IT'S THE BRITS: Queen slips out for quiet date with hubby + The Teutonic Origins of the New World Order

What a poyfect juxtapozishun! :-)
A story about "The Queen" and her dude slipping out for a nice evening at the theatre. How daring. Compared to an Infowars story on the Germo-Brit history of the New World Order. How damning. It's been said the British tabloids are owned by The Queen and print stuff about her family to throw people off the real rotten scent of evil, which sounds plausible. Her Family ran the world for 500 years and haven't stopped yet. Nobody can explain who stopped them anyway, so by subtraction, a cabal run by the Germo-Brits makes more sense than zionists or lizards.
The Brits are the best at that whole damn "polite" thing while twisting a knife in yer gut -- or wallet. It's still used today. Their General (Frank Kitson) wrote up the military practice of using "gangs and counter-gangs", or creating and funding an enemy group in a country to stay there fighting, like the U.S. funding "Al-Qaeda", etc. Their philosopher John Dee wrote the plan for "free trade" to take over the world, including giving China most favoured naton status (MFN). Their Bank of England birthed the global financial system. Their OSS created the CIA.
Anyway, shekkit if ya fizzle... :-P
Queen slips out for quiet date with hubby
Thu Oct 15, 12:33 PM
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Queen Elizabeth stunned theater-goers in London this week when she and her husband slipped in to see a play unannounced and at the last minute, newspapers reported.
The queen and Prince Philip apologetically squeezed past other theater-goers to get into their seats for the West End production of World War One play "War Horse" at the New London Theater.
"The Queen and the Duke sat down as the lights dimmed and it was a huge shock when people realized who they were," said a journalist at the show for The Lady magazine. "They were incredibly apologetic for asking people to let them past and there was no hubbub or fuss about it all."
The queen and her husband often make incognito trips to the West End, but are rarely spotted, an aide told London's Evening Standard newspaper.
"The Queen has regularly undertaken similar private visits throughout her reign without any fuss," the aide said. "It allows her to live a bit more of a normal life."
The journalist from The Lady said the queen appeared to enjoy the performance, disappeared during the interval and then reappeared discreetly.
"When they left at the end, they were given a round of applause, which the Queen acknowledged with a wave," she said.
(Reporting by Paul Casciato; Editing by Steve Addison)
The Teutonic Origins of the New World Order
Jurriaan Maessen
October 15, 2009
... The same principle applies to the British royal family. The official website of the British monarchy readily admits the name of ‘Windsor’ was an invention out of the First World War to mask the German name of old: Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
“King George V”, the website proclaims, “replaced the German-sounding title with that of Windsor during the First World War. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha survived in other European monarchies (…)”.
The ‘other’ monarchies the text is referring to, consist mainly of German houses. The Belgium monarchy traced its roots back to the very same house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Although well documented, the official Belgian website of the royals says nothing of any German ancestry. The lack of information on their website is richly compensated by the Wikipedia entrance, destroying any questions that might linger on the subject:
“On 4 June (1831), Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was designated King of the Belgians by the National Congress (…). To date all (Kings of the Belgians) have belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.”
History reveals it is mostly by blood that the genealogy of power is secured throughout the ages. And all those unrelated to the head snakes, have been royally approved to do evil in their name. A cast of sociopaths commanding a tribe of psychopaths.
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