"Oooooh MySpace, MySpace... I'm talking 'bout... My-Spaaace... MySpace!"

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Sorry for the inconvenience. 12/6/2006
HUH? - http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=signout&MyToken=7aa9098c-eec0-4e3b-967b-939d539be958

[Ed note: I don't know what's really happening, but I do know that I can't be certain it's "nothing" any more that I can be that it's "something". I just uploaded a 13 minute video clip I titled "Indira Singh ANSWERS Questions" and accompaying profile in text, and am not sure if you'll get to see it or if MySpace will be neo-confiscated.
Oh well, I'm hoping for the best in predicting the worst, but as has been famously noted by Gil Scott-Heron and Chuck D among others, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised", so stop looking for evidence of it there. Focus on what Tim Robbins among others has called the "chill" in the air with regards to free speech and the elimination therein, including both social acceptability and general accessability, especially as they incrementally "take" the internet.
When the bastards pull the trigger (as if they haven't already), it won't be "CNN Headline News", it will be... forgotten. If done quietly, until the changes and depression are so natural that we settle for a fascist future that... umm... how do I put this... well, since they're using "1984" as an operations manual, I'll let George Orwell offer his shiny-shilling's worth, and it ain't a pick-me-up:
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
- George Orwell
Of course, he might be wrong, but of course, that might be only if we give a damn. They elite are 20 years behind schedule and getting old, so don't be surprised if they are in a rush to avoid us rushing to stop them, chipping away at our wherewithal and willpower in every way possible.]

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SOURCE - http://www.yahoo.com/

Profile: Indira Singh
Positions that Indira Singh has held:
* risk architect and volunteer emergency medical technician
Indira Singh participated in the following events as an active participant:
Early December, 2001
United Press International (UPI) publishes an article on the post-911 environmental conditions in downtown Manhattan. The news agency interviews Indira Singh, a risk architect and volunteer emergency medical technician, who says “that before the terrorist attacks she was a mountain climber and a pilot and in the top physical condition of her life but since then she has a cough, onset asthma, chest pain and headaches that won’t quit.” She adds that many of her neighbors “have coughs, headaches, ugly rashes, eye infections, people coughing up blood, kidney infections, upper respiratory problems, swollen tongues and most bizarre of all about a dozen had their dental work fall out.” [United Press International, 12/7/2001]
Entity Tags: Indira Singh
May-December 5, 2002: US Investigators Pressed to Look Into Ptech
Indira Singh. Indira Singh. [Source: Michael Kane] In October 2001, Ptech insiders attempted to warn the FBI that suspected terrorist financier Yassin al-Qadi had funded Ptech (see Shortly After October 12, 2001). Then Indira Singh, an employee at JP Morgan Chase bank, develops her own suspicions about Ptech after her bank assigned her to investigate Ptech for a potential business deal. In May 2002, she speaks with the FBI about her concerns. Weeks later, she learns the FBI still has not told any other government agencies about the potential Ptech security threat. She later will recall, “the language, the kind of language law enforcement, counterterrorism, and the FBI agents themselves were using basically indicated to me that absolutely no investigation was going on, that it was totally at a standstill, at which point my hair stood on end.” She contacts a Boston CBS television station, WBZ-TV, and a reporter for the station named Joe Bergantino begins investigating Ptech. [Boston Globe, 12/7/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002; National Public Radio, 12/8/2002] Around the same time, a former government official with contacts in the Bush administration tells officials at the National Security Council about the Ptech allegations. By late August, Operation Greenquest then opens its own Ptech investigation. The FBI then tries “to muscle its way back into the probe once it [becomes] clear that [Greenquest is] taking the case seriously.” [Newsweek, 12/6/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002] Beginning in late November, US agents begin calling Ptech officials and asking them if they have ties to money laundering, thus tipping them off. Ptech will also be notified when a December raid will be occurring before it happens. [Associated Press, 1/3/2003] WBZ-TV prepared a story on Ptech, but withheld it from the public for more than three months after receiving “calls from federal law enforcement agencies, some at the highest levels.” The station claims the government launched its Ptech probe in August 2002, after they “got wind of our investigation” and “asked us to hold the story so they could come out and do their raid and look like they’re ahead of the game.” [Boston Globe, 12/7/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002]
Entity Tags: Operation Greenquest, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Ptech Inc., National Security Council, Indira Singh
SOURCE - http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?entity=indira_singh

Comments of Indira Singh
Lower Manhattan Resident and Worker
66 Pearl Street, Apt. 508
New York, NY 10004
EPA Panel Hearing
July 26, 2004
SOURCE - http://www.911ea.org/July26,2004.Singh.Comment.pdf

by snowshoefilms Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 at 12:27 PM
INDIRA SINGH: Questions, answers, clarifications and hints. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Bob McIlvanie, Faiz Khan, Michael Ruppert, Nico Haupt et al. question whistleblower Singh’s explosive revelations about Ptech and other CIA front groups.
911Citizens Watch Inquiry, NYC Sept. 9, 2004.
video: windows media at 3.4 mebibytes
13:20 Minutes long, 3.5meg 56k windows media file.
add your comments
WATCH - http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2004/11/16555.php

Peace by paise...
Black Krishna Brand
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/blackkrishnaverse
Philosophy - http://blackkrishna.blogspot.com/
Music - http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/blackkrishna.htm
P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they're lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism", "America: Freedom to Fascism" and "SaveTheInternet.com". Also, check the daily newswires at "Infowars.com" and "PrisonPlanet.com" -- and pass this info on to everybody -- NOW!!!

Lou Dobbs told to Shut up!
Lou Dobbs reported today that "Dubai Ports World" officials have tried to silence him and get CNN to suppress his reports.
Mark Dennis, spokesman for Dubai Ports World: "CNN won't shut up Lou Dobbs."
They are refusing to give any more interviews to CNN or allow them to video tape their operations overseas. To CNN's credit they have refused to comply with their demands.
comments permalink5:16:03 PM
WATCH - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/02/27.html#a7324

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