Back to A-Dressing the Mobvious: "See you at tha crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
Just a head's up as I plan my return to Toronto in the next few weeks. I'm at a cross roads while looking for gainful employ and looking away from many a nervous girl and boy, like the guy who just ran by me at the Tim Horton's I'm sitting at who vaguely looked like he was trying to trick me into looking at something.
However, when I think I'm being tricked into looking at something, I think it's not worth looking at. I've looked and I'm right. But, so are people who know they try to trick other people into looking at what they do, so they can take some solace in that if they want. What's happening to people and what can we do?
Ugh. A little kid just tried the same and I hate being in a situation where I'm trying to avoid this all day and night. People are more nervous and desperate for attention, but it's hard to give attention to people acting nervous, so the cycle continues. Sometimes I try politely copying them and the same people don't like it.
While many people work harder than ever to look better than ever, we may not be doing what we should to get attention we value. In fact, what we now often do may be throwing each other off. It seems practiced, which means people must not want to see what each other has to offer to make it normal. What's up?
The internet is a great place to express your opinions when you have strong ones, hence this blog. Mine really flared up at the site of an article posted at, who's one of those guys who you have to say "I don't agree with everything he says, but he's smart and a lot of it is great". Which is sort of like me.
Soon, I will present some pictures and the articles for your perusal to develop your own opinions. My goal is still to sell t-shirts to a bunch of people while consulting with a few to get the resources to devote more time and effort to coming up with ways to preserve our former options to act like men and women if we want to.
This doesn't mean I want to prevent anyone from doing what they want. Far from it. I think I'm making sure most people can do what they want to while tolerating anyone politely doing different. Instead of the new gender-neutral and insecure twitching and spazzing instead of talking, more can relax and feel confident.
Also, after going overboard in responding with no related verbal feedback, I'm taking lower impact position, or basically polite acknowledgement and avoidance. Occasionally I'll look over with a brief and wan smile and simply use my hand to make a mouth talking sign by my ear to indicate I'd rather people just say it.
The small picture is still I can't do much feel confident until I make a lot of money, so that's my main focus. I can't be more influential with people everywhere who'll listen to and agree in the moment, which is nearly everybody everywhere. Guys'll chill if they know they won't lose everything by listening to me. Or by not.
The small picture also includes women and girls who still want to interact, but many invariably get upset at me for ignoring what they want to show me, or for pointing out what they're doing wrong. I'm not bragging and I've said they could always say I'm wrong and ignore me, which is finally starting to happen more and more.
The small picture now includes four bored old men sitting near me trying to get me to look at them drinking, eating, wiping, scratching, picking, coughing, sneezing and/or blowing their nose every few seconds later replaced by two young hot girls doing the same. I gave both of them half-hearted copies as reply stimuli.
The small picture reveals that response is enough to sustain interest, so real attention is forgettable and real satisfaction is forgotten. I think "The Not Itchy But Scratchy Show" is disrespectful and annoying, plus if anyone wants attention from someone they should respect what they're doing and their interest in seeing it.
The big picture comes into play because I'm trying to incorporate everything I've done to make common sense of the last few years and make lots of money by helping people make sense of their future. While I can't say too much or people might be freaked out, if I don't say enough there's no point in listening.
The big picture is one I know I can influence which is why I persist in trying, although at times half-heartedly since I know it takes me further away from people who don't. However, at this point I think I can stand by my legacy and history a little stronger to make a better case to more people and I'm figuring out how to.
The big picture is while you have your Saturday night, I have your future, so we should trade. All I need is a chance to get bigger and deffer, to quote the inimitable LL Cool J, before I can't, which may be happening. I'm caught out too and as long as I'm marginalized, so are the ideas that help people relax and feel better.
The big picture involves more people understanding "gender-neutrality" and what it often means. Not gender "equality", but gender "neutrality", or erasing gender as a confidence-boosting construct entirely. All I can do for now is post this and promote my other efforts. But, in the near future we should figure out our options.
Herewith are the aforementioned pictures and articles. One of my main contentions for most is: who really wants to see straight guys dress like girls? Girls who want badass men? Men who want to feel badass? Gays who like badass men? Why is a niche market for this dominating our fashion future? See below for more.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
course, no men were consulted as to whether we want this new fashion
direction. Any man can tell you that they are repugnant. Even the
sissies modelling these things look embarrassed.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
- See more at:
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is Feminine", says the tampon tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
the way, bull fruits and 'bears' like to look SUPER-macho, like
gladiators. (remember the Village People from the Disco era?). Things
like motorcycle gang chic. NO self respecting butch would be caught
dead wearing these feminist Ken Doll dress-up like Barbie infantile
fantasy. This may come as a shock to feminist social engineers, but an
estimated 45% of male homosexuals are butch and want to look like G.I.
JOE - not an anorexic KEN doll in Barbie drag.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the
Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is
Feminine", says the tampon
tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
By the way, bull fruits and 'bears'
like to look SUPER-macho, like gladiators. (remember the
Village People from the Disco era?). Things like motorcycle gang
chic. NO self respecting butch would be caught dead wearing
these feminist Ken Doll dress-up like Barbie infantile fantasy.
This may come as a shock to feminist social engineers, but an
estimated 45% of male homosexuals are butch and want to look like
G.I. JOE - not an anorexic KEN doll in Barbie drag.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
- See more at:
London Fashion Week: The Future of Menswear Is Feminine
if you consider yourself open-minded, some of the pieces from the
Autumn/Winter mens' fashion week 2014 collections in London may give you
women are often seen in so-called "menswear"— trousers, tailored suits,
neckties — men in so-called "womenswear" are very rare. And who to say
what is only for women, anyway?
Writing for The New York Times, noted fashion critic Suzy Menkes declared that the J.W. Anderson show on Tuesday "rekindled he masculine-feminine debate in 21st-century fashion."
Sweden’s New Gender-Neutral Pronoun: Hen
A country tries to banish gender.
By most people’s standards, Sweden is a paradise for liberated women.
It has the highest proportion of working women in the world, and women
earn about two-thirds of all degrees. Standard parental leave runs at
480 days, and 60 of those days are reserved exclusively for dads,
causing some to credit the country with forging the way for a new kind
of nurturing masculinity. In 2010, the World Economic Forum designated Sweden as the most gender-equal country in the world.
But for many Swedes, gender equality is not enough. Many are pushing for the Nordic nation to be not simply gender-equal but gender-neutral. The idea is that the government and society should tolerate no distinctions at all between the sexes. This means on the narrow level that society should show sensitivity to people who don't identify themselves as either male or female, including allowing any type of couple to marry. But that’s the least radical part of the project. What many gender-neutral activists are after is a society that entirely erases traditional gender roles and stereotypes at even the most mundane levels.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
course, no men were consulted as to whether we want this new fashion
direction. Any man can tell you that they are repugnant. Even the
sissies modelling these things look embarrassed.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
- See more at:
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is Feminine", says the tampon tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
the way, bull fruits and 'bears' like to look SUPER-macho, like
gladiators. (remember the Village People from the Disco era?). Things
like motorcycle gang chic. NO self respecting butch would be caught
dead wearing these feminist Ken Doll dress-up like Barbie infantile
fantasy. This may come as a shock to feminist social engineers, but an
estimated 45% of male homosexuals are butch and want to look like G.I.
JOE - not an anorexic KEN doll in Barbie drag.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
course, no men were consulted as to whether we want this new fashion
direction. Any man can tell you that they are repugnant. Even the
sissies modelling these things look embarrassed.
- See more at:
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is Feminine", says the tampon tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
course, no men were consulted as to whether we want this new fashion
direction. Any man can tell you that they are repugnant. Even the
sissies modelling these things look embarrassed.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
- See more at:
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is Feminine", says the tampon tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
The fact is, sissies or "femmes", unlike women, want to create their own ensembles. That's why far more women's fashion designers are sissies and bull fruits, not women.
the way, bull fruits and 'bears' like to look SUPER-macho, like
gladiators. (remember the Village People from the Disco era?). Things
like motorcycle gang chic. NO self respecting butch would be caught
dead wearing these feminist Ken Doll dress-up like Barbie infantile
fantasy. This may come as a shock to feminist social engineers, but an
estimated 45% of male homosexuals are butch and want to look like G.I.
JOE - not an anorexic KEN doll in Barbie drag.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Then I started thinking, will the government get involved and make it mandatory for boys in public schools? After all, the social engineering isn't targeting males who are already queer. That's only 2% of the population in most places. The target is the other 98%. The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'.
Fashion fires Salvo in War Against Men
January 25, 2014(Men's Fashions. See many more examples here.)
The goal of these feminazi engineers isn't to turn men gay - it's to do away with 'gender consciousness' entirely. These lunatics want a 'gender free society'. Heterosexuals are oblivious to this vicious hate-filled attack on their identity and purpose in life.
"Revolution's Race to the Bottom - 'Gender Neutrality'"
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
course, no men were consulted as to whether we want this new fashion
direction. Any man can tell you that they are repugnant. Even the
sissies modelling these things look embarrassed.
- See more at:
by Richard Evans
"The Future of Menswear Is Feminine", says the tampon tabloid 'JEZEBEL' this week.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
I laughed at these photos from London Fashion Week. THEY ARE NONSENSE. The designers are all women. Not surprisingly the emasculation of men goes part and parcel with feminism.
Feminist ideology has twisted our society into a pretzel of me-ism and influenced lifestyle for the worst. We must remember the women's movement of the 60-70s perpetrated a lie that there is no difference between males and females.
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