EGYPT: Just type "egypt" into Google and click "News" to see the Post 9/11 World War Three being set up right now.

Just another tip on the revolt in Egypt, apparently started by a bad Photoshop job that has since destablized the leading country in the Arab world and the closest powerful ally of the West. Now, news stories are switching to the possible problems with the new leader, whoever that is, which is something the protesters should have thought of, plus the signals to the rest of the Arab world to revolt where they are too.
Since many of us are following the public narrative, we'll follow it to its conclusion, which will change our opinion of the world. We'll be told it's a lot more dangerous, that crackdowns on the internet and free speech are necessary, that the Arab world is gearing up for war against the West and more. It's trickling out slowly, you can see it developing by typing "egypt" into Google and clicking "News" to see stories.
Economic woes are already being predicted as a result of this, which shouldn't be hard to sell people based on how much of it they saw, plus our desire for simplified explanations in the Twitterverse. In fact, all manner of crises and policies can be based on this worldwide based on how influential Egypt is suddenly being sold to be. Either way, since the media is making such a big deal out of it, it's a big deal.
Ideally, just like during the Vietnam War and other times in history, people would be hitting the streets where they live with information to counter the propaganda being pumped out on a daily basis. We have more to react to today than ever, so if we don't, then it will overwhelm us. We can expect an obvious spike in gas prices even though it's shipped worldwide months in advance. The stock market will be hit too.
People need to understand that they have two choices: we're all being taught to riot, so we can, or we can fight the info war and make sure that everybody learns who's usually behind getting us to riot instead of figuring out who they are. Our polite (read: politically correct - a communist term) cultures full of positive thinking means we want to think positive about everything, so this "people's revolt" is hard to challenge.
We can see the simplest explanations that most people prefer require the least new information. People often complain if something takes too long to explain, so the things we barely talk or disagree about are mostly based on the propaganda that most people see, understand and agree on. This makes it tough to "talk" about stuff. But, we can always put up posters, pass on flyers and dvd's and share links online.
Otherwise most people won't understand that the infamous "Muslim Brotherhood" has been an ally of British (and U.S.) intelligence since the 1920's. Many will feel obliged to support or condemn the muslim revolts along "left vs. right" political lines. We'll recycle old arguments using a push - pull dialectic process that will normalize the global march to World War Three with the help of controlled media and activists.
Most people don't get enough practice talking about the new world order to be good enough to beat cognitive dissonance. That's why many truthers say they try to talk to people about it but nobody wants to hear them. Five years ago, we could all talk about the 9/11 attacks for five minutes or more. Today, as soon as it or other issues are brought up, social disapproval training kicks-in and we often censor each other.
At this point in our social engineering, we're just being polite and trying to make sure nobody else gets offended by serious subject matter. People will censor others on behalf of third parties. So, we can either have one on one conversations; or continue to push topics past the initial censorship to see if there's interest. Today, we'll find that if people feel like they can talk about it too, many will often want to. It's a relief.
Ultimately, we have to get past updating each other with details until we get used to them and move on to talking about what to do about it. There needs to be a two-pronged attack: one on the streets raising awareness and making the new world order a topic of conversation; two is translating that growing awareness into talking about how to push all our politicians for better policies to stop the new world order.
Below are articles about the unfolding drama in Egypt that show how World War Three is being set up, or at least the intial instability necessary to trigger it when the new world order wants to. This doesn't have to happen if people get active in the info war, or if they take the massive amount of knowledge that many accrue daily and focus their thoughts carefully on explaining it to other people on a regular basis.
Of course, we're all being taught to riot, so we could just riot in the streets too.
However, it might also be a good idea to know what we want to get before we do.
Otherwise the riots could just be used to provoke even tighter police state controls.
This will be the name of the game soon: how do we share options before it's too late?
US-UK Destabilization Rampage Targets Egypt; Young Nihilists in Orgy of Vandalism and Arson; Mubarak Regime Fighting Back; Doubts About Viability of Color Revolutions Grow as US Shows Impotence in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon; Egypt Needs Immediate Wage Hike, Food-Fuel Price Cut, Debt Moratorium, Infrastructure-Science-Jobs Program, IMF Ouster, New Deal
Analysis: For US, Egypt crisis recalls 1979 Iran
Matthew Lee | Associate Press / Washington Post | January 30, 2011
WASHINGTON -- The mounting popular demand that Egypt's all-powerful ruler step aside has suddenly forced the United States to contemplate a Mideast without the guarantee of a bedrock Arab ally - and raised the specter of the anti-American revolution in Iran a generation ago.
... President Barack Obama called the leaders of Israel, Turkey and other nations worried about what comes next in Egypt, the most powerful Arab guarantor of Israel's security for more than 30 years.
Egypt uprising expected to impact stock markets
The Canadian Press / CTV News | January 30, 2011
... Investors will start the week by keeping a close watch on commodity prices which surged Friday after thousands continued to riot against the government in Egypt and unrest threatened to spread across the Middle East.
Traders ended last week by piling into resource stocks and oil and gold futures as investors sought the usual safe havens.
"I think this thing could continue for the foreseeable future," said John Kurgan at commodities futures broker Lind-Waldock.
"There's a lot of uncertainty there."
Uncertainty going into the weekend had sent oil surging almost US$4 and gold up just under US$22.
Bruised by Egypt, Euro Could Slip Further
Neil Shah | Wall Street Journal | January 30, 2011
The euro could keep sliding in the coming week if the turmoil in Egypt sparks a broader scramble by investors out of risky investments and into safer bets including the dollar and Swiss franc.
Egypt crisis: will Obama trust 80 million Egyptians?
Mubarak's days are numbered and the US is in a quandary: can it trust a new regime's foreign policy – the implications are huge for the West and Israel
Richard Spencer | UK Telegraph | January 30, 2011
It started with a doctored photograph. ...
... Egypt is historically the leader of the Arab world, so maybe his position seemed justified. But when the picture was carried by the Egyptian state newspaper Al-Ahram it caused hilarity. Everyone knew Mubarak was not at the front because they had seen it on television. He was beyond Mr Netanyahu, and if anything slightly behind his colleagues. The attempt to give him face, courtesy of Photoshop, was laughable.
Ottawa plans charters to get citizens out of Egypt
The Canadian Press / Toronto Star | January 30, 2011
... Canada's move to remove citizens from the North African country comes alongside a U.S. announcement that thousands of Americans will be evacuated on U.S. government arranged charter planes over the coming days.
Iran backs Egypt's 'revolution of the noble'
AFP / Times of India | January 30, 2011
TEHRAN: Iran on Sunday praised Egypt's "revolution of the noble" and slammed Western governments' "backward" reaction to the uprising in the Arab nation, state media reported.
Chaos in Egypt as ElBaradei rallies protesters
ABC Australia | January 30, 2011
... Addressing crowds in Tahrir Square, Mr ElBaradei said change was coming and the president must go.
The Nobel peace laureate, mandated by Egyptian opposition groups, including the banned Muslim Brotherhood, to negotiate with Mr Mubarak's regime, hailed "a new Egypt in which every Egyptian lives in freedom and dignity".
Ex-President Carter: Political unrest in Egypt 'earth-shaking', Mubarak likely must step down
Associated Press | January 30, 2011
PLAINS, Ga. — Former President Jimmy Carter, who brokered a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1978, on Sunday called the political unrest and rioting in Egypt earth-shaking and said that President Hosni Mubarak probably will have to step down.
Is the Egyptian Government Using Agents Provocateur to Justify a Crack Down On the Protesters?
Washington’s Blog | January 30, 2011
Al Jazeera reported today:
[Al Jazeera reporter] Ayman Mohyeldin reports that eyewitnesses have said “party thugs” associated with the Egyptian regime’s Central Security Services – in plainclothes but bearing government-issued weapons – have been looting in Cairo. Ayman says the reports started off as isolated accounts but are now growing in number.
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Backs ElBaradei Role
Margaret Coker and Summer Said | Wall Street Journal | January 30, 2011
CAIRO—Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood's agreement to back the secular, liberal opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei as lead spokesman for the country's opposition groups in reform negotiations suggests the group's once sidelined moderate wing is regaining strength.
The move marks the latest step by the controversial Islamic organization to subordinate its religious goals to what opposition groups are describing as a battle for democracy, in a country run under a state of emergency by President Hosni Mubarak for more than 30 years. It also suggests the movement may be positioning itself as a significant political actor in future Egyptian politics.
Israeli analysts fear Islamic takeover in Egypt
AFP | January 30, 2011
... "In this kind of chaotic situation, the advantage of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood is that they are the most organised and also the most resolute," said Benjamin Miller, a Haifa University expert on Middle East conflicts and security.
The Advance of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK
Michael Whine | Hudson Institute | September 12, 2005
SINCE ITS FORMAL ARRIVAL IN THE UK NINE YEARS AGO, the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al Islami—MB) has grown from having no organizational presence to being perhaps the most dynamic influence within the British Muslim population. It has done so by seizing the initiative on issues of concern to Muslims, whereas more moderate activists have dithered or failed to act effectively.
Profile: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood
BBC News | January 28, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood, or Ikhwan Muslimun, is Egypt's oldest and largest Islamist organisation.
Britain and the Muslim Brotherhood: Collaboration during the 1940s and 1950s
Mark Curtis | December 18, 2010
An edited extract from Mark Curtis’ latest book, Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam (Serpent’s Tail, 2010)
The Second World War witnessed the continuing growth of the Muslim Brotherhood, which developed under Hassan al-Banna’s leadership into an Islamist mass movement. It had become the largest Islamic society in Egypt and had set up affiliates in Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Palestine and North Africa.
Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence
Topix Singapore | March 24, 2008
Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent...states in his report on Iran's Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by "the great names of British Middle East intelligence"...and that their mission was to "keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted..."
CIA Links to the Muslim Brotherhood Alleged
BOOK: A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, The CIA, and the Muslim Brotherhood in the West
Gary Feuerberg | Epoch Times | June 9, 2010
... The arming by the West of the mujahideen was likely primed by the experiences of U.S. intelligence had with the Muslim Brotherhood, going back to the 1950s, according to Wall Street Journal reporter Ian Johnson.
In his new book, “A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood in the West,” Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist tells a story of covert operations, Cold War rivalries, historical personalities and intrigue behind the origins of political Islam. Today, the most articulate and influential leaders of political Islam are members of the Islamic Brotherhood, which former Nazis and the CIA had a role in nurturing.
Amazon's #1 Non-fiction Reviewer: Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA is "strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed"
Reviewer, a former spy and founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Command, is convinced by Progressive Press offering that 9/11 was a "US-based conspiracy"
"... It is with great sadness that I conclude that this book is the strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon, almost all non-fiction. I am forced to conclude that 9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war (see my review of Jim Bamford's "Pretext for War"), and I am forced to conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indict (not necessarily convict) Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others of a neo-conservative neo-Nazi coup d'etat and kick-off of the clash of civilizations (see my review of "Crossing the Rubicon" as well as "State of Denial"). Most fascinatingly, the author links Samuel Huntington, author of "Clash of Civilizations" with Leo Strauss, the connecting rod between Nazi fascists and the neo-cons."
The Clash of Civilizations
The Clash of Civilizations is a theory, proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world.
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