Cindy Sheehan: The White Rosa Parks Speaks... Brilliantly. (Betcha cry.)

Video: Cindy Sheehan - Freedom and Faith
How Do You Ask A Soldier To Be The Last Person To Die For A LIE have created this brief "Cindy" video with footage from Crawford and Cindy's appearances with us around the country at Freedom AND Faith events. It was put together by Margie Becker.
Please share it with your friends and contacts. Cindy's courageous Crawford stand is galvanizing opposition to the war and awakening America to the senseless tragedy that is Iraq.
Cindy is a gift to us.
This short video is our gift to you, and to Cindy.

Bush Motorcade Passes War Protesters
Associated Press Writer
37 minutes ago
CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush and his motorcade passed the growing camp of war protesters outside his ranch Friday without incident.
As Bush passed on his way to and from a political fundraiser, law enforcement blocked two intersecting roads where the demonstrators have camped out all week. Officers required the group to stand behind yellow tape, but no one was asked to leave.
The motorcade didn't stop.
Cindy Sheehan, the California mother who started the vigil along the road leading to Bush's ranch, held a sign that read: "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?"
It was unclear whether Bush, riding in a black Suburban with tinted windows, saw the demonstrators.
He had said Thursday that he sympathized with Sheehan but believed it would be a mistake to pull U.S. troops out of
Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq last year, says she wants to meet with him again — they spoke in June 2004 — in light of information since then discrediting the war rationale that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
On Friday, Bush arrived before noon at a neighbor's ranch for a barbecue that was expected to raise at least $2 million for the Republican National Committee.
About 230 people were attending the fundraiser at Stan and Kathy Hickey's Broken Spoke Ranch, a 478-acre spread next to Bush's ranch. All have contributed at least $25,000 to the RNC, and many are "rangers," an honorary campaign title bestowed on those who raised $200,000 or more for Bush, or "pioneers," those who have raised $100,000 or more.
Sheehan, 48, of Vacaville, Calif., set up camp last weekend a few miles from Bush's ranch, and the group with her has now grown to more than 100.
BONUS: This is just embarrassing...
Here's your logic: Ms. Sheehan is just as slimey as she needs to be to make your slanderous allegations work, is that it?
The "facts" you get are from people who share YOUR bias, alright? So look at them the same way you look at Liberal bias: THINK about it!
Ms. Sheehan's original article is quoted above, she clearly didn't like meeting President Bush, BUT she was polite enough about it to have said sentences Matt Smudge could take out of context - and did.
Ms. Sheehan formed Gold-Star Mothers for Peace well-before she got to Crawford, so this isn't a publicity gimmick: she's felt like this for a while, pretty much since her son died and she looked into the litany of lies that lead to war.
Your leaders lie so much that you assume everyone else is lying, what kind of paranoid insanity is that? You can't take anything straight? You can't believe anyone against your opinion has a point?
This is a grieving mother challenging a President you know lies - whether you justify them in the name of "Manifest Destiny" or not, and if you lose an argument when you lie by saying "she really liked him their first meeting!", then you'll just switch to "she's a publicity-hound tool of the Left"?
Can't you just see how a mother who lost her son in a war could be against that war?
Your VOLUNTEER army volunteered her son to his death for a lie, and volunteers most 18 year olds after sticking them with poverty, denying them education any other way, and forcing them to die for a lifestyle most of them will never afford if they return.
You should have wars when you have to, not when you want to, as the biggest idiot war-mongers are refusing to sign up to fight for the "Iraqi people"... as if you really, really cared about them sanctioning the torture going on...
And if you can't see Cindy Sheehan as a true Patriot with a different point of view, that's just embarrassing.
Peace, (NOW!!!)
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