GO CANADA: How A Vaccine Nation Can Stop The Shot! :-)

The Shot Is The Pandemic Part 1/2: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
The Shot Is The Pandemic Part 2/2: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
GO CANADA: How A Vaccine Nation Can Stop The Shot! :-)
Hello Everybody,
A Google News search for "swine flu" reveals the New Brunswick government has started swine flu vaccination programs, Ontario and Alberta start on Monday, and the whole provincial list is below. There's lots of great resistance worldwide, including a great new piece in the National Post titled "Michael Fumento: The WHO's political pandering" about how they changed the definition of the word "pandemic" to make a mild flu seem bad, plus a great CBS News story called "Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?" Please share the links below, the articles are included in full to preserve any details that might be lost later in online Orwellization.
Just thinking fast during crunch-time....
The controlled media might need stuff to react to, like the CBC with our TTS street actions.
So, if we do a variety of stuff, then we have a chance to be referred to in some fashion.
We should think of a variety of stuff that everyone can do to warn other people now.
Just something to keep on our minds...
Every responsible Canadian should try to get the word out about vaccine-risks now across Canada. I've added suggested links and techniques below, plus a new flyer to the "Files" section among many that can be adapted regionally. With different connections to different people and access to technology, it shouldn't be hard for most Canadians to get the word out fast once they learn the truth. Decent videos and emailable packages could easily go viral. Informal groups like TTS should also formalize and expand to approach institutions as effective lobbies representing groups of concerned citizens. Please share any more thoughts.
The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC
CBC's "The National" news program was looking into why some Canadians are against the idea of taking swine flu vaccines. To see what happened, please visit the links below for the YouTube videos.
TTS MicroPolls - 94% of 180 voters say no so far:
*** Should Canadians Have To Take A Swine Flu Shot? ***
TorontoTruthSeekers.com Vaccine-Risk Awareness Meet-Up:
STOP THE FLU WORLD ORDER! -- Sat, Oct 24th, 11 am - 6 pm, Dundas Square
5 videos explaining the various risks of vaccines:
Fox News - Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself
& Will Not Give It To His Kids
CNN - Dr Oz's Children Will NOT be Receiving H1N1 Vaccine
France24 - Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone
Dr. Mercola & Dr. Russell Blaylock - What To Do If You Are Forced To
Take Swine Flu Shot [1/4]
Fox News - Flu Shot Permanently Disables Washington Redskins cheerleader Desiree Jennings
10 medical doctors questioning the effectiveness of vaccines:
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, MD - http://drtenpenny.com/
Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD - http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/
Dr. Barbara Loe-Fischer, MD - http://www.nvic.org/
Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD - http://www.brainguardmd.com/
Dr. Rima Laibow, MD - http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD - http://homefirst.com/
Dr. Rebecca Carly - http://www.drcarley.com/
Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD - http://www.mercola.com/
Dr. Gary Null, MD - http://www.garynull.com/
Dr. Shiv Chopra, MD, Health Canada Whistleblower - http://shivchopra.com/
3 medical journal articles questioning swine flu vaccines:
British Medical Journal
Published 26 August 2009, doi:10.1136/bmj.b3461
Cite this as: BMJ 2009;339:b3461
Opposition to swine flu vaccine seems to be growing worldwide
... A survey published online this week in the BMJ found that just over half of 8500 healthcare workers in Hong Kong said they would not be vaccinated against swine flu because of fears of side effects and doubts about the vaccine’s effectiveness (BMJ 2009;339:b3391, doi:10.1136/bmj.b3391).
Evidence from 11 focus groups conducted in Canada before the current pandemic also indicates that parents and healthcare workers may refuse to be vaccinated or to vaccinate their children if they believe that the risks outweigh the benefits (Emerging Health Threats Journal 2009;2:e8, www.eht-forum.org/ehtj/journal/v2/pdf/ehtj09008a.pdf). And a survey by Israel’s ministry of health similarly found that at least 25% of the population is not willing to be vaccinated against swine flu.
CTV News / Unpublished Study
Unpublished study influences Ont.'s vaccine plan
... That study, based on research ongoing in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, suggests that people who have received seasonal flu shots last year may be at greater risk of catching H1N1 flu this year.
Der Spiegel / The Lancet
The Injection Business: How Safe Is the Swine Flu Vaccine?
By SPIEGEL Staff, 08/03/2009
... Many in the medical community share his reservations. "Countries need to assess carefully the risks and benefits of rapid approval" of an H1N1 vaccine, writes the British medical journal The Lancet in an editorial in its current edition, "especially since the disease has so far been mild with most patients making a full recovery."
The Lancet authors emphasize, in particular, the simplified approval procedure introduced in Europe specifically for vaccines to be used in a pandemic, which permits manufacturers to apply for approval of so-called "mock-up" vaccines in advance of a pandemic. Four such vaccines were available when the pandemic began. Now the mock-up virus strain merely has to be exchanged for the current pandemic virus, which would allow for approval to be granted within a short period of time. Under the accelerated procedure, safety studies with the vaccine that would be used in actual vaccinations are no longer necessary.
3 things that anyone can do to share information on vaccine-risks:
1. Drop-off small flyers warning of the dangers of vaccines in neighbours mailboxes, at libraries, businesses, and anywhere else. Get 10 flyers per-page design templates off the TorontoTruthSeekers.com Meet-Up site in MS Word or PowerPoint and customize them. Print them for 3-cents a page at a small shop. Have them cut at Kinko's for $1 per cut. For around $30 you can have 10,000 tiny anti-vaccine flyers, easily enough for your neighbourhood. Download posters, flyers or design templates here:
2. Grab email addresses from the publicly available ones online. Look on company and organization websites. Some websites have lists of media contacts and others. Send them a carefully written and well-sourced warning about the risks involved with the swine flu vaccine, anonymously or not. If anyone says they're upset, apologize and promise to never contact them again. Also contact elected officials, journalists, professionals and everyone else. With the internet, phone, fax and more it's easy today.
700 Ontario Press Emails
3. Look into the history of GlaxoSmithKline, or "GSK" as young healthcare workers call them. The same article below states: "Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has a contract to produce 50.4 million doses of pandemic vaccine at its facility in Ste-Foy, Que." Since Merck-Frosst made Vioxx, which killed over 10,000 people before they pulled it, people shouldn't trust their Gardasil HPV vaccine. If we find similar dirt on GSK, we can share it with Canadians to make them think twice about trusting them.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ - see: Controversy
3 mainstream news stories on swine flu vaccines and why we shouldn't take them:
Here's what the provinces have planned for rolling out swine-flu vaccine
(CP) – 17 hours ago
OTTAWA — The long-awaited H1N1 vaccine, Canada's principal defence against a "second wave" of swine-flu, was poised to deploy across the country Wednesday after winning the approval of the federal government.
That approval clears the way for the province-by-province administration of the vaccine. Here's the schedule for those provinces that have announced their vaccination plans:
In New Brunswick, public health officials expect to start administering swine flu vaccine Thursday, with health-care workers, First Nations people and school-age children first on the list. The province has received more than 83,000 of 600,000 doses ordered.
In Nova Scotia, where 1.4 million doses of the vaccine are on order, needles start going into arms next week, with the priority on high-risk groups like people under the age of 65 with chronic conditions, health-care workers and children six months to less than five years of age.
Pregnant women are also a high-priority group across Canada, but many doctors recommend they wait a few more weeks for a version of the vaccine that has no adjuvants or compounds to boost the immune system's response.
Groups that are at high risk for seasonal flu can receive both the seasonal and swine flu vaccines at the same time. Shots given together will be administered to opposite arms.
In Prince Edward Island, doses of the vaccine will be available starting next week. Aboriginals, health-care workers, people with chronic conditions under 65 and children six months old up to the age of school entry are among those considered a priority. Mass public clinics are scheduled to begin Nov. 16.
Mass immunization clinics in Newfoundland and Labrador will start offering the vaccine as early as Monday.
Ontario already has 722,000 doses of vaccine, which will be offered starting Monday to certain groups that are more vulnerable to contracting swine flu: adults under the age of 65 with chronic conditions, health-care workers, caregivers for high-risk groups, people living in remote and isolated communities, pregnant women and healthy children six months to five years of age.
Because of an increasing number of cases in Ontario, pregnant women who either have underlying conditions such as asthma or diabetes, or are past the 20th week of their pregnancy, should get vaccine as soon as possible, said Dr. Arlene King, Ontario's chief medical officer of health.
The Manitoba government says as of Monday, clinics will be set up in targeted areas offering free vaccinations to those first on the priority list: preschoolers, aboriginals, people with chronic medical conditions and others who are deemed most vulnerable.
The province will also fly in teams of health professionals to remote northern reserves that were hit hard by the flu's first wave last spring. Dozens of people from the Island Lake region were hospitalized, even though the area has just 10,000 residents.
In Quebec, where an elderly woman was the province's first casualty of the so-called second wave, vaccination is set to get underway on Monday. The province is spending $115 million to administer a total of 11.5 million doses, and distribution has already begun.
Alberta is expecting to have 400,000 doses on hand by Monday, and will begin its inoculation program then, health officials said. The province is urging those in the high-risk groups to seek the shot as soon as possible, but won't be screening recipients.
British Columbia gets underway "early next week" for women who are over 20 weeks pregnant, people under 65 who have chronic health conditions, and members of the First Nations. The province currently has 230,000 doses of vaccine on hand.
The program will expand to children and infants and health-care providers in the second week, while everyone else can get in line the following week.
Copyright © 2009 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
Michael Fumento: The WHO's political pandering
Posted: October 22, 2009, 9:00 AM by NP Editor
As evidence continues to mount that swine flu is more of a piglet than a raging razorback, why isn’t curiosity mounting about why the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic? And why does the agency continue to insist we’re going to get hammered? The answers have far less to do with world health than with redistribution of world wealth.
Medically, the pandemic moniker is unjustifiable. When the WHO made its official declaration in June, we were 11 weeks into the outbreak, and swine flu had only killed 144 people worldwide — the same number who die of seasonal flu worldwide every few hours. The mildest pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people worldwide. After six months, swine flu has killed about as many people as the seasonal flu does every six days.
So how could WHO make such an outrageous claim?
Simple. It rewrote the definition of “pandemic.”
A previous official definition required “simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” Severity is crucial because seasonal flu always causes worldwide simultaneous epidemics. But the definition promulgated in April eliminated severity as a factor.
That’s also how we can have a “pandemic” when six months of epidemiological data show swine flu to be far milder than the seasonal variety. New York City statistics show it to be perhaps a 10th as lethal.
Swine flu isn’t some sort of alien from outer space as we’ve been led to believe, but rather “the same subtype as seasonal A/H1N1 that has been circulating since 1977,” as the BMJ observes. It’s “something our immune systems have seen before,” echoes Peter Palese of New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Nevertheless, because WHO dubbed this a “pandemic,” vaccination plans, emergency response measures and frightening predictions have been based on comparisons with true pandemics that by definition were especially severe. That includes the August report from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology with its “plausible scenario” of “30,000 — 90,000 [U.S.] deaths” peaking in “mid-October.”
Check your calendar.
So why did WHO do it?
In part, because it was losing credibility over the refusal of avian flu H5N1 to go pandemic and kill as many as 150 million people worldwide, as the WHO’s “flu czar” had predicted in 2005. Around the world, nations stockpiled antiviral medicines and H5N1 vaccine.
So when pig flu conveniently appeared, the WHO essentially crossed out “avian,” inserted “swine,” and WHO Director-General Margaret Chan could boast: “The world can now reap the benefits of investments over the last five years in pandemic preparedness.”
Yet this doesn’t explain why the agency hyped avian flu in the first place, nor why it exaggerated HIV infections by more than 10 times, or why it spread hysteria over Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). That disease ultimately killed a day’s worth of seasonal flu victims before vanishing.
But the SARS scare was enough, leading to a broad expansion of WHO powers, including a degree of direct authority over national health agencies. It’s now using that to leverage more authority and a bigger budget. No shocker there.
What may be surprising is that it wants to use that power to help bring about a global economic and social revolution — and that Director-General Chan was so blunt about it in a speech in Copenhagen last month.
She said “ministers of health” should take advantage of the “devastating impact” swine flu will have on poorer nations to tell “heads of state and ministers of finance, tourism and trade” that:
* The belief that “living conditions and health status of the poor would somehow automatically improve as countries modernized, liberalized their trade and improved their economies” is false.
* “Changes in the functioning of the global economy” are needed to “distribute wealth on the basis of” values “like community, solidarity, equity and social justice.”
* “The international policies and systems that govern financial markets, economies, commerce, trade and foreign affairs have not operated with fairness as an explicit policy objective.”
Splendid! So let’s put the WHO in charge of worldwide economic and social engineering.
Then let’s form a new agency that sees disease as something to prevent and treat rather than something to exploit.
National Post
Michael Fumento is director of the non-profit Independent Journalism Project, where he specializes in health and science issues.
Oct. 21, 2009
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?
CBS News Exclusive: Study Of State Results Finds H1N1 Not As Prevalent As Feared
By Sharyl Attkisson
* Play CBS Video Video CDC Quiet On Swine Flu Stats
After repeated attempts made by CBS News asking the CDC to provide state-by-state data of swine flu testing before they halted individual testing and tracking, Dr. Thomas Frieden, CDC Director was asked directly at a recent news conference.
(CBS) If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.
In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.
The ramifications of this finding are important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Britain's National Health Service, once you have H1N1 flu, you're immune from future outbreaks of the same virus. Those who think they've had H1N1 flu -- but haven't -- might mistakenly presume they're immune. As a result, they might skip taking a vaccine that could help them, and expose themselves to others with H1N1 flu under the mistaken belief they won't catch it. Parents might not keep sick children home from school, mistakenly believing they've already had H1N1 flu.
Why the uncertainty about who has and who hasn't had H1N1 flu?
CBSNews.com report on H1N1
In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?
Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology, affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus strains.
CBS News learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the opportunity to provide input. Instead, on July 24, the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, CSTE, issued the following notice to state public health officials on behalf of the CDC:
"Attached are the Q&As that will be posted on the CDC website tomorrow explaining why CDC is no longer reporting case counts for novel H1N1. CDC would have liked to have run these by you for input but unfortunately there was not enough time before these needed to be posted (emphasis added)."
When CDC did not provide us with the material, we filed a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). More than two months later, the request has not been fulfilled. We also asked CDC for state-by-state test results prior to halting of testing and tracking, but CDC was again, initially, unresponsive.
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Video above: A CBS News producer asks the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, for this information at a press conference on Sept. 19.
While we waited for CDC to provide the data, which it eventually did, we asked all 50 states for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July. The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico.
It’s unknown what patients who tested negative for flu were actually afflicted with since the illness was not otherwise determined. Health experts say it’s assumed the patients had some sort of cold or upper respiratory infection that is just not influenza.
With most cases diagnosed solely on symptoms and risk factors, the H1N1 flu epidemic may seem worse than it is. For example, on Sept. 22, this alarming headline came from Georgetown University in Washington D.C.: "H1N1 Flu Infects Over 250 Georgetown Students."
H1N1 flu can be deadly and an outbreak of 250 students would be an especially troubling cluster. However, the number of sick students came not from lab-confirmed tests but from "estimates" made by counting "students who went to the Student Health Center with flu symptoms, students who called the H1N1 hotline or the Health Center's doctor-on-call, and students who went to the hospital's emergency room."
Without lab testing, it's impossible to know how many of the students actually had H1N1 flu. But the statistical trend indicates it was likely much fewer than 250.
CDC continues to monitor flu in general and H1N1 through "sentinels," which basically act as spot-checks to detect trends around the nation. But at least one state, California, has found value in tracking H1N1 flu in greater detail.
"What we are doing is much more detailed and expensive than what CDC wants," said Dr. Bela Matyas, California's Acting Chief of Emergency Preparedness and Response. "We're gathering data better to answer how severe is the illness. With CDC's fallback position, there are so many uncertainties with who's being counted, it's hard to know how much we're seeing is due to H1N1 flu rather than a mix of influenza diseases generally. We can tell that apart but they can't."
After our conversation with Dr. Matyas, public affairs officials with the California Department of Public Health emphasized to CBS News that they support CDC policy to stop counting individual cases, maintaining that the state has the resources to gather more specific testing data than the CDC.
Because of the uncertainties, the CDC advises even those who were told they had H1N1 to get vaccinated unless they had lab confirmation. "Persons who are uncertain about how they were diagnosed should get the 2009 H1N1 vaccine."
That's unwelcome news for a Marietta, Georgia mom whose two children were diagnosed with "probable" H1N1 flu over the summer. She hoped that would mean they wouldn't need the hastily developed H1N1 flu vaccine. However, since their cases were never confirmed with lab tests, the CDC advises they get the vaccine. "I wish they had tested and that I knew for sure whether they had it. I'm not anxious to give them an experimental vaccine if they don't need it."
Speaking to CBS' "60 Minutes," CDC Director Dr. Frieden said he has confidence that the vaccine will be safe and effective: "We're confident it will be effective we have every reason to believe that it will be safe."
However, the CDC recommendation for those who had "probable" or "presumed" H1N1 flu to go ahead and get vaccinated anyway means the relatively small proportion of those who actually did have H1N1 flu will be getting the vaccine unnecessarily. This exposes them to rare but significant side effects, such as paralysis from Guillain-Barre syndrome.
It also uses up vaccine, which is said to be in short supply. The CDC was hoping to have shipped 40 million doses by the end of October, but only about 30 million doses will be available this month.
The CDC did not response to questions from CBS News for this report.
Washington Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Exaggerated?
H1N1 Misdiagnoses Could Have Consequences
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