Black Krishna hosts CKLN Radio 88.1 FM's "Rude Awakening" Morning News Show - November 17, 2009

Young Jeezy - Who Dat [Official Music Video]
FYI, a nice clean audio file was made available to me by Mr. Danny Liberty, a fellow CKLN programmer (we're "programming" people! ;-) and the master video-smith behind many of our TTS videos at and elsewhere. Check it out if you'd like, it's a mixtape of music and clips and ideas that may help further your goals of surviving in the 21st century, which appears to be getting more difficult while it should be getting easier.
Black Krishna hosts CKLN Radio 88.1 FM's "Rude Awakening" Morning News Show - November 17, 2009
"Black Krishna (BK) hosts CKLN Radio 88.1 FM's "Rude Awakening" morning news show on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am EST. You can listen live online at or on your Rogers Digital Cable TV box at channel 947. This episode is 40 minutes long featuring music, audio clips, a discussion of current events with historical context and of course, solutions, or what's the point? Audio file available courtesy of fellow CKLN programmer Danny Liberty. Public domain information, please use the file or content however you'd like, hopefully for something good."
The show will formalize over the next few weeks assuming I can continue doing it. There be some crazy chicanery, including the east-bound bus service on Dundas at Dufferin at 5:30 and 5:38 am on the bus pole -- which I've taken before -- mysteriously getting totally cancelled this morning. I was there from 5:20 am. What does it mean? Who the hell knows. I asked the "not in service" bus driver what's up this morning, he said he couldn't tell me and he had to go or he'd be late.
Bah, it looks like I'm groggy-walking there from 5 - 6 am from now on, ugh.
Oh well, whoever's awake at the time will get really awake fast.
And I gotta say, it's hella fun to do... :-)
Tuesday, November 24th, 2009
Green Gallery and Exhibits: 3 pm – 10 pm
Book Store: 3 pm – 10 pm
Reception: 4:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm
Keynote Speech by Al Gore: 8 pm
Post Event Reception and Dessert Buffet: 9 pm
The Allstream Centre
Exhibition Place
Canada's greenest conference and exhibition facility
105 Princes' Blvd., Toronto, Ontario
great job guys, it might be tough to get to the event itself, or not, but we should try, and this is a classic example of the type of "head's up!" events we need to see posted on a daily basis to give us options. the santa clause parade would've been cool too.
anyway, on meester gore-be-chuff...
instead of just yelling at him at the event, which will just piss off all his fans and get us tossed-out, we should take advantage of the increased interest in him being here to clarify the global warming taxing rubbish for more people with flyers, dvd's, interviews, etc.
while i'm ironically still behind on making my "save children's brains now before it's too late!" flyer and haven't seen anyone else make one, i'm getting it done tonite for launch on saturday. meanwhile, on this project, perhaps we could try something different.
instead of people being asked to make flyers on their own, which appears to be a lot more difficult for most than it seems, perhaps we should work together on this one. or, let's start posting the BEST carefully cited analysis deconstructing the carbonation fraud.
then, once we have lots of carefully chosen citations from articles to use, whoever wants to can make the definitive flyers based on the latest intell. we have lots of people doing lots of research, if they're doing it well, then this project should definitely prove it.
btw, my bought and paid-for onezone wireless internet here at queen and bathurst is now magically back to full-speed immediately after i spoke with mark about it this afternoon, knock on indian rosewood. over the years i've noticed, particularly online, that if you complain loudly enough to lots of people, then somehow things start working again.
it could be chaos theory. or, order out of chaos theory. but, the last thing the "system" wants to do is give me credibility by messing with me in ways that i can clearly point out. if they do, then people have to decide if i'm lying or not. if i'm not lying, then they have to deal with the fact that i might be right enough to be messed with by the man.
that will cause the NWO a sh-tload of problems.
so, consider me back online for a while as part of their new strategy. absence makes the heart grow fonder, so maybe not seeing my e-blather all the time was having a positive effect. regardless, living in a giant science experiment grows more fascinating by the day. so, we have to take it in stride, jump out of the boiling petri dish and... moon a spook! ;-)
oh yeah, incidentally, my new neighbours sharing the building where i work are running a "psychic reader" business upstairs. what's interesting is last night as we were leaving, i noticed a large neon (left) eye of horus symbol right above (me) and our store. what can i say? the illuminati moved in upstairs and they seem very nice, or at least we're on good terms... ;-P
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