Grow-Opps For Understanding
i was reading this crap today...
california medicinal pot bust...
pot good painkiller...
it's all such crap...
it's all true...
but all crap...
we know, but y'know, "we" isn't the "royal we" yet...
so, it seems we have to do this the hard way. gum up the system, as has been done and shall be done again. tactics however, tactics...
there are a few soft spots around the way, a few processes that conservative people in conservative times need observed before they render any judgments.
that's just the way it is.
not necessarily "will be"...
but is.
a recurring theme this...
and sometimes...
you definitely get more mileage out of having half-baked laws than having laws that make sense. i mean, laws that makes sense would act like a good referee: out of sight and out of the game until a penalty call is obviously needed. that ideal makes perfect sense, and for a good game.
however, if those referees get to call arbitrary penalties on select players despite no obvious fouls committed against any other player... well, sure that screws up the game, but it definitely reinforces who's in charge and who tacitly or actively endorses that.
i mean, no one can tell you what to eat, drink, smoke, have sex with, etc...
"da gub'mint! i tell's ya it's da gub'mint!"
so, when they have laws that make no sense, it really reinforces who's in charge here no matter what hypocrisy they brandish.
(ahh, brandish, i missed you. how long's it been?)
i mean, let's take the harmless out of harm's way already and just get some boring-ass definitive process going that's indubitable.
(ahh, indubitable, we meet again, it's been too long... old friend...)
so, with verve and clicquot i present a slo-pitch pitch once attempted with the sincerest of underhand tosses. i hadn't finished tinkering to finesse the press corpse before the collective thought balloon was whisked away into the flotsam and jetstream of the disinformation highway...
i mean, my dear boy...
it's downright crudimentary...
they float it out there...
the people sleep...
they sneak it by the twin lions of pride and reason who pad silenty beside everyone...
and slowly put the plan in place with the damage control man on stand-by...
"You're calling the Wolf?"
not yet...
but i might...
so, without further mountain dew, may i present...
May 24, 2005
Grow-Opps For Understanding
A green plague hath descended upon our fair nation, with daily headlines raising the alarm and psychopaths shooting RCMP officers.
Marijuana is here.
A lot of it.
However, every time I see stories of a massive grow-op shut down and millions more yet to be found, I also see an opportunity to better understand one of the simplest laws of capitalism: supply and demand.
To wit: WHY are there so many grow-ops?
Quite clearly, the answer is Canadians want to smoke marijuana. It's really that simple. What is less discussed in the frenzy of sensational drug-busts: should they?
Before knee-jerk reactions, we've got to look at first-principles: the reason to make drugs illegal is their harmful and addictive quality. This forces an unnatural reaction from the supply and demand chain that can lead to criminal activity: we're all scared of drug addicts robbing old ladies to feed their habit.
Even then, we've legalized tobacco, alchohol, painkillers, and a variety of addictive substances proven harmful that contribute to the deaths of thousands. So the hypocrisy is classic, but unfortunately, it is hasn’t been proven that it is hyprocrisy.
This doesn’t mean we should legalize or decriminalize marijuana, it's merely a natural reaction to the fact that Canadians clearly want to smoke it, and how we should treat their interests as a matter of private morality. We've respected this concept since Pierre Trudeau famously said "the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation", and fundamental to the Canadian identity is creating a safe space for an infinite variety of opinions and actions. Without knowing exactly why, it is fundamentally un-Canadian to restrict the actions any citizens unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is harming them or society as a whole.
So, perhaps we should call on one of our classic blue-ribbon commissions to study this matter in-depth, and show exactly why we should react to the desire of many Canadians to smoke marijuana by increasing penalties across the board. Despite years of enforcing existing laws the number of grow-ops is still growing, and profit-motives cannot be underscored without recognizing that Canadians are spending their hard-earned money on this "habit" or "pastime" or "addiction"...
Which one is it?
Our reactions are overreactions until we find out for sure, and with millions of dollars spent on increased prosecution, perhaps sparing a few dollars to see if this is a good idea isn't such a bad idea. In the end all Canadians will be affected by this, from those that want to grow or smoke marijuana, to those paying millions of tax-dollars to stop them, to the increased costs of incarceration, to the increased danger we face from the convicted felons we create.
Caveats already exist: Medical marijuana is available by prescription, while the grey area of how to acquire it causes terminally ill patients undue stress – so we should settle this soon for those in pain with little time left on this earth. Kids shouldn't smoke marijuana – nor should they smoke cigarettes, drink alchohol, or abuse painkillers, so reviewing similar restrictions is natural. Stealing electricity is wrong, and we need to stop it. And of course, our relationship as a marijuana supplier to the United States, which is more of a border-control issue than one to dictate how we handle the situation domestically. While we figure out if we should let millions of Canadians continue to smoke marijuana, we can continue to work with the United States on respecting their laws of their country and restricting supply.
As Canada moves into the 21st Century, we have to ensure that we truly have nothing to fear but fear itself. With all the hysteria around grow-ops and the scourge of marijuana, we should settle this issue with a few facts before committing to costly solutions.
- Black Krishna
Remember kids, many of the people who tell you that marijuana is evil are the same people who tell you things that do this are good...
i was reading this crap today...
california medicinal pot bust...
pot good painkiller...
it's all such crap...
it's all true...
but all crap...
we know, but y'know, "we" isn't the "royal we" yet...
so, it seems we have to do this the hard way. gum up the system, as has been done and shall be done again. tactics however, tactics...
there are a few soft spots around the way, a few processes that conservative people in conservative times need observed before they render any judgments.
that's just the way it is.
not necessarily "will be"...
but is.
a recurring theme this...
and sometimes...
you definitely get more mileage out of having half-baked laws than having laws that make sense. i mean, laws that makes sense would act like a good referee: out of sight and out of the game until a penalty call is obviously needed. that ideal makes perfect sense, and for a good game.
however, if those referees get to call arbitrary penalties on select players despite no obvious fouls committed against any other player... well, sure that screws up the game, but it definitely reinforces who's in charge and who tacitly or actively endorses that.
i mean, no one can tell you what to eat, drink, smoke, have sex with, etc...
"da gub'mint! i tell's ya it's da gub'mint!"
so, when they have laws that make no sense, it really reinforces who's in charge here no matter what hypocrisy they brandish.
(ahh, brandish, i missed you. how long's it been?)
i mean, let's take the harmless out of harm's way already and just get some boring-ass definitive process going that's indubitable.
(ahh, indubitable, we meet again, it's been too long... old friend...)
so, with verve and clicquot i present a slo-pitch pitch once attempted with the sincerest of underhand tosses. i hadn't finished tinkering to finesse the press corpse before the collective thought balloon was whisked away into the flotsam and jetstream of the disinformation highway...
i mean, my dear boy...
it's downright crudimentary...
they float it out there...
the people sleep...
they sneak it by the twin lions of pride and reason who pad silenty beside everyone...
and slowly put the plan in place with the damage control man on stand-by...
"You're calling the Wolf?"
not yet...
but i might...
so, without further mountain dew, may i present...
May 24, 2005
Grow-Opps For Understanding
A green plague hath descended upon our fair nation, with daily headlines raising the alarm and psychopaths shooting RCMP officers.
Marijuana is here.
A lot of it.
However, every time I see stories of a massive grow-op shut down and millions more yet to be found, I also see an opportunity to better understand one of the simplest laws of capitalism: supply and demand.
To wit: WHY are there so many grow-ops?
Quite clearly, the answer is Canadians want to smoke marijuana. It's really that simple. What is less discussed in the frenzy of sensational drug-busts: should they?
Before knee-jerk reactions, we've got to look at first-principles: the reason to make drugs illegal is their harmful and addictive quality. This forces an unnatural reaction from the supply and demand chain that can lead to criminal activity: we're all scared of drug addicts robbing old ladies to feed their habit.
Even then, we've legalized tobacco, alchohol, painkillers, and a variety of addictive substances proven harmful that contribute to the deaths of thousands. So the hypocrisy is classic, but unfortunately, it is hasn’t been proven that it is hyprocrisy.
This doesn’t mean we should legalize or decriminalize marijuana, it's merely a natural reaction to the fact that Canadians clearly want to smoke it, and how we should treat their interests as a matter of private morality. We've respected this concept since Pierre Trudeau famously said "the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation", and fundamental to the Canadian identity is creating a safe space for an infinite variety of opinions and actions. Without knowing exactly why, it is fundamentally un-Canadian to restrict the actions any citizens unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is harming them or society as a whole.
So, perhaps we should call on one of our classic blue-ribbon commissions to study this matter in-depth, and show exactly why we should react to the desire of many Canadians to smoke marijuana by increasing penalties across the board. Despite years of enforcing existing laws the number of grow-ops is still growing, and profit-motives cannot be underscored without recognizing that Canadians are spending their hard-earned money on this "habit" or "pastime" or "addiction"...
Which one is it?
Our reactions are overreactions until we find out for sure, and with millions of dollars spent on increased prosecution, perhaps sparing a few dollars to see if this is a good idea isn't such a bad idea. In the end all Canadians will be affected by this, from those that want to grow or smoke marijuana, to those paying millions of tax-dollars to stop them, to the increased costs of incarceration, to the increased danger we face from the convicted felons we create.
Caveats already exist: Medical marijuana is available by prescription, while the grey area of how to acquire it causes terminally ill patients undue stress – so we should settle this soon for those in pain with little time left on this earth. Kids shouldn't smoke marijuana – nor should they smoke cigarettes, drink alchohol, or abuse painkillers, so reviewing similar restrictions is natural. Stealing electricity is wrong, and we need to stop it. And of course, our relationship as a marijuana supplier to the United States, which is more of a border-control issue than one to dictate how we handle the situation domestically. While we figure out if we should let millions of Canadians continue to smoke marijuana, we can continue to work with the United States on respecting their laws of their country and restricting supply.
As Canada moves into the 21st Century, we have to ensure that we truly have nothing to fear but fear itself. With all the hysteria around grow-ops and the scourge of marijuana, we should settle this issue with a few facts before committing to costly solutions.
- Black Krishna
Remember kids, many of the people who tell you that marijuana is evil are the same people who tell you things that do this are good...

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