Toronto Attacked by Terrorist Bombings on Sunday, September 18, 2005 = Should've asked Kelly at "Why???"

[b.frog] UPDATE: Terror Drill Sunday
Friday September 16
The TTC Chairman’s office told me that this Sunday’s terror drill is also being co-ordinated with TD Centre and Royal Trust Tower. There is also an Emergency Management Program Committee which Toronto’s Mayor Miller is on. No confirmation yet from the Mayor’s office that this is indeed so, and what if any role this committee is playing in the drill.
I’m now told that the drill is running from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
What I had referred to as ‘Joint Commission on Chemical Biological Nuclear (threats, events?)' is in fact Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Response Team or CBRN Response Team. It was set up by the Province of Ontario following the September 11, 2001 attacks, and receives its funding from the Province.
However, Minister Kwinter’s office (Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, under which is Emergency Management Ontario) tells me that the Province is not involved, and that it is organized by the City of Toronto.
Another organization funded by the Province which may be involved is the Heavy Urban Search and Rescue.
When I asked who heads up Emergency Management Ontario, I was told it was Julian Fantino. I’ve been playing phone tag with a spokesperson from that department, and have no further details at this time.
The original media report by Bob Comsic, CFRB was based on a story he remembered seeing in the July 8 Toronto Star, where Rick Ducharme of TTC was quoted as saying an exercise will take place this fall, involving the army. I haven’t seen the article myself, just going by what Comsic tells me. CFRB will be covering the event on Sunday. Their newsroom number is 416-323-7401.
I include below the original story sent Thursday Sept 15, as well as links to back up my claim of ‘During both the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 in London of this year drills mirroring the actual attack were taking place at the exact same time’.
For those curious what are the TD Centre and Royal Trust Tower, links for those too.
Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building
Wed Aug 21, 7:45 PM ET By JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident. ... cont. follow next link
TD Tower
Royal trust tower
The Office of Emergency Management (backgrounder)
City of Toronto page for OEM
Is This Just A Test? (edited for correction)
On Sunday, September 18, 2005, a ‘terror drill’ will take place in Toronto. As confirmed by TTC spokeswoman, Marilyn Bolton, St Andrew subway station will be closed from 6 am until 12 noon for what she describes as a ‘pretty good event’.
Because a drill was being conducted at the very locations and times of the London bombings on July 7, 2005, exactly mirroring the attacks, I think it prudent to detail as much information before it happens here.
Bolton told me that those involved in this ‘mystery plot’ are the Emergency Medical Services, Toronto Fire Department, Toronto Police Services, The City of Toronto Emergency Planning Department, The Toronto Transit Commission and a Joint Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Response Team. The Toronto Police Services are
co-ordinating the simulation, and that they are putting out a press release on Friday, September 16.
I know of one media report concerning this already, taking place between Monday and Tuesday, September 12, 13, on Toronto radio station CFRB. It was after hearing of this second hand that I began to make a few phone calls. I was already under heightened awareness after hearing Anne MacLellan on CBC news, Monday September 12 tell media that there is a need to ‘practice terror drills in real time.’
The following is my account of those calls, and what I’ve learned from them. Please keep in mind that this an incomplete investigation into the details of this Sundays terror drill, and that I was continually told to contact the Toronto Police to find out more, which I have not done.
The first call went out to Access Toronto 416-338-0338, where I received the Emergency Planning Department number, 416-392-4554, and was told the exercise is taking place in Councillor Kyle Rae’s ward. Councillor Rae was unavailable when I tried, and his assistant was reluctant to pass a message on to him because he is not my councillor. Further I was told Councillor Rae has no information regarding this event. His phone number is 416-392-7903.
I called my Councillor, Joe Pantalone, and was unable to speak with him, but left a message, and expressed my concerns about terror drills, and the incredible coincidences of attacks taking place at the same time. A staffer assured me she will try and find out what’s going on, and get back to me, but I’ve yet to hear anything.
The Emergency Planning Department offered up 3 names who are co-ordinating this exercise for the city, Greg Spasyna, Robert Tavner, and Warren Leonard, Manager – Office of Emergency Management. It was initially difficult to get those names, and when I asked to speak with one of them I was told they are in a meeting.
Isn’t that always the way?
I asked to leave a message directly on their voice mail, where I was discouraged from doing so, and that a message would be passed along. I insisted, and was put through, to, wait for it, a dead line. I phoned back, only to be disconnected immediately. The third time I called, it went directly to the answering machine. I haven’t tried
them again.
Marilyn Bolton is with TTC Public Affairs. This is the person who contacted me after my original queries with the TTC, where I was told to ask the Police who was involved. I mentioned that I shouldn’t have to ask the Police for information regarding the TTC, and asked again for the point person from the TTC. I was told it is through their safety department, but couldn’t get a name of anyone in charge there, again referred to the Police. Being persistent, I was told someone from the safety department would contact me. I’m still waiting for that call.
It is Marilyn Bolton who informed me of a forthcoming press release from the Toronto Police Services, and that it can be found sometime Friday September 16, on the Canada News Wire website. Maybe she means this one, .
Bolton confirmed the event is taking place between 6 am and noon on Sunday, and that an advisory will go out instructing people all access to St. Andrew Subway station will be closed for this drill. Shuttle buses will be made available to take riders between Union and Osgoode stations. John O’Grady is the liason working with the police until ‘the clock starts ticking’ then General Manager Rick Ducharme takes over.
TTC Chair, Howard Moscoe, returned my call, but at the exact moment I asked if he could shed light on the upcoming terror drill, the phone went dead. No dial tone, no busy signal, nothing. For nearly 15 minutes I tried every phone, disconnecting and reconnecting. Still nothing. After returning from a pay phone to ask the phone company what happened, it was working again, and a message from Moscoe trying back after the disconnection. I’ve been unable to reach him since. His number is 416-392-4027, but apparently he will not be available until after the weekend.
Finally, I tried the Mayor’s Office. David Miller was ‘in a meeting’, but I expressed my concerns and asked to speak with somebody in his office who may know what’s going on. His assistant returned my call, was unaware of ay terror drill taking place this weekend, and didn’t know if the Mayor was either. I expressed my surpise that no one in the Mayor’s office would know about this, especially when it is being co-ordinated with The City of Toronto, Emergency Medical Services, The Toronto Police Services, Fire Department, etc.
I insisted that he pass along my concern, and the best assurance I received is that he would contact the TTC himself, and if in fact there was a drill going on, then he would notify the Mayor.
To all the people I spoke with I expressed my interest in this matter because of the London July 7 bombings, and that I was searching for all the players involved in this weekends events. I think besides knowing who is involved, including any private firms and the people directly responsible for the drill, we should have a full understanding of the type of drill being conducted. We have a clue with the Joint Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Response Team.
So, I ask you fellow citizens, please be aware that this drill this weekend is indeed taking place in Toronto this weekend. During both the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 in London of this year drills mirroring the actual attack were taking place at the exact same time.
In all my calls this past two days I mentioned this fact concerning the London bombings as reported by the BBC and CBC, who both interviewed Peter Power, of Visor Consultants, who told the media “At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now".
Yeah, no kidding.
Now, I share all this with you. A small group of 800 email recipients. I will also post it to my blog , in addition to any
updates or action strategies as they arise. Please forward as you see fit.
Kelly Reinhardt
Pls fwd. to others. thx. for your support. - boilingfrog
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My apologies, this was posted as I was composing the update.
September 16, 2005 - 02:30 pm Joint Services Emergency Exercise,
Sunday, September 18, 2005, 8:30 A.M. - 1 P.M
Pls fwd. to others. thx. for your support. - boilingfrog
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SO: It's about to blow...
No worries man, keep ya head up, it's about to hit the fan in the Dot: as one of the so-called "5 Christian nations" on Al-Qaeda's list, it's simply our turn...
Apr 2004 - Canada Designated by al-Qaeda to be Top-5 Target: U.S. researchers have issued a frightening warning for Canada. An online Arabic manual for the al-Qaeda terrorist network, called al-Battar Military Camp, now explicitly supports assaults on Canadians. It says Canada is the fifth most important "Christian Terrorist" target, coming after Americans, Britons, Spaniards and Australians. The disturbing guide encourages attacks on businessmen, politicians, scientists, soldiers and tourists. The 'al-Battar' publication first appeared in January 2004 and has produced several issues. It has been described as a How-To manual for islamic terrorists. Bin Laden himself has explicitly threatened Canada on at least two occasions in the past eighteen months. Of the countries that Bin Laden has personally ever singled out, only two have yet to be attacked - Canada, and Jordan. Security experts believe that Bin Laden intends to make good on those threats.
It's all crap, it's all lies, and it's all designed to make us curl up in a Big Government Blankie and cry. Make no mistake: America's number one export is "culture", and we're getting a lot more than sitcoms'n'hip hop from our old Homeland Security Homiez...
Check the flick below to figure it out before you get messed up: it's a hell of a ride into how we're all getting played. I've got a bunch of proof in my links too, and can't think of anything more "gangsta" to do than stop this insanity...
Peace, (NOW!!!)
Black Krishna Brand
Philosophy -
Music -
BONUS: Where are we going? ("I ain't trippin'...")
"I'm stuck in jail, the DA's, tryin' to burn me,
I'd be out on bail, if I had a good attorney,
Wanna label me a criminal, and cuff me up,
Got a pocket full of money, so they rough me up,
I ain't trippin',
In the county, and I'm mad as fuck
Got a record, so they put me with the baddest bunch,
Everybody wanna talk cause I'm rappin',
They askin' me what happened,
Is it true you did a flick with Janet Jackson?
I can't sleep, they takin' Polaroids,
And I'm tryn'a to use the phone, but they makin' noise,
Man, I wish I had my glock, cause its major,
I'm makin' shanks, out the plastic in razors,
These motherfuckers won't leave me alone, thats my word,
Bout to turn a violation, to a motherfuckin' murder,
I'm makin' collect calls, to my old bitches,
Send mo' pictures, and make me some mo' riches,
To all the suckers on the block,
Talkin' shit while I was locked up:
Be prepared to get socked up!
Cause the game is deep, and the fame is brief,
And all you bullshittin' bitches, ain't changin' me,
I came straight up out the gutta, I was saved from hell,
And I'm a thug, I was raised in jail,
Now I'm out on bail..."
- 2Pac, "Out On Bail"
Chiggidy-check yo'self...

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005)
Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America.
Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.
Downloaded: 5,694 times
MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE Information Resource Companion Web Site.
P.S. Here's an example of documentation from the Martial Law website...
2:24:35 Bush says he intends to spend political capital - c|net, November 4, 2004
2:25:06 Troops to Protect Washington During Bush Inauguration - The Washington Dispatch, November 7, 2004
2:25:51 Gonzales: 'Bush is above the law' - Google Search
2:26:33 USA PATRIOT Act (HR 3162) - USA Patriot Act - download a pdf version
2:27:00 President Bush Calls for Renewing the USA PATRIOT Act -, April 19, 2004
2:27:03 COLUMN: Patriot Act 2 threatens personal rights - Kansas State Collegian, March 16, 2004
2:27:08 Homeland Security Agents Visit Toy Store - Associated Press, October 28, 2004
2:27:12 Trademark Infringement Threat to Domestic Security? - Law & Entrepreneurship News, October 29, 2004
2:27:16 HOMELAND SECURITY ARRESTS VET FOR COMPLAINING TOO MUCH - (Article not available) - Related article
2:27:20 EDITORIAL: Patriot Act knows no limits - Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 5, 2003
2:27:25 Ridge backs nat'l standards for ID - The Washington Times/UPI, January 30, 2005
2:27:33 Passports go electronic with new microchip -, December 9 2004
2:27:36 U.S. Homeland Security chief calls for international biometric standards - Associated Press, January 19, 2005
2:27:42 House Passes National Driver's License Standards - NACS Online, February 11, 2005
2:27:45 Driver's Licenses As National ID? -, January 24, 2005
2:27:49 The National ID Trojan Horse -, February 14, 2005
2:27:54 HR 418- A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform -, February 9, 2005
2:27:58 Police State ID Card Bill Passes Without Congress Even Reading It - Ron Paul Liberty Committee, December 7 2004
2:28:23 Bush plans to screen whole U.S. population for mental illness - World Net Daily, June 21, 2004
2:28:32 New Freedom Initiative/Mandatory Mental Health Screening of American Children Passes -, November 23, 2004
2:28:45 Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids - NewsMax, November 24, 2004
2:28:54 IL launches compulsory mental health screening for children and pregnant women - The Illinois Leader, July 19, 2004
2:29:06 Drugged Kids Investigation Sparks State Action -, November 13, 2004 (Article not available)
2:29:10 Lawmakers looking at drug use for foster kids - Associated Press, February 9, 2005
2:29:22 They're watching on the street - even in the pool surveillance cameras are everywhere - (Article not available) - Related articles
2:29:26 City Unveils Hi-Tech Surveillance System -, January 4, 2005
2:29:30 Overton County schools sued over locker room filming -, July 1, 2003
2:29:34 Parents demand limits for school cameras -, July 9, 2003
2:29:35 Prepare to be scanned -, December 4, 2003
2:29:39 Spy Cameras Track Drivers in Florida Town - Associated Press/USA Today, April 30, 2004
2:29:44 Tell-all license plates on the way -, December 15, 2002
2:29:48 License-plate scanners lead to recovery of stolen vehicles -, January 5, 2005
2:29:52 Ford, GM, Honda and Toyota Spy on Motorists - NewsMax, December 29, 2004
2:29:56 30 million cars now record drivers' behavior - USA Today/CSMonitor, December 27, 2004
2:29:59 Big Brother Takes the Wheel to Improve Driver Safety -, January 5, 2005
2:30:04 Listening Microphones Hit Streets of Rochester - and Chronicle, December 15, 2004
2:30:08 Homeland Security Surveillance Cameras Hit Baltimore - County Times, December 16, 2004
2:30:31 Fingerprinting Plays Key Roll in Biometrics Boom - TechNewsWorld, January 18, 2005
2:30:37 VISIONICS CORPORATION - Article on, October 17, 2001
2:30:44 Mobile Fingerprinting Services Give Ontario Law Enforcement an Edge -, July 7, 2004
2:30:48 Licence-plate cameras to trap criminals -, November 7, 2004
2:30:52 95.2% Opposed to California DMV Plan to Tax by the Mile -, November 17, 2004
2:30:57 Tax California Drivers by the Mile? -, November 17, 2004
2:31:01 DMV Chief Backs Tax by Mile -, November 16, 2004
2:31:04 Satellite to track new toll motorway -, August 12, 2004
2:31:31 Students Tracked Via Radio ID Tags - (Article not available) - Related Articles
2:31:37 Under-the-skin ID chips move toward U.S. hospitals - CNET, July 27, 2004
2:31:42 RFID chips may soon be implanted in hospital staff and health care workers -
2:31:44 EXCLUSIVE: Microchip Implantation of Club Going Trendies Expands to More Nations -, October 7, 2004
2:31:51 Microchips implanted in Mexican officials - MSNBC/Associated Press, July 14, 2004
2:32:28 The shadow of dictatorship: Bush established secret government after September 11 -, March 4, 2002
2:32:32 Congress passes 'doomsday' plan -, January 9, 2005
2:32:47 Cigar Aficionado's Interview with General Tommy Franks - Aficionado, December 2003
2:32:51 American armed forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles - Times, November 23, 2003
2:32:54 Is Military Creeping Into Domestic Law Enforcement? - Street Journal, March 9, 2004
2:33:38 TV show is torture for participants - News Service, February 25, 2005
2:33:40 C4 lines up Guantanamo-style torture show - The Guardian, February 8, 2005
Please report any corrections or broken links
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