CTV News: Ontario to begin swine flu vaccinations next week

heya swine fluoriditas! ;-)
i'd say articles like this should give us a sense of urgency. after months of discussion, it's finally here. btw, the headline from a google news search of "swine flu" was "Ontario to begin swine flu vaccinations next week", but after i clicked over, it was the much-less threatening headline below. anyway, instead of pretending this isn't happening, or just accepting it happens like some will, everyone can think of a few things that anyone can do to reach enough people to make this flu shot campaign unsuccessful.
it's not very difficult in our polite, friendly and technologically advanced culture for canadians to defend themselves, their families, friends and country if they decide they want to. we proved at the street actions that warning people about the dangers of vaccines is something most canadians appreciate, so at this point, it's a no-brainer that we should. fear is caused by ignorance, but we prove there's nothing to fear about warning people. laziness is caused by selfishness, but we can also think of others.
btw, this is just harmless "imho" stuff, but i hope it comes in handy. imro (in my researched opinion), we're taught in our "expert" dominated cultures to think we ordinary folk can't think of or say anything important. this means many people don't try. this means many things don't get thought of, including our reactions to the plans of the elite. while we're supposed to let people "do what they want", or just to let the state and corporations tell people what to do, i'd suggest that we, the people, can do a better job.
Only one swine flu shot will be needed, top doc says
Updated: Wed Oct. 21 2009 3:41:05 PM
The Canadian Press
TORONTO — Ontario's chief medical officer of health says people will only need one shot of the H1N1 vaccine to protect themselves against swine flu.
Dr. Arlene King says it was originally thought that two shots would be required.
Today, King said people over the age of 10 would only need one dose for full immunity.
Children under 10 will require two half-doses, given at a minimum of 21 days apart.
King's comments follow Ottawa's approval of the vaccine today, and clinics across Ontario will be able to provide pandemic shots to priority groups next week -- about a week ahead of schedule.
King also says pregnant women more than 20 weeks into their pregnancy, or who have underlying health complications, shouldn't wait for the unadjuvanted vaccine.
Last week, King had recommended that pregnant women wait and take the vaccine that doesn't contain adjuvant -- an additive that boosts the impact of a vaccine -- given concerns about its safety.
King said Wednesday that given the rising rates of swine flu in the province, pregnant women in that risk group should speak to their health-care provider about receiving the adjuvanted vaccine.
Healthy women in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy should wait for the vaccine without adjuvant, which won't be available until November, King said.
The province already has 700,000 doses of the adjuvanted vaccine, which will be offered first to certain groups that are more vulnerable to contracting swine flu, Health Minister Deb Matthews said Wednesday.
"All the plans are in place," she said. "All of the health units across the province know exactly what we have to do."
They include adults with chronic conditions, health-care workers, people living in remote and isolated communities, pregnant women and children six months to five years of age.
Last week, King said she'd noticed a spike in flu-like activity in Ontario, particularly in densely populated areas like Toronto and Ottawa.
King said that's what health officials saw during the first wave of the swine flu, but stopped short of confirming that the second wave has arrived in Ontario.
People over 65 seem to have an immunity to the H1N1 virus and are being asked to get the seasonal flu shot only for now, although they'll be able to get the swine flu vaccine later if they want it, King said.
Ontario residents will have to contact their local health units to find out where to get the vaccine, which may not be available through their family doctors.
That's because the adjuvant must be added to the vaccine and administered to 10 people within 24 hours, according to health officials.
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