8/11: " What the heck, let's get the party started!

September 11
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
September 11 is the 254th day of the year (255th in leap years). There are 111 days remaining.
It is usually the first day of the Coptic calendar (in the period 1900 to 2099 A.D.).
The terms "September 11", "11th September", and "9/11" have been widely used in the Western media as a shorthand for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon in the United States of America.
* 1226 - The Catholic practice of Perpetual adoration begins.
* 1297 - Battle of Stirling Bridge - Scots of William Wallace defeat English.
* 1541 - Santiago, Chile destroyed by indigenous tribes.
* 1609 - Henry Hudson lands on Manhattan island.
* 1609 - Expulsion order announced against the Moriscos of Valencia; beginning of the expulsion of all Spain's Moriscos
* 1683 - Christian Army under the command of the King of Poland defeats an invading Muslim Army attempting to take Vienna.
* 1709 - Battle of Malplaquet - Great Britain, Netherlands and Austria defeat France.
* 1714 - Barcelona surrenders to Spanish and French Bourbonic armies in the War of the Spanish Succession.
* 1776 - British-American peace conference on Staten Island fails to stop nascent American Revolution.
* 1777 - Battle of Brandywine
* 1786 - The Beginning of the Annapolis Convention.
* 1789 - Alexander Hamilton is appointed as first Secretary of the Treasury.
* 1814 - The Battle of Plattsburgh.
* 1847 - Stephen Foster's most memorable song, Oh! Susanna, is first performed at a saloon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
* 1857 - The Mountain Meadows Massacre: Mormon settlers and Paiutes massacre 120 pioneers at Mountain Meadows, Utah.
* 1858 - George Mary Searle discovers the asteroid 55 Pandora.
* 1869 - Work completed on the Wallace Monument
* 1888 - Death of the Argentine politician Domingo Sarmiento, after whom the Latin American Teacher's Day was chosen.
* 1897 - After months of pursuit, generals of Menelik II of Ethiopia capture Gaki Sherocho, the last king of Kaffa, bringing an end to that ancient kingdom.
* 1911 - Middle Tennessee State University is founded in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as Middle Tennessee Normal School.
* 1914 - Australia invades New Britain, defeating German contingent there.
* 1918 - The Boston Red Sox won the World Series; they would do so again on October 27, 2004 after 86 years.
* 1919 - US Marines invade Honduras.
* 1921 - Fatty Arbuckle arrested for rape.
* 1922 - British Mandate of Palestine begins.
* 1922 - One of the Herald Sun of Melbourne, Australia's predecessor papers The Sun News-Pictorial is founded.
* 1926 - Assassination attempt on Benito Mussolini fails.
* 1931 - Salvatore Maranzano is murdered by Charles Luciano's hitmen.
* 1932 - Franciszek Żwirko and Stanisław Wigura, Polish Challenge 1932 winners, killed in a plane crash as their RWD 6 crashed in the ground during a storm.
* 1940 - George Stibitz pioneered the first remote operation of a computer.
* 1941 - Ground broken for the construction of The Pentagon.
* 1941 - World War II: US Navy ordered to attack German U-boats.
* 1943 - World War II: German troops occupy Corsica and Kosovo-Metohien
* 1943 - World War II: start of the liquidation of the Ghettos in Minsk and Lida by the Nazis
* 1944 - World War II: the first allied troops of the US Army cross the western border of Nazi Germany
* 1948 - Henri Queuille becomes Prime Minister of France.
* 1955 - Dedication of the first Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, the Bern Switzerland Temple.
* 1961 - Formation of the World Wildlife Fund.
* 1962 - The Beatles record their debut single, Love Me Do.
* 1965 - The 1st Cavalry Division of the United States Army arrives in Vietnam.
* 1970 - The Ford Pinto is introduced.
* 1971 - The Egyptian Constitution becomes official.
* 1972 - Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) begins regular service.
* 1973 - A military coup in Chile headed by General Augusto Pinochet topple elected President Salvador Allende. The CIA had attempted to oust Allende for 3 years before this.
* 1981 - The Pee-wee Herman Show airs as a special on HBO.
* 1985 - Pete Rose gets his 4,192nd career base hit, breaking Ty Cobb's record which stood for over 60 years.
* 1987 - 9-1-1 Emergency Number Day.
* 1987 - CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, angry over being preempted for a tennis match, marches off the set, leaving affiliates with six minutes of an empty news desk.
* 1987 - Reggae musician Peter Tosh is murdered in his own home in Kingston, Jamaica, Jamaica.
* 1989 - The iron curtain opens between the communist Hungary and Austria. From Hungary thousands of East Germans throng to Austria and West Germany.
* 1990 - Céline Dion releases her first English-language album, Unison.
* 1990 - President George H. W. Bush delivers a nationally televised speech in which he threatens the use of force to remove Iraqi soldiers from Kuwait, which Iraq had recently invaded. ["New World Order"]
* 1992 - Hurricane Iniki, one of the most damaging hurricane in United States history during its time, devastates the State of Hawai'i, especially the islands of Kaua'i and Oahu.
* 1994 - Frank Eugene Corder crashes a Cessna 150 into the White House's south lawn, striking the West wing and killing himself.
* 1996 - Union Pacific Railroad purchases Southern Pacific Railroad
* 1997 - Scotland votes to re-establish its own Parliament on the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, after 290 years of union with England.
* 1998 - Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sends a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses.
* 2000 - Activists protest against the World Economic Forum meeting in Melbourne, Australia.
* 2001 - The September 11 attacks destroy the World Trade Center in New York City and part of The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and down a passenger airliner in Pennsylvania. In total, almost 3,000 are killed.
* 2003 - Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh dies after being fatally wounded on September 10.
* 2004 - Petros VII, the (Greek Orthodox) Patriarch of Alexandria and his company are killed in an unexplained helicopter crash outside Mount Athos, Greece.
SOURCE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11

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