Alabama law firm to Taco Bell: That's not beef (65% isn't anyway.)

Buddy sent me this article on Taco Bell and how their faux-Mexican food contains 35% ground beef and 65% chemical filler crap. Grody. Still, the law firm isn't suing for money or damages, nobody in the article is pressing for an investigation and Taco Bell says they proudly stand behind (and maybe even eat) their beef and their customers like it, so that's good enough for them. (Especially in this economy.)
Many people like Alan Watt from Cutting Through The Matrix (dot com) have been warning us about the attacks on our food supply as part of standard NWO military tactics for years. They were on the NWO schedule. Much like our love of money and them taking it away is leaving us weak and depressed, it looks like our love of food and them taking it away will leave us weak and depressed too. (And hungry.)
Below the Taco Bell story, which is probably something we'll accept if we don't act on it, like all the bad news we get, is another about 22 ways to "fight rising food prices", except reads a lot more like a retreat than a fight. (That's sneaky.) They seem to suggest the fight is with ourselves, or can we control ourselves and avoid eating out, use coupons, find cheap food and more? Is that how we win? (Hmph.)
Apparently we're just supposed to run out of the way of the tide of rising prices until we drown. Since adults are being turned into children in our culture, all this stuff is getting easier to sell. We get tons of stupid recycled tips (on a daily basis). Most magazines publish the same things each month. We seek approval for what we say, how we look and more. But, worst of all we're told we're doing the right thing.
Since millions of people worldwide know where this is going, while billions can see where it may be, it can't be hard to beat the bad advice we get. Instead of giving up everything we have, we can let people know how to keep it and get more. Especially since those seem to be our only options. The good news is everything fits "inside" the new world order explanation. Or, everything (finally) makes sense. (That'll do.)
We're behind the curve on this thanks to all the damned mind control, or when it comes to the info war, every city should have a whole bunch of people calmly and consistently sharing valuable alternative info on the streets just to keep pace with the propaganda. Then, where possible, more people should switch from defence to offence to start pestering the system itself for changes. (That should be enough.)
FYI, the really rich hate the really poor. That's why they treat them worse and worse every year. They've been constantly killed-off worldwide. So, it's no surprise that Taco Bell, McDonald's and other cheap food options are being used to poison the poor. In this economy, everybody making less than $1 million a year, especially with expenses rising and (expensive) mortgages to pay, is worried. (We have options.)
But, for now, we can see how this is playing out.
After that, we'll how we're doing with what we're doing about it.
Men, women and children are all affected, we'll see if we want to fight back.
Alabama law firm to Taco Bell: That's not beef
Suit claims that binders, extenders make chain's advertising claims false
MSNBC | The Associated Press | January 24, 2011
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — An Alabama law firm claims in a lawsuit that Taco Bell is using false advertising when it refers to using "seasoned ground beef" or "seasoned beef" in its products.
The meat mixture sold by Taco Bell restaurants contains binders and extenders and does not meet the minimum requirements set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be labeled as "beef," according to the legal complaint.
The class-action lawsuit was filed Friday in federal court in the Central District of California by the Montgomery law firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles.
Attorney Dee Miles said attorneys had Taco Bell's "meat mixture" tested and found it contained less that 35 percent beef.
Miles said the lawsuit does not seek monetary damages, but asks the court to order Taco Bell to be honest in its advertising.
"We are asking that they stop saying that they are selling beef," Miles said.
Story: Nutrition info coming to fronts of food packages
Irvine, Calif.-based Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch (PAYCH) said the company denies that its advertising is misleading.
"Taco Bell prides itself on serving high quality Mexican inspired food with great value. We're happy that the millions of customers we serve every week agree," Poetsch said. He said the company would "vigorously defend the suit."
The lawsuit says that Taco Bell's "seasoned beef" contains other ingredients, including water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
22 Ways To Fight Rising Food Prices
Lisa Smith | Yahoo News / Investopedia | January 10, 2011
Food, clothing and shelter generally top the list of basic human needs. While shopping at a discount store instead of the mall generally takes care of the clothing issue, and living in a small apartment instead of a McMansion can address your housing situation, rising world food prices can lead to some significant challenges in the food department. Everything from rising transportation costs to the development of biofuels, such as biodiesel, push up the cost of food and put a pinch on consumers' wallets.
While the need to eat isn't something you can avoid, there are some steps you can take to keep the costs in check.
Alan Watt - Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
Washington Post | January 29, 2009
MONDAY, Jan. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies.
HFCS has replaced sugar as the sweetener in many beverages and foods such as breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. On average, Americans consume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS, but teens and other high consumers can take in 80 percent more HFCS than average. ...
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