Plan BK: The Solutions - "Go on, it's okay, you can call it Fascism..."
You know...
The military is a funny animal...
And God love 'em, 'cause I don't.
I know, I know...
That's not nice.
Isn't it bizarre how we look at them?
I mean, considering the job.
Take poor uneducated ghetto children, put them in a highly structured and yet extremely aggressive environment, focus on discipline over education, abuse them, yell at them, destroy their individual personalities, grossly underpay them, and then order them to go somewhere far away to kill strange people for what inevitably turns out to be a bad reason.
Sounds dumbass to me.
And yet...
We glorify and celebrate them in terms that make all this seem inherently noble, like rich snobs sending the poor to fight illegal wars against people they never try to understand or negotiate with first is an honorable thing to do.
There's a lot more to this, but let's leave it for a minute.
Why we think this way is far more interesting:
They have great PR.
To sell this fantasy they'd have to, and for us to buy it we'd have to be completely brainwashed or completely insane.
It's probably both.
Either way, since their inception they've been up to at least as much no-good as good, and more often than not, the no-good is really, really, really bad.
Judging their actions from the position of any perceived natural inherent nobility is a consistently huge mistake we've made for years, and people far smarter and more knowledgeable than me have said the same a thousand times.
President's Eisenhower's famous "Military-Industrial Complex" farewell-and-good-luck-I'm-sorry-but-I-tried-and-failed-to-slow-them-down-and-now-I'm-afraid-we're-all-completely-screwed speech.
The (in)famous "Right to Bear Arms" we repeat-to-argue from the Bill of Rights amending the U.S. Constitution, is an unfinished (butchered really) sentence, a tragedy of conspiratorial willful incompetency that cannot be overlooked considering how easy it would be for any person or organization to just clearly say what it really is.
And what it really says is...
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Why is my bark-eatin' tree-huggin' granola-gropin' flannel-fondling no-goodnik do-gooder peacenik-ass both PRO-GUN and ANTI-WAR???
I'll let a couple of O.G.'s answer that one for me...
But first...
In an age lacking objective morality and rapidly losing any sense of humor or irony along with it, and because everyone wants everything "balanced" to ensure they have two equal sides to ensure they can politely do and feel nothing by safely taking a neutral position, I present for your professorial purview the two opposite sides of the argument:
"GOOD" and "EVIL".
Quotes on the Right to Bear Arms
"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."
-- Mohandas Gandhi, An Autobiography, pg 446
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."
-- Adolph Hitler, April 11 1942
I wish us all luck...
And guns.
Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak
Paul Joseph Watson | October 4 2005
During this afternoon's White House press conference President Bush confirmed that he would attempt to impose military curfews and quarantines in case of a flu pandemic occurring in the United States.
The comes on the heels of a majority of the nation's governors rejecting the Bush administration's proposal to use active-duty military assets in providing disaster relief. Understanding this in the context of Hurricane Katrina, this means total gun confiscation and enforced evacuation at gunpoint.
Bush stated, "If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country, and how do you then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut down airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move."
This is the same justification that Bush used throughout the Hurricane Katrina debacle. The crisis was made worse by intentional federal sabotage of the relief efforts that were being conducted by the local government in New Orleans. FEMA were cutting communication lines and denying food, water and oil shipments to the critically affected areas. This led local Sheriffs to set up armed patrols to keep FEMA out of their county zones.
The elimination of Posse Comitatus via natural disasters which are then intentionally sabotaged by government, is one of the Bush administration's major goals. Bush has openly announced his plan to have the Pentagon usurp power over State's rights.
Posse Comitatus allows for the use of the military for relief efforts only, not for law enforcement. This is why Bush is trying to eliminate the 1878 law, because his ideal of military involvement in crises is one of quarantines, checkpoints, mandatory vaccinations, curfews and evacuations, and not of providing relief or infrastructure protection.
We have been warning for years that natural disasters would be used as a means of placing active duty military on the streets of America. People are not buying into the scam that we need a police state to fight Al-CIAda terrorists so this is the next step. Today it's hurricanes, in five to ten years it will be the threat of asteroids and meteors.
The message is the same, you have no right to protect yourself and we will confiscate your firearms if you even try. The truth is that throughout history government has never been able to adequately protect the people and to forcefully take that mantle only makes matters worse.
Is the threat of a bird flu pandemic a red flag or is it simply a means of creating a false scarcity so that everyone runs out and buys the antidote fearing an imminent outbreak?
We should be wise to remember that the revelation that the Bush cabinet was on Cipro, the anthrax fighting antibiotic, only emerged in the media after the anthrax attack was in process, not before.
Therefore it seems more likely that this is a ruse to line the pockets of the government affiliated pharmaceutical companies.
One thing is clear, if this outbreak did occur then the justification to suspend Constitutional rights will be flaunted to its maximum exposure. Back in April President Bush added pandemic influenza to the list of diseases for which quarantine is authorized.
China's zealous martial law tactics in dealing with SARS, home detention, curfews, mandatory vaccinations, restriction of travel, are the model for what could unfold in the US.
The federal blueprint for the exact same scenario was released and picked up by the Associated Press a year ago.
This will make ID cards and airport security checks look like a tea party.
And when this flu pandemic happens who will we blame? Surely not US scientists playing around with the deadly 1918 Spanish flu virus at "less than the maximum level of containment" according to the New Scientist magazine.
Bush's comments are clearly intended to acclimatize people to accept martial law in times of crisis caused by natural disasters or health pandemics.
With two more major hurricanes predicted to hit in October we should all remain vigilant and speak out against the government hijacking crises in order to implement their jack-booted police state agenda

BONUS: Remember, character issues consistently dog these bastards...
Rich-arrogant-isolated-assholes hanging out with rich-arrogant-isolated-assholes will do some very, very strange, and very, very evil things sometimes...
Or, all the time.
"Boys will be boys?"
"Assholes will be assholes."
Dogs used as shark bait
The Sun | October 3, 2005
We've been aware of this cruel amusement practiced by the Elite for some time. We've even been so unfortunate as to witness something like this take place off the coast of Texas. They want to catch a Great White or a Tiger Shark while on their yachts so they use live animals for bait and get an extra bit of twisted pleasure from taking the life of another helpless creature. Its totally sick the way these malevolent monsters get their kicks.
STRAY dogs are being skewered on hooks and dragged behind boats as live shark bait, The Sun can shockingly reveal.
The cruel practice takes place on French-controlled Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, where Prince William spent two holidays.
A six-month-old labrador pup was recently found ALIVE with a huge double hook through its snout - like the dog above - and another through a leg.
The pup was found in a coastal creek and is thought to have somehow freed itself from a fishing line.
But other dogs and kittens have been chomped up and swallowed by sharks.
The RSPCA plans to petition the French government, demanding an end to the hideous torture.

By all means all are free to join the party, so please, allow me to welcome you to the Black Krishnaverse... :)
"Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely Place
Such a lovely Place (background)
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise
What a nice surprise (background)
Bring your alibies
Mirrors on the ceiling
Pink champagne on ice
And she said
We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the nightman
We are programed to recieve
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave..."
- The Eagles, "Hotel California"
Peace, (NOW!!!)
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