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BONUS: Throw Ya Air Force One's Up!
Bush's like to rock and roll all night, and party every day.
They're like the freakin' Osbournes.
And Jay Leno shows how Bush responds to the White House Press Corpse:
"Thug Life! That's it! That's my new style! (Pthui! Pthui!) Thug Life!!!"

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I cant say enough about Frank darabont after watching this. He understands what this genre is all about and, more importantly, he understands Romero's zombie world. The zombies are Roamers and lurkers. happy death day full hd They act how they should and you do feel sorry for them. This is explored really well. They are a small threat but in groups all riled up and hungry. Well, you know the rest. watch rampage online free
The score is also outstanding. Very understated but poignant. The cinematography is worthy of a movie and the camera moves a lot. I cant recall any shaky cam which some people here seem to despise. the devil's candy release date
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Oh and btw. Keep getting people onboard with this. Co workers. Non zombie lover friends. Anyone. They wont think you're weird. They'll thank you. The Lost crowd are going to lap this up.
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