Phil Donahue: "We Have an Emergency in the Media and We Have to Fix It"
Phil Donahue - one of the best-known talk show hosts in the history of television in the United States - joins us in our firehouse studio to discuss the state of the media in this country. Donahue's show was on the air for more than 29 years. In 2003, he was fired by MSNBC because he was allowing antiwar voices on the air.
PHIL DONAHUE: Along the way, it became clear that they were really very nervous about us, and the rule was laid down, we had to have two conservatives for every liberal. I was counted as two liberals. I mean, this is the truth. So I was very, very naive, you know, for a veteran guy, I can't get over – and there’s probably some vanity involved here, too. I thought I was going to be a place where dissent could be heard. I really believed that that was going to happen. And it was very naive of me to think that. It made them very, very nervous.
PHIL DONAHUE: This is Karl Rove. You put Michael Moore on, you don't get Condi. You don't get access. You don't get Colin. These are the legitimizing heavyweights that grant gravitas to the Sunday morning programs. It's just – it’s amazing. Follow the ball--
Prankster Smuggles Art Into Top Museums
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Many a visitor to New York's Museum of Modern Art has probably thought, "I could do that."
A British graffiti artist who goes by the name "Banksy" went one step further, by smuggling in his own picture of a soup can and hanging it on a wall, where it stayed for more than three days earlier this month before anybody noticed.
EBAY Refuses to Contact BUSH MONKEYS Bidders
Publisher Pleads with Blogs and Press to Get the Word Out!
WASHINGTON -- January 10 -- 24 hours before painting was to be sold, EBAY cancelled the controversial Bush Monkeys auction by artist Chris Savido. EBAY customer support promised that EBAY would alert bidders when painting was relisted.
ANIMAL publisher Bucky Turco is charging EBAY with censorship and mishandling, stating "Before EBAY took that auction down there was over 30,000 page views and the painting had bid up to $15,300, more then 5x is listed price." But now, no one knows about the auction, and the painting has not received one bid. It's just not fair." The painting has become an international lighting rod concerning subjects from free speech to Bush's handling of Iraq.
There are NO Google-search images...
Only the one here from Yahoo...
And the story disappeared...
Before it appeared...
HARRY BELAFONTE: "There is an old saying in the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation, and there were those slaves who live lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master to exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him. That gave you privilege. Colin Powell's permitted to come into the house of the master, as long as he would serve the master according to the master's dictates. And when Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture."
PHIL DONAHUE: Along the way, it became clear that they were really very nervous about us, and the rule was laid down, we had to have two conservatives for every liberal. I was counted as two liberals. I mean, this is the truth. So I was very, very naive, you know, for a veteran guy, I can't get over – and there’s probably some vanity involved here, too. I thought I was going to be a place where dissent could be heard. I really believed that that was going to happen. And it was very naive of me to think that. It made them very, very nervous.
JIM HIGHTOWER: "Did you make $78,000 last year? Probably not. Less than 5% of Americans make that much. But Michael Eisner, top dog at the Disney Entertainment conglomerate made $78,000, not for the year, not for a month or even a day. Last year, he pocketed $78,000 an hour, $203 million for one year. Plus, benefits and free passes to Disneyworld."
PHIL DONAHUE: This is Karl Rove. You put Michael Moore on, you don't get Condi. You don't get access. You don't get Colin. These are the legitimizing heavyweights that grant gravitas to the Sunday morning programs. It's just – it’s amazing. Follow the ball--
Prankster Smuggles Art Into Top Museums
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Many a visitor to New York's Museum of Modern Art has probably thought, "I could do that."
A British graffiti artist who goes by the name "Banksy" went one step further, by smuggling in his own picture of a soup can and hanging it on a wall, where it stayed for more than three days earlier this month before anybody noticed.

EBAY Refuses to Contact BUSH MONKEYS Bidders
Publisher Pleads with Blogs and Press to Get the Word Out!
WASHINGTON -- January 10 -- 24 hours before painting was to be sold, EBAY cancelled the controversial Bush Monkeys auction by artist Chris Savido. EBAY customer support promised that EBAY would alert bidders when painting was relisted.
ANIMAL publisher Bucky Turco is charging EBAY with censorship and mishandling, stating "Before EBAY took that auction down there was over 30,000 page views and the painting had bid up to $15,300, more then 5x is listed price." But now, no one knows about the auction, and the painting has not received one bid. It's just not fair." The painting has become an international lighting rod concerning subjects from free speech to Bush's handling of Iraq.
There are NO Google-search images...
Only the one here from Yahoo...
And the story disappeared...
Before it appeared...
How Do We Stop The Next Columbine?
When I see Bush on TV,
I make a hard left,
‘Cause when they finally come for me,
There may be none left,
I ain’t a Preacher’s Son,
Singin’ like Wyclef,
But I gotta speak my mind,
‘til they take my last breath,
I don’t fear death,
I really fear a life on my knees,
I don’t fear man,
But Nazi’s had PhDs,
I see the future,
Built on pillars of hate,
I see the past,
With no-debate, the end was too-late,
Gotta make a date,
But I ain't chasin' no chick,
Gotta think hard,
Their spin is much too slick,
Tell me, if things are getting better,
Tell me if your brother,
Got a nice slice of cheddar,
I ain’t talkin’ kin,
Blood’s thicker than water,
But about the lesser-lambs,
Being lead to the slaughter,
She could be your daughter,
Who stepped on a landmine,
You think to check in her room,
Make sure, she’s just fine,
I hope she age well,
Matures like, a fine wine,
But tell-me how do you stop,
The next Columbine?
How do we stop,
The next Columbine?
How do we live,
Just happy to have mine?
How can we sleep,
In a world full of stress?
How do we pray,
Daily-failin’ God’s test?
Don’t diss Michael Moore,
Feelin’ smug ‘cause he’s sure,
He’s made a mill' now,
Still fights for the poor,
You got big plans,
For when you get rich?
Cop a phat-ass ride?
Cop a skinny-ass bitch?
Where’s the itch to fix-a-sitch?
Think bigger now, son,
Where’s the rest of the picture?
It’s gonna be one-world won!
But pick myopic fun?
And the choice, is real-easy,
Get Rich or Die Tryin’,
Bring it clean or greasy,
But who’s really rich?
When 3-bill' are broke?
And where’s the soul?
In Nabisco, selling ‘em smokes?
And how’d we get money?
To build bigger bombs?
And yet we’re too broke?
To feed single moms?
Got a generation of kids,
Under no supervision,
At 18 they’re pissed,
So we build bigger prisons,
Or hide in the ‘burbs,
Behind our own bars,
Keep a gun under pillow,
Keep a gun in your car,
Keep a gun in your waist,
To stop violent crime,
But 10 times out of 9,
Can’t stop Columbine…
How do we stop,
The next Columbine?
How do we live,
Just happy to have mine?
How can we sleep,
In a world full of stress?
How do we pray,
Daily-failin’ God’s test?
So hand out a million ribbons,
For each dead kid,
Then pray for a death sentence,
Get pissed, at a life-bid,
Pro quo quid,
That means you get what you deserve,
You pissed at 9/11?
Yeah, that hit a real nerve,
3000 lives,
That died by fire,
But if you can’t figure why,
You’re a goddamned liar,
Half-a-million Iraqi kids,
Sanctions killed so far,
But it’s just a numbers game,
Like trying to count stars...
So, does might make it right?
Yeah, that’s real mature,
Do we have to start a fight?
You always gotta make sure,
‘Cause it don’t make sense,
Thinking kill or be killed,
We’re supposed to be, higher mammals?
We thought we were more skilled,
We thought we could skip the bill,
Like a dash’n’dine,
But cried when 12 were killed,
You make sense of Columbine...
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