You go Tom Flocco: "Bush and Cheney Indicted" (See? I told you it would've been easier to kill Joe Wilson! Like Michael Douglas, JFK, John O'Neil...)

I don't know if it's true or not...
But I do know Alterna-News has broken a tonne of stories first...
And for several important ones...
They're the only ones who break them...
It's probably best to stay on top of this...
And frankly...
Rather than be skeptical or flabbergasted...
Based on what we know about these crooks...
I'd say it's about bloody time...
This article comes from
Bush and Cheney Indicted
Date: August 2, 2005
Topic: 9-11 Court Cases
A Chicago grand jury has indicted the President and Vice-President of the United States along with multiple high officials in the Bush administration
by Tom Flocco
Chicago -- August 2, 2005 -- -- U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s Chicago grand jury has voted perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.
There were no indications given as to whether the President and his top staff members would appear publicly before cameras at the grand jury proceedings, given the gravity of the charges.
Besides the Valerie Plame CIA leak case, the Fitzgerald probe is reportedly far-reaching and expanding much deeper into past White House criminal acts involving Bush-Clinton drug money laundering in Mena, Arkansas to White House involvement in 9.11; but also for sending America’s young people to their deaths or to be maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair was indicted for obstruction of justice and is reportedly consulting with members of Parliament and legal aides regarding how to avoid appearing in the U.S.A. for interrogation before Fitzgerald in Chicago.
The revelations emanated from sources close to the grand jury who spoke with federal whistleblower Thomas Heneghen in California who said White House Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove was also indicted for perjury and was reportedly involved with Mary Matalin in a major Bush administration document shredding operation to cover-up evidence.
Heneghen had reported over ten days ago on a broadcast [Every Monday and Tuesday evening from 8-9 pm special briefing on Wednesday evening August 3 at 8 pm EST]] that his sources close to the grand jury said formerSecretary of State Colin Powell had been subpoenaed and had testified against President Bush, telling the citizen panel that the President had taken the United States to war based upon lies--a capital crime involving treason under the United States Code.
Heneghen also reported a week ago that Gonzalez and Card had been subpoened and that Tony Blair had defied his subpoena after the response time limit had expired.
Sources close to the investigation report that members of the House, Senate, 9.11 Commission and other members of the media are also under investigation as potential targets by a grand jury regarding obstruction of justice and other oversight failures linked to the 9.11 attacks--indicating that citizen panelists working with Fitzgerald may be seeking a wholesale cleansing of what many have said is a crime-wracked White House and Congress.
Also last Monday, the whistleblower reported that Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts was planning to obstruct justice by calling Fitzgerald for Senate hearings to question the prosecutor’s motives for the far-reaching investigation.
This, giving rise to questions as to whether Roberts and other Republican legislators--some now under secret investigation--would join President Bush in seeking to fire Fitzgerald in the same manner that President Nixon had fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in order to obstruct justice and cut off further investigations into White House crimes.
Two weeks ago Heneghen said he had talked to sources just ten minutes prior to French and U.S. intelligence agents intercepting British intelligence agents who were attempting to bomb the subway underneath the Dirksen Federal Building where Fitzgerald was presiding over grand jury hearings.
Serious questions can also be raised as to whether intelligence forces linked to President Bush and Tony Blair had participated in a failed attempt to scuttle the Fitzgerald probe by literally blowing it up--at a time when UK reports reveal that military-grade explosives were used to blow upthe London subway on July 7.
Sources say the alleged Chicago subway bombing attempt has been attributed to an underground and closeted enmity involving warring intelligence and military factions within the United States government.
Moreover, reports indicate that the disturbance occurred at the same time that the Chicago Tribune and local web blogs had reported that the subway had been evacuated for 45-50 minutes regarding a "suspicious package" late on Monday afternoon, July 18.
Also confirming the under-the-radar-screen hostilities involving agents loyal to the administration and others who are disturbed about the cover-up of government involvement in the 9.11 attacks was a recent contact made with this writer by a major New York media outlet which called seeking "names of those who could confirm its own reports of warring factions within the government which were threatening the safety of U.S. citizens."
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Title: Journalist (Tom Flocco) Stands By His Story That Bush And Others Indicted
URL Source:
Published: Aug 08, 2005
Author: Greg Szymanski
Post Date: 2005-08-11 12:02:00 by palo verde
Journalist Stands By His Story That Bush And Others Indicted But Retracts Story About Potential Firing Of Chicago Special Prosecutor
Investigative reporter released story about the firing of U.S. Federal Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald by mistake over on line mix up with web master.
The journalist who first broke the story about President Bush and others being indicted by the Chicago grand jury stands by his original account, but says a story he released Sunday about the potential firing of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was a mistake.
“We apologize for the inaccuracy, however, we stand by our on the record source Tom Heneghen and our story reporting that the ‘true bill’ indictments have been voted out by the Chicago grand jury against a host of Bush administration officials and that Vice President Cheney, President Bush and Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice are aware that boxes of cash left the Phillipines right after 9/11,” said investigative journalist Tom Flocco, one of the first to break the indictment story.
Flocco apologized to readers Monday for his in a statement released on his web site, which had been down for several days for technical reasons. Flocco added the story was inadvertently put on line due to a controversy with his web master over file transfers and other matters.
“The rough working draft about the fired prosecutor should never have ben placed online and was in a batch of files transferred by the new webmaster and was posted by mistake,” said Flocco.
The wide-range of indictments for perjury and obstruction of justice against Bush and other top administration officials, was first reported last week by Flocco, who claimed sources close to the grand jury investigation in Chicago told him indictments had been handed down but not released to the public due to the highly sensitive nature of the charges.
Flocco reported last week that Fitzgerald's grand jury voted out "true bills" or federal criminal indictments against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, former CIA Director George Tenet, Presidential Senior Advisor Karl Rove, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff I. "Scooter" Libby, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Vice-Presidential Senior Advisor Mary Matalin.
The U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago, through its media spokesman, Randall Sanborn, refused comment on any aspect of the grand jury proceedings, but high-level and credible legal observers claim suppression of grand jury indictments is not unusual, especially when dealing with matters concerning the national interest such as the Nixon indictments during Watergate and now Bush.
Although Flocco is taking considerable heat for running the story, long time Chicago truth-teller and advocate for cleaning up the judicial system, Sherman Skolnick, agreed with Flocco's reporting.
"I have received credible reports from my high-level government sources in Canada, the United States and Europe that the grand juries have concluded their probe and have voted True Bills, Federal Criminal indictments, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, Condoleeza Rice, and Theodore B. Olson and several media people not previously mentioned in the monopoly press as implicated," said Slolnick in a telephone conversation Saturday from his Chicago home.
Skolnick, who has been fighting judicial indiscretion and criminality for over 40 years since the early 1960's, is one of the few men in America who has developed credible sources to back-up what he reports, especially concerning judicial stories taking place right in his own Chicago backyard.
"I expected to be a called a liar on this one for sometime after my story appeared, but the truth will come out," he said regarding a recent article he published verifying indictments have been handed down.
And Skolnick is no “average Joe or talking head,” since he is probably responsible for putting more crooked lawyers and judges behind bars than any other single American and is still pursuing judicial corruption with vengeance, as founder of his public interest group called Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts.
Recently on his website and he posted an article titled "Bush and Co. Face Prosecution," where he gave a detailed look at the recent grand jury proceedings going on in Chicago and indictments handed down against Bush.
"One or more of the grand juries have concluded their probe and have voted True Bills, Federal Criminal indictments, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, Condoleeza Rice, and Theodore B. Olson; and several media people not previously mentioned in the monopoly press as implicated," wrote Skolnick.
"Shown also as unindicted co-conspirators are two Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, William Rehnquist and Antonin Scalia, who are among the "Gang of Five" also in Bush versus Gore. Because of the horrendous consequences involved, the indictments are suppressed and there may be an extended delay until they appear on the Chicago Federal Court open records.
"The substance of the details in this story have been confirmed to us as being true and correct by high government officials, with spotless records, of the U.S., Canada, and Europe. To distract from the impending release of the indictments and the naming of the unindicted co-conspirators, the Bush White House has caused deadly rumors to circulate.
"Such as, that the FBI is tracking in the District of Columbia and elsewhere that certain supposed "terrorists" have suitcase dirty nukes ready to set off in D.C. Such as, that Bush will declare Martial Law and suspend Habeas Corpus, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Such as the U.S. will be wracked with financial and domestic anarchy as Bush seeks asylum in Brazil, or Australia, or elsewhere overseas.
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Thursday, August 05, 2004
Tom Flocco is Closed
A fellow Delconian gets hacked by some asshole. Makes me wonder. To Tom, I'll continue to post anything you want on this blog, and the several web sites that we own. E mail me at and I'll gladly help in anyway I can as I really enjoy your factual information that seems to be a target lately. (I wonder why ?)
BTW, to the readers, here's the specifics of the offending ISP that hacked Tom Flocco.
08/05/04 01:32:10 whois !
whois -h !net-24-116-0-0-1 ...
Address: 1314 N THIRD ST
StateProv: AZ
PostalCode: 85004
Country: US
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-24-116-0-0-1
Parent: NET-24-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
RegDate: 1996-09-25
Updated: 2002-11-14
TechHandle: EB12-ARIN
TechName: Billeter, Eric
TechPhone: +1-602-364-6462
OrgNOCName: Andrews, Lee Phillip
OrgNOCPhone: +1-602-364-6901
OrgTechHandle: LPA2-ARIN
OrgTechName: Andrews, Lee Phillip
OrgTechPhone: +1-602-364-6901
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2004-08-04 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
Now this doesn't mean that they did it, it means that SOMEONE who used thier
internet hosting came up on Tom's referrer logs.
posted by Living in Delaware County at 8/05/2004 01:29:00 AM
Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and Financing the 9/11 Attacks: Have Leading Figures in the Bush Administration Really Been Indicted?
Steve Watson/Infowars | August 15 2005
On Friday 12th August 2005 Alex Jones interviewed investigative journalist Tom Flocco, who has written for World Net Daily and many other major publications, was in attendance at many of the 9/11 whitewash Commission meetings and has broken many big stories in recent years.
Click here to listen to the entire Tom Flocco interview
Flocco claims he has received information from intelligence sources and sources on the fringe of intelligence that suggests indictments have been handed down to members of the Bush Administration.
He has had it on good authority that US federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's grand jury has convened in Chicago to indict Bush officials for perjury and obstruction of justice . According to Flocco individuals have been at work for over a year and a half on this matter.
BONUS: Hot air is a gas...
Ethanol. Jon Stewart sent a dude to interview a Canadian scientist out in the prairies. It's made from corn, it's more efficient, better for the environment, has it's own giant mascot...
Somewhere here:
I forget which one, I was high, Ed Helms I t hink, it was funny... DEAD
There's others too, but this oil game ain't what you think: all sides are using the "fear" of running out or getting pipelines choked off by war, but only a couple know how to play it and how threatened they really are by all this "war on terror" nonsense.
For example: since gas prices are up 50%, does that mean oil companies are taking a hit too? After all, if it's a supply chain issue then the whole thing would be affected by the war, or OPEC, or something, and everyone would pay the cost.
So how come they're making record profits? (Google it.)
This makes no sense.
If I had a restaurant, and my plastic forks-guy came in one day and said "Sorry, forks are now 10-cents each, instead of 5-cents" I'd be pretty pissed.
"Why, is there something with the plastic? Manufacturers?"
"No... We just feel like making a lot more money."
And that's what the GAS companies ("oil" separates them from the pump) are doing to us: they're just quietly riding out their good fortune, and if you're lucky you'll catch a bit of media ripping into the rest of it for being pussies.
"Peak Oil" is an issue though, most scientist feel we've dug up about 50% of it, and the growth alone in China and India will eat up a tonne of the rest shortly - they need to find another Saudi Arabia just to keep Harold and Kumar in fresh kicks and Whitecastle for the next 15 years.
And then there's the rest of the world....
Anywayz don't mind me, I've been deep in this game for a minit and the world ain't close to what it seems, just thought I'd drop some oily science...
BONUS: The Department of Internal Affairs Left
These infrahumans ARE NOT like you and me
(You're right above louisrue, paranoia in this day and age is not a mental illness; it is standard operating procedure for survival.) I have lived in fascist countries and came away with one fact for sure and a lot of suppositions and maybes and hypotheses. The only fact: they are not equal human beings, they are actually a little bit less. You cannot treat fascists like you treat any other type of human being on the planet because they are not. This may be what frustrates me so much about liberals because they are usually the first to wind up dead under tank tracks, at the end of live torture wires or simply beaten to death by the infrahumans whom they insisted on treating like equals and engaging in polite argumentation. But I know that this will fall on deaf ears of the products of a liberal education that has been well planned for the fascism that now envelops them. It is knowledge that has to be learned and experienced, unfortunately. Here is a good one on one part of that entire mindset needed to fight/survive fascism. This is the best use we can put these threads to until they shut us down and believe at least that - they WILL shut us down and hunt us down.
by ljmgbp on Sun Aug 21st, 2005 at 08:32:13 AM EDT
[ Reply to This ]
[new] Alright... calm down.
Chill out yo, you definitely sound like an agitator. I know I wrote an essay, but that was structured and deliberated over; a post where you pop-off like this could just alienate people from your substance, and I must say I'm getting a vague Arundathi Roy half-way through a bottle of scotch vibe... :)
We all take hits, just pick yo' spotz homie, and good luck...
Peace by peace...
BONUS: Planz in placez...
Thanks man, and yeah it's a big-ass problem, but it ain't impossible. There's people all over the world reppin' the cause, and I heard something brilliant from (hot!) Indian author/activist Arundathi Roy recently:
"Wherever I go, the dirty business of American political history is now street-talk."
So the level of awareness is extremely high around the world, though not quite matching the levels of ignorance, and yes, unfortunately America is among the worst offenders.
I've been looking into it for a while and have some suggestions, they come out in music and writing on my blog - especially recently dealing directly with Conservative Americans and their arguments. There are certain tactics to break the corrosively intoxicating effects of fascism, and with America in its grip and American culture their number one export, we all have to play Buffy against that rather nasty demon to manage.
I think breaking the trap of "normal" and empowering people is key, I borrow a lot from Tupac, and really feel that if everyone flexed a bit we'd all realize that:
a) We're in chains.
b) We can break them.
Thanks for the books, I'll add 'em to the list, I bought The Tipping Point a few weeks ago and haven't touched it yet, no rest for the BK The Empire Slayer... :)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
International Herald Tribune, France - 8 hours ago
Prosecutors raided the intelligence agency with a search warrant issued by the Seoul Central District Court. Prosecutors also made ...
Plame. Its an organized crime investigation.
"Seoul" Central District Court? I'm'a Googlin'...
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