"Let me fumble so y'all niggaz can recover..."

Okay, I fumbled...

But that's cool, y'all can live thru my highs and lowes, it'salllgood, y'all gotta know I'm holding it down for those who can't keep it down, or at bay, or just dancin' around their Levi's Red Tabs...
The commissioner of the NFL is taking an ass-beating on The Simpson's from last week...
That's no reason to discourage freedom of expression now, is it?
Just give in man...
You know you lost it to anyone who wants it more...
That's it, you've gotta decide...
Do you really give a shite???

Okay, mebbe you do...
And everyone who cares doesn't care about you...
We're always cheering for the next best optione...
De optione...
Isss yoooouurzz...

Yeah, see them hippies getting their asses kicked...
Word to yo' mama's mama's mama...

"I am, I am, I am Superman, and I know what's happening..."
"I am, I am, I am Superman, and I can do anything..."
- R.E.M. "Superman"

Word to yo mama's mama's mama...
That's yo' great-Grandma...
And it's about time home-beeyotch got a shout-out...

Yup-yup sez Vanilla...

(M. Bottler/G. Zekley)
I am, I am, I am Superman and I know what's happening
I am, I am, I am Superman and I can do anything
You don't really love that guy you make it with now do you
I know you don't love that guy cause I can see right through you
[continued below...]
(repeat chorus)
If you go a million miles away I'll track you down girl
Trust me when I say I know the pathway to your heart
(repeat chorus 2)
(repeat chorus 1 3x)

Just remember my niggaz, whether you'z a skinny-ass white-boy like Michael Stipe, or you's whateva-eva, we's all da same-same, feel me?

Yee-uh, I know'z ya do, 'cause I'm takin' da time to write dis right...

Reviewer: Black Krishna - 5 out of 5 stars - July 15, 2005
Subject: Questions need answers, don't they?
I think that's Alex Jones ideal function: he's the best at asking questions that - if answered, could either make him look like a moron, or make the world a much better place.
I don't think I have to believe in what anyone says 100%, heck "religious" people bend the rules when they want so this binary "believer/non-believer" in "conspiracy theory" b.s. doesn't work on me.
I say let him ask away, and qualitatively, his evidence and analysis are exceptional; his conclusions are insane.
Makes no sense?
I love the dark side of history he brings to it, and the idea that what he's saying is "not" possible is also really strange considering what we most of us know about crimes of the 20th century. The idea that he's even half right is scary, but I guess so is being unsure. He goes on about "New World Order" a bit more than he can justify here, but he does put a lot of pieces of some sort of puzzle in front of us, and that's enough to suggest we should finish it.
The Oklahoma stuff really got me, as his use of a bunch of "mainstream sources" paradoxically built up an incredible cover-up story. While the 9/11 stuff is great, we can see the corporatization of the media shrank the number of sources he counts on to goof up and say something that contradicts the official story. This also includes his latest take on "7/7", or The London Bombings - which I recommend checking for balance since everyone else seems to be racing for conclusions and solutions. The "alternative/indie/liberal" media is now both much more popular and much more clearly marginalized and discredited by the mainstream, which makes all this stuff more important than ever.
Remeber Fahrenheit 9/11?
I like some of his stuff, and even as just entertainment this is fast-paced and a hell of a ride. In fact, I bet if more people in the world watched it we'd ask more good questions that would make the world better - props to the nearly 10,000 who have downloaded it so far.
A stretch?
This ain't a "Left/Conspiracy" position, it's just a logical democractic one: "Hey Right/Government, why don't YOU tell us why this guy is wrong or crazy so we can chill out?"
Some lighter fare that stuck in my head includes:
Jon Stewart on the Presidential Election, the Media, and Politics
Some darker fare that stuck in my head includes:
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh spills the secrets of the Iraq quagmire and the war on terror
They prove the media's full of crap and the government is full of crap, and combined with 911: the Road to Tyranny and lots of other stuff it adds up to something...
Peace, (NOW!!!)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy - blackkrishna.blogspot.com/
Music - www.soundclick.com/bands/0/blackkrishna.htm
SOURCE - http://www.archive.org/details/911theRoadtoTyranny

There's nothing here, not even beer...
SOURCE - http://www.archive.org/details/MartialLaw911

BONUS: "Some mo' of dat ol' politicol shit, yeah..."

Yahoo! News
Papers: Cheney Aide Says Bush OK'd Leak
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer 40 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney's former top aide told prosecutors President Bush authorized the leak of sensitive intelligence information about Iraq, according to court papers filed by prosecutors in the CIA leak case.
Before his indictment, I. Lewis Libby testified to the grand jury investigating the CIA leak that Cheney told him to pass on information and that it was Bush who authorized the disclosure, the court papers say. According to the documents, the authorization led to the July 8, 2003, conversation between Libby and New York Times reporter Judith Miller.
There was no indication in the filing that either Bush or Cheney authorized Libby to disclose Valerie Plame's CIA identity.
But the disclosure in documents filed Wednesday means that the president and the vice president put Libby in play as a secret provider of information to reporters about prewar intelligence on Iraq.
Bush's political foes jumped on the revelation about Libby's testimony.
"The fact that the president was willing to reveal classified information for political gain and put the interests of his political party ahead of Americas security shows that he can no longer be trusted to keep America safe,"Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said, "The more we hear, the more it is clear this goes way beyond Scooter Libby. At the very least, President Bush and Vice President Cheney should fully inform the American people of any role in allowing classified information to be leaked."
Libby's testimony also puts the president and the vice president in the awkward position of authorizing leaks — a practice both men have long said they abhor, so much so that the administration has put in motion criminal investigations to hunt down leakers.
The most recent instance is the administration's launching of a probe into who disclosed to The New York Times the existence of the warrantless domestic surveillance program authorized by Bush shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The authorization involving intelligence information came as the Bush administration faced mounting criticism about its failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the main reason the president and his aides had given for going to war.
Libby's participation in a critical conversation with Miller on July 8, 2003 "occurred only after the vice president advised defendant that the president specifically had authorized defendant to disclose certain information in the National Intelligence Estimate," the papers by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald stated. The filing did not specify the "certain information."
"Defendant testified that the circumstances of his conversation with reporter Miller — getting approval from the president through the vice president to discuss material that would be classified but for that approval — were unique in his recollection," the papers added.
Libby is asking for voluminous amounts of classified information from the government in order to defend himself against five counts of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI in the Plame affair.
He is accused of making false statements about how he learned of Plame's CIA employment and what he told reporters about it.
Her CIA status was publicly disclosed eight days after her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, accused the Bush administration of twisting prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat from weapons of mass destruction.
In 2002, Wilson had been dispatched to Africa by the CIA to check out intelligence that Iraq had an agreement to acquire uranium yellowcake from Niger, and Wilson had concluded that there was no such arrangement.
Libby says he needs extensive classified files from the government to demonstrate that Plame's CIA connection was a peripheral matter that he never focused on, and that the role of Wilson's wife was a small piece in a building public controversy over the failure to find WMD in Iraq.
Fitzgerald said in the new court filing that Libby's requests for information go too far and the prosecutor cited Libby's own statements to investigators in an attempt to limit the amount of information the government must turn over to Cheney's former chief of staff for his criminal defense.
According to Miller's grand jury testimony, Libby told her about Plame's CIA status in the July 8, 2003 conversation that took place shortly after the White House aide — according to the new court filing — was authorized by Bush through Cheney to disclose sensitive intelligence about Iraq and WMD contained in a National Intelligence Estimate.
The court filing was first disclosed by The New York Sun.
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SOURCE - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060406/ap_on_go_pr_wh/cia_leak_11;_ylt=Air8h57_dJ3WY3ZOWGf8MCRqP0AC;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

BONUS: "You listenin' dawg? Better watch yo' ass..."

The Clash spark terror alert
Man pulled off plane for music taste
NME.com | April 5 2006
The Clash and Led Zeppelin's music sparked a terror alert on an aeroplane, it has emerged.
Harraj Mann from Hartlepool was pulled off a London-bound flight at Durham Tees Valley Airport on March 30. He was questioned under the Terrorism Act after it's believed his choice of music made a taxi driver suspicious.
Mann was able to play his own music through the cab's stereo on the way to his flight, but it seems the driver did not approve.
"I played Procol Harum's 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' first, which the taxi man liked," Mann explained. "I figured he liked the classics, so I put on Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song'. Then, since I was going to London, I played The Clash ('London Calling') and finished up with 'Nowhere Man' by The Beatles. He didn't like Led Zeppelin or The Clash, but I don't think there was any need to tell the police."
It seems The Clash's lyrics which include "War is declared and battle come down", alarmed the cabbie who alerted police, while Led Zeppelin's line about "The hammer of the gods will rive our ship to new lands, to fight the horde", probably didn't help either.
Durham Police then acted on "information received" but admitted "by the time it was established the man did not pose a security risk, the plane had taken off", The Mirror reports.
Mann, however, said he saw the funny side of the incident, telling his local newspaper the Hartlepool Mail: "I was laughing about it, but all my mates are absolutely furious. It's just left me bemused. I can agree that there's a culture of fear. They acted on the information they had. I'm just frustrated that it happened to me. It's a mystery."
REAL SOURCE - http://www.infowars.com/articles/terror/clash_spark_terror_alert.htm

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