NEW YORK TIMES: "Only the Jailers Are Safe" (Main Editorial) + FEMA Camp Better Quality Video (7 mins) + Dahr Jamail IS a HERO ("You Don't Know!")

Only the Jailers Are Safe
The New York Times | Editorial
Wednesday 20 December 2006
Ever since the world learned of the lawless state of American military prisons in Iraq, the administration has hidden behind the claim that only a few bad apples were brutalizing prisoners. President Bush also has dodged the full force of public outrage because the victims were foreigners, mostly Muslims, captured in what he has painted as a war against Islamic terrorists bent on destroying America.
This week, The Times published two articles that reminded us again that the American military prisons are profoundly and systemically broken and that no one is safe from the summary judgment and harsh treatment institutionalized by the White House and the Pentagon after 9/11.
On Monday, Michael Moss wrote about a U.S. contractor who was swept up in a military raid and dumped into a system where everyone is presumed guilty and denied any chance to prove otherwise.
Donald Vance, a 29-year-old Navy veteran from Chicago, was a whistle-blower who prompted the raid by tipping off the F.B.I. to suspicious activity at the company where he worked, including possible weapons trafficking. He was arrested and held for 97 days ó shackled and blindfolded, prevented from sleeping by blaring music and round-the-clock lights. In other words, he was subjected to the same mistreatment that thousands of non-Americans have been subjected to since the 2003 invasion.
Even after the military learned who Mr. Vance was, they continued to hold him in these abusive conditions for weeks more. He was not allowed to defend himself at the Potemkin hearing held to justify his detention. And that was special treatment. As an American citizen, he was at least allowed to attend his hearing. An Iraqi, or an Afghani, or any other foreigner, would have been barred from the room.
This is not the handiwork of a few out-of-control sadists at Abu Ghraib. This is a system that was created and operated outside American law and American standards of decency. Except for the few low-ranking soldiers periodically punished for abusing prisoners, it is a system without any accountability.
Yesterday, David Johnston reported that nearly 20 cases in which civilian contractors were accused of abusing detainees have been sent to the Justice Department. So far, the record is perfect: not a single indictment.
Administration officials said that prosecutors were hobbled by a lack of evidence and witnesses, or that the military's cases were simply shoddy. This sounds like another excuse from an administration that has papered over prisoner abuse and denied there is any connection between Mr. Bush's decision to flout the Geneva Conventions and the repeated cases of abuse and torture. We hope the new Congress will be more aggressive on this issue than the last one, which was more bent on preserving the Republican majority than preserving American values and rights. The lawless nature of Mr. Bush's war on terror has already cost the nation dearly in terms of global prestige, while increasing the risks facing every American serving in the military.
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FEMA Camp with Better Quality Video
::: 7 mins :::
All time views: 96,469
This is the one in Beech Grove but it's much sharper and larger.
I did some research on the "so called" furnaces and the white AGA Gas Inc. Cylinder.
The "so called" furnaces are exhaust fans.
AGA GAS Inc. Sells mostly asphyxiation type can verify this by doing a search via dogpile for AGA GAS Inc. and the look for web site MDS and they will list the gases.
In the video it shows a gas main, you can see there are 2 or 3 connections with regulators on top. Regulators are used to regulate pressure and gas mixtures.
It seems that this is indeed a death camp, for those on the red and blue list. It can process 26,000 people every 24hrs. The site has since been cleaned up to look inconspicuous.
Photo of FEMA Staff Members
Jeffery Armstrong, Theodore Monette, Barbara Russell, Doug Bond, Daniel Craig, Joe Bond
Harvard Extension School 2001 - 2002 Archives
FEMA Visits Harvard, Talks to Students About 9/11
by Harvard Extension School student Christy Colburn
Daniel Craig looks young and robust enough to be a college quarterback. Imagine the audience's surprise, then, when he was introduced as Regional Director for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the arm of the federal government that deals with disasters and that masterminded the emergency response to the tragic events of September 11. The quarterback analogy is actually apropos, as it was used by Mr. Craig himself to describe the purpose and activities of FEMA: "We are the quarterback; we [work with] other agencies to implement the Federal Response Plan."
Craig's speech was part of a special treat for the students of Harvard Extension School class GOVT E-1027 Preventive Measures: The Politics of Disasters. Four FEMA employees from different sectors of the agency visited the class on April 15 and described in detail how FEMA responds to emergencies, using September 11 as an illustrative example.
Eminem, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks and Cashis
You Dont Know (DVD rip)
Craig, who was recently appointed Director for FEMA Region I, explained that he received notification of his new job the evening of September 10, only 12 hours before the terrorist attacks began in New York City. "Usually they ease you into the job," he joked, "but we all know what happened." Mr. Craig went on to describe the serious mission of FEMA and how it operates during an emergency under the Federal Response Plan. He emphasized that the federal agency plays a coordinating role, supporting city and state efforts and ensuring that "first-responders" (police, firemen, and EMS personnel) have what they need to do their jobs. "We cannot do anything . . .without building partnerships, without working together," he said.
Along that vein, he made a plea for students and others to join the newly-proposed Citizen Corps, a network of volunteer efforts to prepare local communities for the prevention and response to disasters, or threats of disasters. He implored each of us to get involved, stating, "We need you to be part of your community. Your communities need you to be part of your community."
Craig also stressed the importance of planning and training for disasters so that responses can be as effective as possible. "Everything we do in emergency management is about the future--either preventing future disasters, or responding to future disasters." These were familiar words to the students of this class, who have been learning all semester about the importance of early warning and preparedness in the prevention and mitigation of humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters.
The second speaker, Theodore Monette, Acting Director of the Office of the Federal Coordinating Officers Program, began his presentation with the words, "What I want to do this evening is tell a story." And he did just that, recounting to students the efforts of FEMA during the September 11 crisis, for which he had the honor and distinction of being the Federal Coordinating Officer for the entire disaster.
Monette described the contributions that each of the 12 Emergency Support Functions--such as transportation, communications, and urban search and rescue--made during the response to the terrorist attacks. For example, on the morning of September 11, the vast majority of FEMA's senior management officials were, ironically enough, in Montana at a conference. The transportation department immediately shuttled these officials back to where they were needed most.
Monette also commented on the events that were unexpected or unique to September 11, such as the need for continuous security for response personnel in the face of ongoing terrorist threats. The entire 9/11 tragedy, he explained, changed some of the ways that FEMA must prepare for and respond to disasters.
Barbara Russell, Chief of the Mobile Operations Branch in FEMA's Operations Division, explained to students how FEMA responds in areas where important infrastructure, such as communications, has been disabled or destroyed.
The audience was treated to pictures of the mobile units used by FEMA such as Mobile Emergency Response Systems (MERS), which are perhaps better-known to readers as "those white trucks on The X-Files."The final speaker was a former student of the class, Jeffery Armstrong, who is now a FEMA employee. Armstrong shared some of the challenges he faced while serving as the Director of Security Operations at Ground Zero in New York City.
Eminem, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks and Cashis
You Dont Know (Live)
After the presentations, the four speakers fielded questions from the audience, who asked about topics ranging from funding sources for disaster management, to how the media helps or hampers the work of FEMA.
The general public may not realize the extent of FEMA's training and preparation for disasters, but everyone observed the payoff of such preparedness during the events of September 11. These four speakers revealed to the class what it likely took for granted: that as tragic as the day was, the end result could have been far worse had it not been for the extraordinarily coordinated and calculated efforts of FEMA and its partners.
Also see the article, FEMA officials recount agency's role in Sept. 11, in the May 2, 2002 issue of the Harvard University Gazette.

::: Dahr Jamail Audio & Video Available For Download :::
December 9, 2006 - Dori Smith interviews Dahr Jamail
In this half hour interview, journalist Dahr Jamail speaks about the reality of the Iraq Study Group Report and what is going on in Iraq today: US support for death squad militias, US air attacks, and the steady intensification of the violence. If US forces withdrew there may be a potential for the Iraqis to contain the worst perpetrators of violence, but without a major policy change the potential for worsening chaos and wider war persists.
Listen to Dahr Jamail Interviewed by Dori Smith 28megs 128K
Listen to Dahr Jamail Interviewed by Dori Smith 13megs 64K
December 1, 2006 - NPR interviews Dahr Jamail on State of Iraq Hospitals
The five minute interview with Michelle Norris is a good one. However, if the NPR show were true to its title, "All Things Considered" should have also considered the much larger role that the US has had in interfering with health care in Iraq, rather than focusing on the so called sectarian strife as responsible for the health care catastrophe in Iraq.
A recommended read to compliment this interview is Dahr Jamail's hospital report from a year and a half ago. Kudos to NPR for finally picking up the trail of the medical system catastrophe in Iraq.
Here's what NPR says of the interview:
"All things Considered December 1, 2006 · Iraq's Health Ministry is controlled by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's movement, under an agreement struck by ruling parties, and sectarian influence has impeded healthcare, according to Dahr Jamail, an independent journalist who's been covering Iraq's healthcare system for Inter Press Service, a nonprofit news organization focusing on developing countries.
Jamail says that in his interviews with doctors at 13 hospitals in and around Baghdad in 2004 and 2005, he discovered a highly politicized healthcare system in Iraq, as well as other challenges facing the country's ailing hospitals.
Michele Norris talks with Jamail."
Listen to Dahr Jamail on NPR December 1, 2006

Kurt Strand interview Dahr Jamail on Danish National Television.
On November 7, 2006 a lot of attention in Europe was directed toward the elections occuring within the US. National Danish Television interviewed Dahr Jamail on that day, and 10% of the Danish viewing TV at that time watched Dahr explain why US corporate media cannot be trusted in their reporting of the war in Iraq.
This 7 minute video is worth seeing. (the interview is in English, so just wait through the Danish at the beginning)
Talking about the fact of US corporate media distorting the truth from Iraq may raise eyebrows here in the US.
But in Europe, it is quite different. The viewer gets the sense that the same conversation is entirely mainstream in Europe.
Dahr Jamail on Democracy Now discusses May 30, 2006 US killing of two Iraqi women.
See the interview - Quicktime .MOV
See the interview - Windows Media .WMV
July 25 , 2006 - Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!
In this five minute clip, Dahr Jamail reports from the Hospitals in Beruit. He describes evidence of the use of white phosphorus and cluster bombs by the Israelis against the Lebanese. Dahr Jamail has spoken to some of the doctors that are working in Beruit. One doctor said that 55% of all of the casualties in Beruit were 15 years or younger and that 30% of all of the casualties from the Israeli attacks are dying. The doctor explained the high percentage of deaths being due to new weapons being used by Israel.
Dahr Jamail on Democracy Now July 24, 2006 from Beruit, Lebanon
See the interview - Streaming Flash Video
See the interview - Quicktime .MOV
See the interview - Windows Media .WMV

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they're lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism", "America: Freedom to Fascism" and "". Also, check the daily newswires at "" and "" -- and pass this info on to everybody -- NOW!!!

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