INFOWARS.COM: "US journalists afraid their jobs will be outsourced" (Mainstream articles)
This is why I like and, they take the most important mostly mainstream news articles in the United States and the World and collect them for us, and I don't have to wait for one every 2 weeks in my local paper. Mainstream news journalists are now so useless that their jobs can be "outsourced", and hopefully your local Boston news lies out of Bangalore will at least be "export quality"...

Part of the reason is that advertising revenues for print media is dropping and people are failing to buy hard copies of their news.
The article cites the outsourcing of the business pages of the UK's Daily Express to India as an example of what could happen in the US.
The article mentions that much of the work being taken by India is the 'crap hack' work. Editors do not see the point of forcing hacks to churn out the Women's Institute results when they could be camped outside some b list celeb's house waiting to see who she is shagging this week.
However, the US print media, whose hacks are usually highly pretentious and not to mention better paid than the rest of the world, are starting to panic that their gravy train could be hitting the buffers.
Gone will be the days that they could wax lyrical about themselves for ten paragraphs before telling the news if an Indian turns out to be better at finding a better angle from Bangalore.

But the momentum for "offshoring" to other countries or outsourcing locally is accelerating as newspapers small and large seek ways to reduce costs in the face of severe stresses from sagging circulation and advertising revenue to shareholder pressure.
"Outsourcing plays a major part in the newspaper industry of today," the World Association of Newspapers concluded in a July study.
WAN, a Paris-based organization representing 72 national newspaper associations, conducted a global survey of about 350 newspapers in Europe, Asia and the United States, and company executives reported that they expected the outsourcing to increase, although few were willing to farm out all of their editorial functions.
Since then, the memos have been churning: The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio announced its intentions to shed 90 graphic design jobs and ship out the work to Affinity Express in Pune, India. The Contra Costa Times, a California newspaper newly acquired by Media News Group in the breakup of Knight Ridder, revealed plans to shift ad production positions to Express KCS in India, which bills itself as the "world's media back office."
In Britain, the tabloid Daily Express sparked an uproar in the newsroom when it chose to outsource its entire city business section to a local press association.
According to the newspaper's union, the executives chose this alternative only after touring potential companies in India that offered writing and copy editing services.
"It's a very depressing time to be working for newspapers," said one of the union representatives at The Daily Express, who declined to be identified because of concerns about job security. "The underlying theme is about the quality of what we're putting on the pages. The kind of a product that The Daily Express is going to have is a total disservice. If I was a reader, I would vote with my feet and stop buying it."
Paul Ashford, the group editorial director of The Daily Express who is negotiating with the union over the changes, declined to comment, saying that it would be inappropriate to discuss the issue while talks were continuing.
But there are a number of news organizations that have emerged as case studies for media companies weighing the benefits of reduced costs versus potential disadvantages like loss of control, company resistance and political backlash.
More than two years ago, Reuters, the financial news service, opened a new center in Bangalore. The 340 employees, including an editorial team of 13 local journalists, was deployed to write about corporate earnings and broker research on U.S. companies. Since then, the Reuters staff at the center has grown to about 1,600, with 100 journalists working on U.S. stories.
The company has also moved photo editing work from London and Washington, D.C., to Singapore.
More expansion is planned in India, according to David Schlesinger, Reuters global managing editor, who said costs were significantly lower in India, although the competition to recruit financial journalists there was increasing.
The system has "allowed us to really increase the breadth of companies that we cover," Schlesinger said. "One of the problems with the U.S. equities universe is that there are so many companies, and this has allowed us to cover so many more than we could before. And it's allowed us to increase our depth because it's freed up reporters in New York to do more."
He pointed out that the staff count in New York had actually increased since the Bangalore office opened. But that is small comfort to the Newspaper Guild of New York, which has engaged in a series of skirmishes with Reuters' management over the issue. Guild members picketed the Reuters office on Times Square last year, waged a byline strike over off-shoring and spoofed the potential for error in Bangalore with a paid advertisement in the Wall Street Journal.
The ad pictured the businessman Warren Buffett with a caption clearly intended for the singer Jimmy Buffet: "Buffett, known for such hits as 'Margaritaville' and 'Cheeseburger in Paradise,' promotes his upcoming tour."
But the more vociferous challenges subsided after a U.S. arbitrator ruled against a guild challenge that off-shoring jobs violated the guild's contract with Reuters.
The guild still maintains that "you can't cover Wall Street from Bangalore, India," said John Phillips, a guild representative and a former Reuters employee, who said that the system was a "recipe for disaster," with Bangalore employees making judgment calls about the importance of news stories from an office 9,000 miles, or 14,400 kilometers, away.
But guild reporters in New York cannot match the price differential in Bangalore, where wages and rents are less than one-fifth those of Western capitals. In Amhmedabad, 300 miles, or 480 kilometers, north of Mumbai, Hi-Tech Export offers a discounted rate for 40 hours of editing services starting at €280, or $359.
Since 2000, when it started targeting the outsourcing market in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia, Hi-Tech Export's staff has grown to 700, serving more than 300 clients, according to Gaurang Kajtavkar, a spokesman for the company. "We're a full-fledged service company," he said, noting that they offered proofreading, copyediting and writing services to companies in the United States, France and Britain.
The service, though, is offered only in English, leaving some newspapers at a disadvantage if they want to join trend toward job migration.
The Vorarlberger Nachrichten in Vienna is one such paper. The newspaper is on the list of outsourcing case studies compiled by the World Association of Newpapers, which cited it for its citizen "burgerforum," which provides the newspaper with the fodder for stories from some "2,500 freelancers who are working for us for free," said Eugen Russ, managing director of Vorarlberger Medienhaus, paper's parent company.
He does not consider the interactive forum a form of outsourcing, although his newspaper has moved the development of Web site software to lower cost Romania.
Russ said he would be willing to move some jobs to India, but there's a hitch: "It's more problematic with the German language."
"TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. " - Rich Rosell, Digitally Obsessed UK
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US journalists afraid their jobs will be outsourced
The Inquirer | November 20, 2006
Nick Farrell
JOURNOS working for the US print media are steaming with righteous indignation as their bosses start outsourcing their jobs to India.
The International Herald Tribune fumed that there was a sudden rush of advertisements on for hacks to write for US and UK print media in Mumbai.
The article cites a WAN global survey of about 350 newspaper bosses in Europe, Asia and the United States. They expected outsourcing to increase, although few were willing to farm out all of their editorial functions.
Part of the reason is that advertising revenues for print media is dropping and people are failing to buy hard copies of their news.
The article cites the outsourcing of the business pages of the UK's Daily Express to India as an example of what could happen in the US.
The article mentions that much of the work being taken by India is the 'crap hack' work. Editors do not see the point of forcing hacks to churn out the Women's Institute results when they could be camped outside some b list celeb's house waiting to see who she is shagging this week.
However, the US print media, whose hacks are usually highly pretentious and not to mention better paid than the rest of the world, are starting to panic that their gravy train could be hitting the buffers.
Gone will be the days that they could wax lyrical about themselves for ten paragraphs before telling the news if an Indian turns out to be better at finding a better angle from Bangalore.

Outsourcing hits a new class of workers: Journalists
International Herald Tribune | November 21, 2006
By Doreen Carvajal
The rush of job recruiting ads on tells the story of the latest class of workers to watch their trade start migrating to another continent.
"Urgent requirement for business writers," reads one ad looking for journalists to locate in Mumbai. "Should be willing to work in night shifts (UK shift.)"
Another casts for English-speaking journalists in Bangalore with "experience in editing and writing for US/International Media."
Remote-control journalism is the scornful term that unions use for the shift of newspaper jobs to low-cost countries like India or Singapore with fiber-optic connections transmitting information all around the world.
But the momentum for "offshoring" to other countries or outsourcing locally is accelerating as newspapers small and large seek ways to reduce costs in the face of severe stresses from sagging circulation and advertising revenue to shareholder pressure.
"Outsourcing plays a major part in the newspaper industry of today," the World Association of Newspapers concluded in a July study.
WAN, a Paris-based organization representing 72 national newspaper associations, conducted a global survey of about 350 newspapers in Europe, Asia and the United States, and company executives reported that they expected the outsourcing to increase, although few were willing to farm out all of their editorial functions.
Since then, the memos have been churning: The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio announced its intentions to shed 90 graphic design jobs and ship out the work to Affinity Express in Pune, India. The Contra Costa Times, a California newspaper newly acquired by Media News Group in the breakup of Knight Ridder, revealed plans to shift ad production positions to Express KCS in India, which bills itself as the "world's media back office."
In Britain, the tabloid Daily Express sparked an uproar in the newsroom when it chose to outsource its entire city business section to a local press association.
According to the newspaper's union, the executives chose this alternative only after touring potential companies in India that offered writing and copy editing services.
"It's a very depressing time to be working for newspapers," said one of the union representatives at The Daily Express, who declined to be identified because of concerns about job security. "The underlying theme is about the quality of what we're putting on the pages. The kind of a product that The Daily Express is going to have is a total disservice. If I was a reader, I would vote with my feet and stop buying it."
Paul Ashford, the group editorial director of The Daily Express who is negotiating with the union over the changes, declined to comment, saying that it would be inappropriate to discuss the issue while talks were continuing.
But there are a number of news organizations that have emerged as case studies for media companies weighing the benefits of reduced costs versus potential disadvantages like loss of control, company resistance and political backlash.
More than two years ago, Reuters, the financial news service, opened a new center in Bangalore. The 340 employees, including an editorial team of 13 local journalists, was deployed to write about corporate earnings and broker research on U.S. companies. Since then, the Reuters staff at the center has grown to about 1,600, with 100 journalists working on U.S. stories.
The company has also moved photo editing work from London and Washington, D.C., to Singapore.
More expansion is planned in India, according to David Schlesinger, Reuters global managing editor, who said costs were significantly lower in India, although the competition to recruit financial journalists there was increasing.
The system has "allowed us to really increase the breadth of companies that we cover," Schlesinger said. "One of the problems with the U.S. equities universe is that there are so many companies, and this has allowed us to cover so many more than we could before. And it's allowed us to increase our depth because it's freed up reporters in New York to do more."
He pointed out that the staff count in New York had actually increased since the Bangalore office opened. But that is small comfort to the Newspaper Guild of New York, which has engaged in a series of skirmishes with Reuters' management over the issue. Guild members picketed the Reuters office on Times Square last year, waged a byline strike over off-shoring and spoofed the potential for error in Bangalore with a paid advertisement in the Wall Street Journal.
The ad pictured the businessman Warren Buffett with a caption clearly intended for the singer Jimmy Buffet: "Buffett, known for such hits as 'Margaritaville' and 'Cheeseburger in Paradise,' promotes his upcoming tour."
But the more vociferous challenges subsided after a U.S. arbitrator ruled against a guild challenge that off-shoring jobs violated the guild's contract with Reuters.
The guild still maintains that "you can't cover Wall Street from Bangalore, India," said John Phillips, a guild representative and a former Reuters employee, who said that the system was a "recipe for disaster," with Bangalore employees making judgment calls about the importance of news stories from an office 9,000 miles, or 14,400 kilometers, away.
But guild reporters in New York cannot match the price differential in Bangalore, where wages and rents are less than one-fifth those of Western capitals. In Amhmedabad, 300 miles, or 480 kilometers, north of Mumbai, Hi-Tech Export offers a discounted rate for 40 hours of editing services starting at €280, or $359.
Since 2000, when it started targeting the outsourcing market in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia, Hi-Tech Export's staff has grown to 700, serving more than 300 clients, according to Gaurang Kajtavkar, a spokesman for the company. "We're a full-fledged service company," he said, noting that they offered proofreading, copyediting and writing services to companies in the United States, France and Britain.
The service, though, is offered only in English, leaving some newspapers at a disadvantage if they want to join trend toward job migration.
The Vorarlberger Nachrichten in Vienna is one such paper. The newspaper is on the list of outsourcing case studies compiled by the World Association of Newpapers, which cited it for its citizen "burgerforum," which provides the newspaper with the fodder for stories from some "2,500 freelancers who are working for us for free," said Eugen Russ, managing director of Vorarlberger Medienhaus, paper's parent company.
He does not consider the interactive forum a form of outsourcing, although his newspaper has moved the development of Web site software to lower cost Romania.
Russ said he would be willing to move some jobs to India, but there's a hitch: "It's more problematic with the German language."
"TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. " - Rich Rosell, Digitally Obsessed UK
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