HEIL HARPER!!! "U.S. investigations on Canadian soil done within the law: Day" (CBC News / PrisonPlanet.com)

U.S. investigations on Canadian soil done within the law: Day
Last Updated: Thursday, October 5, 2006 | 8:12 AM ET
CBC News
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day acknowledged Thursday that U.S. agents conduct investigations in Canada but said all are done according to Canadian law.
Day was responding to a report regarding an internal FBI audit that shows U.S. agents are carrying out investigations without the approval of the Canadian government.
It says the FBI has given agents in its Buffalo field office clearance to conduct "routine investigations" up to 50 miles into Canadian territory.
When asked about the report during question period, Day said Canadian security forces work with Canada's allies, including the U.S, and have agreements in terms of information sharing.
"We have teams that are designated going back and forth across the border and sometimes it is farther than 50 miles or 50 kilometres," Day said.
"I can assure you that everything that is done on Canadian soil in relation to security and safety investigations are done in accordance with our law."
The most recent audit by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's inspector general, done in 2004, documents the growth of FBI operations in Canada since 2001.
As well as the reference to "routine investigations" inside Canadian territory it also says that about 30 per cent of FBI agents crossing the border to work in Canada failed to get "country clearance." In other words, they didn't get Canada's approval.
The inspector general's report documents 135 unapproved FBI crossings and says there is no sign the crossings will stop.
Canadian officials say they have made no protest to the U.S. government about FBI agents operating without permission on Canadian soil.
According to the report, the FBI has struggled to keep up with its Canadian workload despite opening two new branch offices. It pursues thousands of leads a year in Canada, far more than in any other country except the United States.
SOURCE - http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/10/05/fbi-border.html
FROM THE SOURCE FOR SOURCES - http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/October2006/061006Invaded.htm

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P.S. To help Save The World, please Google for "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism", "America: From Freedom to Fascism" and "SaveTheInternet.com". Also, check the daily international mainstream newswires at "Infowars.com" and "PrisonPlanet.com" -- and pass this info on to everybody -- NOW!!!

BONUS: "Okay, I hope the above CBC News story saying the United States' main domestic law enforcement agency technically focused on information gathering, and not international like the CIA - who are probably here too, but the FBI just hangs out in Canada doing what they want when they want with absolutely no local oversight - and no demand for it, and that they have so much "work" here they have to keep opening up new offices, got your attention.
If it didn't, well, here's some beautiful titties.
Now, please help Save The World. Deal? Cool.
This is a manifesto of sorts, and it's in .pdf format so you can read it online or email or print out copies to hand out. I break down about half the game, but it's probably as big a half as one can stomach at one sitting. Unfortunately we're already past half-time, so stay tuned, get with it, and start playing..."
The October Surprise: "Mahatma, Martin, Malcolm, Mandela, Jones." (It's 2006. It's Now or Never.)
You can click on the following link to download, enter 3 letters in the top right corner:
The October Surprise: "Mahatma, Martin, Malcolm, Mandela, Jones." (It's 2006. It's Now or Never.)
You can click on the following link to download, enter 3 letters in the top right corner:

BONUS: "Don't be fooled by what the CIA/CNN team is saying, one of these people is working with white colonial interests to currently enslave one billion of his yellow brothers and sisters, while the other is an old Chinese lady with huuuge freakin' ostrich eggs to do what she did. Keep in mind, if we cheer for the wrong side in these fights, we'll lose. Keep in mind, if we cheer for the wrong side in these fights, we'll sooned be booed by someone else..."
The courageous and awe-inspiring actions of the Falun Gong member who warned China's imperial festering slug dictator Hu Jintao that his "day's were numbered" were met with a reaction that foretells the collapse of America into the exact same style of tyrannical despotism mastered by the absolute rulers of China.
SOURCE - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQWetUqqkAg
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