The way I figure, smart people with smart opinions are Enemy #1 anyway.

Hi [---],
No worries, I was just in the mood to make phone calls and thought I'd attack my interest with a little extra zest. I hope you're right about the young people, though I've gotta say, in a practical sense, it's not really fair nor does it seem wise to thrust all the responsibility of Saving The World upon those who are so young and inexperienced in the ways of the World.
The way I figure, smart people with smart opinions are Enemy #1 anyway. They often reinforce the worst and most destructive and most complicated (and celebrated) propaganda, while adding their own unique twists and analysis and reasonable assumptions to brand the theory intellectually theirs. It then spreads like mutating bird-flu, with newly resistant strains of creative argumentation and denial trumping old info-cures: remember "Fahrenheit 9/11"?
(I mean, until they stop torturing people I personally refuse to believe a bloody thing they say, and refuse to believe anybody who tells me to take them seriously either, as it doesn't seem to be helping things...)
The uniquely infected minds in turn further transform the infovirus through their own bits'n'bytes of apocrypha gleaned from a busy week, adding their temporal analysis and stealing from the careful trickle of "facts" allowed, making finding new cures more difficult: where do you get the "facts" from when people just won't believe YOU? What - are we all gestapo-era Nazi's, Communists and Terrorists who can't trust each other to relay the "facts" now?
(BTW, "bird flu" is another hoax: all the 20th Century "pandemics" originate at U.S. army bases (CBC's "The Passionate Eye"), Nixon tried "pig flu" in the 1970's (CBC's "The Passionate Eye"), and Rumsfeld owns shares in Gilead = the company that makes Tamiflu vaccine.)
Anyone who's a leader in their social circles ought to obligate themselves to inform their friends of new and relevant life-changing information, just like if you learned God really exists and he's working at The Olive Garden around the corner. I just changed the life of my buddy (a Sri Lankan married 40'ish emigre) in about 10 minutes (or the first 10 minutes of the documentary "TerrorStorm" on Google Video), and while he looked at me strange, he gets it, and we'll be cool tomorrow.
It's amazing how much respect you get for actually caring about this stuff if you're half-way well spoken about it, and I'm having fun with that from discounts and free stuff to the odd speaking engagement among other things. In general it's helping with all of my analysis of everything and subsequent happiness - I make "peace" with "stuff" in seconds, and nothing really bugs me much since nothing really should.
It's also kind of neat to fit "history" into "history", as it were.
I told another friend of mine about the three levels of history: either you don't know jack, you know the facts, or you know the facts about the facts.
To wit:
My friend said World War II, as anybody who knows anything about history would know, helped build up the U.S. economy, which helped make the U.S. the World's superpower.
I said he didn't realize the economy was built on debt - it takes a lot of money to fund a war, and the banks who established that relationship wield a tremendous amount of control over the U.S. and the World's economy to this day, you can judge for yourself what they're doing with it.
I mean, when a country contains 5% of the World's population and does 50% of it's military spending, it's probably up to no good. After all, if you're not making thousands of enemies, then why would you keep hundreds of guns?
(NOTE: Not that I'm against gun ownership as it's outlined in the 2nd Amendment, that whole "well-armed militia against federal tyranny" is starting to seem like much more of a reasonable option to keep handy these days. And heck - even Gandhi wrote in his autobiography that "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." Unfortunately history doesn't, but I think Gandhi implied and hoped that it should, and that we should learn from it...)
So yeah, it is what it is, and as long as we can make peace with it than we'll beat anyone who's in a paranoid state about the state of the world.
I think that's one of the keys really: does your worldview make you happier than mine does? Does your worldview make more sense to you? Not to everyone else - we know the world is full of idiots anyway, but to you?
I really think all practical philosophy must boil down to individual happiness, and as long as I know what's going on beneath the surface then the headlines don't "confuse" me. Sure, Israel setting Lebanon on fire and the mass-media condoning of the same "depresses" me, but it doesn't "confuse" me into half-believing they're justified in doing any of this, and neither does the Bombay Bombings and subsequent "Al-Qaeda just moved into Kashmir - Hare Ram, what timing!"
I mean, I just saw a tiny 10-word mini-article in the local daily Metro mini-newspaper on Canada passing legislation making it much more difficult for politicians and civil servants to get "fired" - it was clumped in with three other tiny 10-word news briefs. Then I saw a giant picture of Lindsay Lohan's head, and across from her a collage of other "it" girls taking up the page in some sort of "who's hot!" face-off. Two. Full. Pages.
Things are getting pretty wild, and in order not to be driven crazy it helps to make sense of the "why". At least that's what I think, but hey, it's been said and I generally agree, I might also think too much... ;P
Love, BK

Peace by making peace with petty pretty problems...
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
P.S. Watch "TerrorStorm" on Google Video!
P.P.S. Check this out too while you still can!
Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment -- a principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast from deciding which Web sites work best for you -- based on what site pays them the most. If the public doesn't speak up now, our elected officials will cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign.

BONUS: Check out the guns on her...

Commercial Appeal /
Law-abiding citizens turn in firearms to keep them out of lawbreakers' hands
Commercial Appeal | July 16, 2006
By Lindsay Melvin
Homeowners once looking for protection, ex-hunters and wary parents were among those who pulled up to The Pyramid Saturday to unload their rifles, semiautomatics, shotguns and revolvers.
The gun turn-in program that ran throughout the day was held by the Memphis Police Department in cooperation with WMC TV-5 and Soul Classics 103.5.
Not intended to round up the firearms of lawbreakers, the event was aimed at law-abiding citizens who have the power to stop their own guns from falling into violent hands, said Sgt. Vince Higgins, spokesman for Memphis police.
"Ninety percent of the guns we get from criminals are stolen in burglaries," said Higgins, who added that most of those guns are sold on the street.
"A criminal is not walking around with a gun that's registered to him; it's a gun he's obtained illegally," he said.
The recent shootings that have taken the lives of local children, including 12-year-old Melissa Robertson, who was shot in the head at a Binghamton playground, spurred the gun-collecting campaign.
Over the years, there have been several other gun turn-in programs in Memphis. They've resulted in collections that have ranged anywhere from 22 to more than 1,000 guns. In the first hour of Saturday's collection, police had already cataloged 18 guns.
"If we get one gun that's one less gun possibly used in a crime," said Higgins.
In the week leading up to the gun turn-in, the sergeant said he received dozens of calls inquiring how to dispose of unwanted firearms left to them by deceased relatives.
"When we're dead and gone, nobody has to worry about what to do with them," said Edith Taylor, 64, of her husband's three-gun collection.
She beamed as a specialist with the Firearms Training Unit inspected her husband's rifle chamber over a bucket lined with bullet-proof vests -- a precaution in case one goes off.
"I've been after him for 40 years to get rid of it," said Taylor, who was relieved to finally get the guns out of her Cordova home.
"We've talked about selling them but then where do they end up? Here I know they'll be destroyed," she said.
All of the guns were cataloged and eventually will be melted down, said Higgins.
The first hundred people to turn in a gun received a $100 gift card to the New York Suit Exchange. Other vouchers to local merchants were also handed out.
ORIGINAL SOURCE -,2845,MCA_25340_4847721,00.html

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