Secret Society Sez: "You Can Only Defeat It When You Believe"




Just saw this huge poster for the movie "Rite" over Dundas Square yesterday (January 27th, 2011), it's amazing to see how the secret societies who run the world are coming out in public and conditioning our minds to accept them in charge. Veteran researcher Alan Watt has even said they "legally" they have to tell us what they want to do before they do it as part of their code, kind of like vampires have to ask permission before entering a home; or Batman villains.
Thousands of people a day will see the title "Rite" and tagline saying "You Can Only Defeat It When You Believe". Perhaps it's just a nifty coincidence, but either way, it reflects what most esoteric researchers into freemasonry and other secret societies have said for a while. Since they're coming out anyway, I've included below a section in-development on my website called "Secrets" with some info. We need to figure out how to mitigate their influence our our culture.
I'm writing this section on January 27, 2011 because I just saw a giant poster for the movie "Rite" over Dundas Square in downtown Toronto. We are being given many new ways to understand and accept black magic and secret societies by our mass media and pop-culture, among other sources, so it might be worth looking into why a little more. We're finding out everything anyway. So, it's up to us to think about it.
Many historical accounts suggest secret societies, black magic practioners and other esoteric groups have been around for thousands of years. Freemasonry is probably the largest with lodges worldwide. Allegedly, they were skilled tradesmen infiltrated by the Illuminati, an old boys club or think tank founded in 1776, or perhaps earlier by other rich groups. Either way, they seem to wield a lot of power today.
Historically, Kings and Queens used intelligence networks to help maintain and acquire power. The modern global central banking network that supplies currency to the world is descended from the Bank of England founded in 1694. The Queen of England is the worldwide head of the brotherhood of freemasonry. Masons can be described as agents of the City of London working towards a world government.
As part of the creation of a "new world order" by the old world order, or the Anglo-American establishment and their globalist allies, we're in the masonic "revelation of the method" phase and slowly being told who's really in charge and to accept it. Our minds are all being softened up by Dan Brown books and movies, vampires and zombies in style and much more. We should figure out why this is happening soon.
Political decisions that consistently ignore the will of the people worldwide in free and democractic countries don't make sense unless we understand who most of our politicians really work for and the plan they're working on. We have to deal with this reality and "free the masons" to ensure we can take back our political system. Many masons don't know the big picture either until they advance up in degrees.
Below are sources on this to look at, including conversations my colleagues and I had with freemasons in Toronto, among the only ones on YouTube. Instead of just going by hearsay, it's better to hear what they have to say. The evidence of their influence is all around us and likely what they learn as they advance up in degrees. Fortunately, we all have access to much of what they learn, so we can learn it too.
Freemasonry in Ontario
Masonry, the world's oldest and most respected Fraternity, encourages good men to become better men by promoting a life devoted to high ideals, community service and benevolence.
Men of every race and religion become Freemasons. Each has a personal belief in a Supreme Being and a determination to conduct himself in a manner that will earn the respect and trust of others.
Video: Talking to Freemasons about Morals and Dogma Part 1 of 2
University of Toronto had a freemason open house in 2007, so my colleagues at Toronto 9/11 Truth (later Toronto Truth Seekers) showed up with a copy of "Morals and Dogma" to ask them questions. Fortunately, one gentleman was nice enough to answer our questions and the exchange was even written up in the National Post. Everyone can see the conversation and think for themselves about the answers.
It's hard these days to be a Freemason
On the University of Toronto campus last Saturday night, a cadre of six or so angry anti-Masons armed themselves with video cameras, so-called "9/11 Truth" pamphlets and a lot of aggressive questions.
National Post | September 29, 2007
"Why are you here?" I finally asked. "What do you want out of this?"
"We're here to free the masons."
Dan Dicks: Explains MTV's Masonic Temple
This was a randomly shot video in 2008 at the corner of Yonge and Davenport in downtown Toronto with Dan Dicks from Press For outside the new MTV Canada studios in an old masonic lodge. This may be written off as a coincidence, or it could represent their Ordo Templi Orientis branch for artists. Nearly everyone can do this where they live, or document local masonic influences and share them.
FREE THE MASONS: Toronto Truth Seekers meet a Freemason Part 1 of 2
Members of TTS met at Dundas Square on Saturdays for months in 2009 to share info on the H1N1 swine flu scare and other issues. We met an admitted mason who was nice enough to have an extended conversation with us. He even suggested that based on the mason's goal of "making good men better", some may be interested in stopping the new world order from being created once they learn about it's goals.
CBC: Winnipeg's Secret Code - Manitoba's Masonic Legislature building
This story was on The National on September 30, 2009 with masonic scholar Frank Albo explaining the masonic architecture of the Winnipeg, Manitoba provincial legislature building. It's basically a giant temple. When we combine this evidence with all the other masonic symbols on corporate logos and government buildings worldwide, plus the pyramid on the U.S. $1 bill and more, we'll see their influence.
Dan Brown Validates Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Video Series
This is an article by the makers of popular documentaries that illuminate the mason architecture of America, including landmarks that we all know. They explain how author Dan Brown may be using his work as a masonic recruiting tool while also helping to normalize the practice. Below the article are links to a few videos in the series that are worth a look to understand how pervasive this is and it's history.
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Part 1: The New Atlantis
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Part 2: Riddles in Stone
Hip Hop & Freemasonry: The New Age & Military Agenda - 1/3
Freemason Symbols Toronto Police Headquarters
Viglant Citizen
Articles on the secret society control of our culture creation industry, including the people who make movies, music, videogames and more for any pop-culture fan.
How Hollywood Spreads Disinformation About Secret Societies
When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry
What You Want To Believe In - Secrets




Just saw this huge poster for the movie "Rite" over Dundas Square yesterday (January 27th, 2011), it's amazing to see how the secret societies who run the world are coming out in public and conditioning our minds to accept them in charge. Veteran researcher Alan Watt has even said they "legally" they have to tell us what they want to do before they do it as part of their code, kind of like vampires have to ask permission before entering a home; or Batman villains.
Thousands of people a day will see the title "Rite" and tagline saying "You Can Only Defeat It When You Believe". Perhaps it's just a nifty coincidence, but either way, it reflects what most esoteric researchers into freemasonry and other secret societies have said for a while. Since they're coming out anyway, I've included below a section in-development on my website called "Secrets" with some info. We need to figure out how to mitigate their influence our our culture.
I'm writing this section on January 27, 2011 because I just saw a giant poster for the movie "Rite" over Dundas Square in downtown Toronto. We are being given many new ways to understand and accept black magic and secret societies by our mass media and pop-culture, among other sources, so it might be worth looking into why a little more. We're finding out everything anyway. So, it's up to us to think about it.
Many historical accounts suggest secret societies, black magic practioners and other esoteric groups have been around for thousands of years. Freemasonry is probably the largest with lodges worldwide. Allegedly, they were skilled tradesmen infiltrated by the Illuminati, an old boys club or think tank founded in 1776, or perhaps earlier by other rich groups. Either way, they seem to wield a lot of power today.
Historically, Kings and Queens used intelligence networks to help maintain and acquire power. The modern global central banking network that supplies currency to the world is descended from the Bank of England founded in 1694. The Queen of England is the worldwide head of the brotherhood of freemasonry. Masons can be described as agents of the City of London working towards a world government.
As part of the creation of a "new world order" by the old world order, or the Anglo-American establishment and their globalist allies, we're in the masonic "revelation of the method" phase and slowly being told who's really in charge and to accept it. Our minds are all being softened up by Dan Brown books and movies, vampires and zombies in style and much more. We should figure out why this is happening soon.
Political decisions that consistently ignore the will of the people worldwide in free and democractic countries don't make sense unless we understand who most of our politicians really work for and the plan they're working on. We have to deal with this reality and "free the masons" to ensure we can take back our political system. Many masons don't know the big picture either until they advance up in degrees.
Below are sources on this to look at, including conversations my colleagues and I had with freemasons in Toronto, among the only ones on YouTube. Instead of just going by hearsay, it's better to hear what they have to say. The evidence of their influence is all around us and likely what they learn as they advance up in degrees. Fortunately, we all have access to much of what they learn, so we can learn it too.
Freemasonry in Ontario
Masonry, the world's oldest and most respected Fraternity, encourages good men to become better men by promoting a life devoted to high ideals, community service and benevolence.
Men of every race and religion become Freemasons. Each has a personal belief in a Supreme Being and a determination to conduct himself in a manner that will earn the respect and trust of others.
Video: Talking to Freemasons about Morals and Dogma Part 1 of 2
University of Toronto had a freemason open house in 2007, so my colleagues at Toronto 9/11 Truth (later Toronto Truth Seekers) showed up with a copy of "Morals and Dogma" to ask them questions. Fortunately, one gentleman was nice enough to answer our questions and the exchange was even written up in the National Post. Everyone can see the conversation and think for themselves about the answers.
It's hard these days to be a Freemason
On the University of Toronto campus last Saturday night, a cadre of six or so angry anti-Masons armed themselves with video cameras, so-called "9/11 Truth" pamphlets and a lot of aggressive questions.
National Post | September 29, 2007
"Why are you here?" I finally asked. "What do you want out of this?"
"We're here to free the masons."
Dan Dicks: Explains MTV's Masonic Temple
This was a randomly shot video in 2008 at the corner of Yonge and Davenport in downtown Toronto with Dan Dicks from Press For outside the new MTV Canada studios in an old masonic lodge. This may be written off as a coincidence, or it could represent their Ordo Templi Orientis branch for artists. Nearly everyone can do this where they live, or document local masonic influences and share them.
FREE THE MASONS: Toronto Truth Seekers meet a Freemason Part 1 of 2
Members of TTS met at Dundas Square on Saturdays for months in 2009 to share info on the H1N1 swine flu scare and other issues. We met an admitted mason who was nice enough to have an extended conversation with us. He even suggested that based on the mason's goal of "making good men better", some may be interested in stopping the new world order from being created once they learn about it's goals.
CBC: Winnipeg's Secret Code - Manitoba's Masonic Legislature building
This story was on The National on September 30, 2009 with masonic scholar Frank Albo explaining the masonic architecture of the Winnipeg, Manitoba provincial legislature building. It's basically a giant temple. When we combine this evidence with all the other masonic symbols on corporate logos and government buildings worldwide, plus the pyramid on the U.S. $1 bill and more, we'll see their influence.
Dan Brown Validates Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Video Series
This is an article by the makers of popular documentaries that illuminate the mason architecture of America, including landmarks that we all know. They explain how author Dan Brown may be using his work as a masonic recruiting tool while also helping to normalize the practice. Below the article are links to a few videos in the series that are worth a look to understand how pervasive this is and it's history.
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Part 1: The New Atlantis
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Part 2: Riddles in Stone
Hip Hop & Freemasonry: The New Age & Military Agenda - 1/3
Freemason Symbols Toronto Police Headquarters
Viglant Citizen
Articles on the secret society control of our culture creation industry, including the people who make movies, music, videogames and more for any pop-culture fan.
How Hollywood Spreads Disinformation About Secret Societies
When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry
What You Want To Believe In - Secrets
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