluminati
Lululemon logo/symbol in middle of above (not copyrighted)
“Mindless . Lululemon Chickilluminati . Yoga-Robot Sex-Toy!”
pyramid lettering for the above sentence, the (.) is next line
sideways profile of chick in downward-dog pose in middle
Downward Doggy-Style (at bottom)
United Nazions
UN logo with Nazi symbol in the middle
Reverend Jones
picture of Alex Jones with priest collar pointing at us
cartoony faded style, maybe use Waking Life
maybe stick with natural skin color
“God wants you to fight evil!” quote below
line below that and below it
Welcome to 21st Century Propaganda
We Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay and Will Be Leaving Shortly...
list of websites below it from email signature
Anti-NWO Security
standard “Security” t-shirt
white letters, anti-NWO above it
Tarpology 101: Let's Get It
Webster Tarpley in Jedi/homie hooded sweatshirt sitting back
copy of Young Jeezy “Thug Motivation 101: Let's Get It” cover
multiple copies of “9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in U.S.A.” background
Webster Griffin Tarpley (name at bottom)
9/11: The Seven Year Snitch
picture of six major news anchors
ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, PBS, Democracy NOW
logos behind anchors pictures
Hollywood Squares style
The Nazilympics
Hitler designing the Olympic rings
holding them laughing
Vote or Die or Both!
pictures of ObaMcCain
images of war, police state
World War Three (at bottom)
Television Programming
children sitting on ground in front of screen facing us
or, slutty chick and dumbass dude on couch
they're on left, TV's on right blasting away
cartoons, Pussycat Dolls, war images... whatever
“Get It?” at bottom of shirt
“Even squirrels notice changes in their environment to survive.” - Alan Watt
images of trails in the sky and airforce planes
Look Up! (at bottom of shirt)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
MySpace -
YouTube -
Radio -
Welcome to 21st Century Propaganda...
We hope you enjoyed your stay and will be leaving shortly... - radio
South Park breaks down the herd...
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