UPDATE: 1:00 pm, EST, July 1st, 2010 -- Happy Canada Day! :-)

UPDATE: 1:00 pm, EST, July 1st, 2010 -- Happy Canada Day! :-)
My apologies for the delays, it's been a busy few weeks and I haven't been online much, but it's been a worthwhile learning experience. Before the G20 weekend, I was ID'd a dozen times while postering to protest the protest and suggest we calmly and consistently share good info like "The Non-GMO Shopping Guide" and more in the "Infowar"... instead of agreeing to the governments invitation to just yell at cops, get beaten up and go home. That seems like a bad way to get any political change since everybody but the protesters hates it, and even the protesters should. These "protests" also never plan to accomplish anything and never do. I resisted being ID'd at first, but during "martial law" (should that be in quotes?) the police have orders to keep them safe and keep their jobs, so I just accepted it later to continue staying on the streets to figure out martial law.
During the G20, on Saturday night, June 26th, I asked a business owner on Yonge Street why we'd seen cops every 2 minutes all week, yet that night there were none assigned to deal with the 1000 protesters running everywhere. He said he didn't know. He said he didn't understand it either. I felt bad for him, but I also knew this was a big set-up when I first started warning people about it in April. Once I read in the Globe & Mail that "10,000" cops, troops, mercs and spooks were coming, I got worried and thought other Torontonians should be worried too. The people and police of Toronto -- likely under the control of the Federal Government for an "international summit" -- were brutalized and traumatized unneccessarily and on purpose. Coming to this conclusion takes some work, but lots of people are still working on it and the evidence is worth looking at.
We should wonder why and how "Black Bloc tourist protesters" could evade a massive "$1 billion" police, military and intelligence security blanket over the city. Or how cops allowed out-of-towners to destroy their stuff and others. No police officer could just show up for work and decide to let their equipment -- like a $60,000 police car paid for by taxpayers -- be destroyed just because they felt like it. They'd be fired. Of course, some were excessively violent in these big "population control" excercises made possible by the government inviting large groups of people to yell at cops, but for the most part and despite being an intimidating presence, with un-marked vans and SUV's roaming the city, things didn't go as badly as they could have. My personal experience is that once they're comfortable with you, then you can be comfortable with them.
This is important to note because, outside of some great Canadian journalists asking great questions, on the whole it looks like we're being set-up by the media spin to fight with our own cops again in the future. After the G20 weekend, it looks like we had a bout of the "blue flu" too, with a far-less than normal police presence in Toronto. Perhaps some R&R, perhaps some good PR, or perhaps some institutional resistance against the big government "game" they were a part of, where the "violence" was sold as inevitable and their hands were tied trying to stop it. Many just got a call on their earpiece and raced to the scene of G-d knows what, from riots to bombs to anything else. Previous "police provocateur" incidents like in Montebello, Quebec (CBC 23/Aug/07) and new evidence make it look like one part of the government was -- once again -- attacking another.
Now, all of this is possible based on recent history, but if any of it is true, then we have a big problem on our hands. If we just act "normal", then our "new normal" will include Canadian governments being able to declare martial law whenever they want, even for a stupid "summit", which they probably only held in a big city like Toronto to test martial law on a large Canadian urban population. They never said "never again" and didn't even apologize, so they're not going to do a good job with any pathetic "inquiry", or what connected Canadians get instead of a "trial" even when they do "criminal" stuff. While some of our rights were taken in this "military" exercise, the next one will see more of ours taken based on this precedent. We have no idea when this will happen again unless we stop it, including committing all candidates in this local "election" year to try.
When criminals running the Canadian government send 10,000 cops, troops, mercs and spooks to occupy and terrorize Toronto, then you know they're not nice people. So, we should be concerned about what they might do next. This is a classic problem faced by every group of people, or "tribe" in history. Based on the potential dangers involved, the classic reaction and solution was that guys or "men" would step-up and defend the women, children and elderly of the village from any attacks simply because they were more physically able to. Others might fight, but men had to, otherwise they wouldn't be men. Today, a "physical" or "violent" confrontation with better-armed and better-trained people is out of the question. But, the "Infowar", or calmly and consistently sharing good information that improves peoples lives while indicting the system, has been effective.
After being ID'd a dozen times while postering against the protest and the police finding nothing wrong with what I was doing, by Thursday (June 24th) there was no point in doing that anymore. So, instead I was followed up Yonge Street north of College by cops, city workers and helicopters. (Seriously.) They weren't trying to threaten me, so I noticed and ignored them. Later, walking back south from Davenport, I saw "the state" had sent them to rip all my posters down. During rush hour. On Yonge Street. With huge crowds walking by and people thanking me for putting them up. I've also seen them ripped down other places despite older posters still being there. That's enough proof that the "Infowar" works, or there's no way they'd go to all that trouble. In fact, it's worked since the 1776 American Revolution and before and is better than just yelling at cops and getting beaten up.
Here in "Communist Canada", a nickname for the fact that most of us know that the government is evil but we're often scared to talk about it, we're not stupid, we're just quiet. The G20 "world leaders" and their corporate-controllers got that confused. Many of us know that we can't just let the government abuse us like children and then tell us to run along and play whenever they feel like it. Our best course of action after this traumatic PSYOP (psychological operation) is to make sure we talk about it, get our feelings out and figure out what to do to make sure it never happens again. Otherwise we'll always be paranoid about it. While some people always want to "Keep it happy!" in conversations no matter what, when stuff like this happens, they get hit the hardest by it. Since the "martial law" stuff off the "internet" and warnings for decades recently became reality in Toronto, let's just deal with it.
Here are some good stories to contextualize the recent G20 World Government Martial Law situation:
Press For Truth Video Reports About The G20 Summit Weekend
G20: Riot for sake of riot
The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation At Tax Payers' Expense
'Nerd' shocked his toys in G20 weapons cache
G20 law gives police sweeping powers to arrest people
Real Tyranny: Was Canada ever the Country we thought it was?
Will G20 Police Succeed In Covering Up Reports of Rape and Torture?
UPDATE: We have now learned that four journalists, including Miller, have “filed complaints with Ontario’s police watchdog, with allegations that police physically assaulted or threatened to sexually assault the females when they were arrested during the Toronto G20 summit.” In addition, Guardian journalist Jesse Rosenfeld has spoken publicly of his ordeal at the hands of G20 police. “I was grabbed on each side and hit in the stomach and back and pounced on by officers. I kept asking them why they were beating me because I wasn’t resisting arrest. But they lifted my leg and twisted my ankle,” said Rosenfield.
Blue Flu is the cop's version of going on strike. Since they can't legally strike they all call in sick.
U.S. Northern Command, Canada Command establish new bilateral Civil Assistance Plan
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, February 14, 2008 — U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, have signed a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.
Below are some great websites to check and share on a variety of issues.
If the info sounds stupid, then laugh at it. If it sounds smart, appreciate it.
You can use music or anything or anyone else to inspire you to act now.
Sharing good info that you know people can use is a nice thing to do.
More soon after some postering, and again, Happy Canada Day! :-)
News - http://www.infowars.com
News - http://pressfortruth.ca
Health - http://www.naturalnews.com
Health - http://www.canadiansforhealthfreedom.org
Wealth - http://www.trendsresearch.com
Wealth - http://theinternationalforecaster.com
Relationships - http://www.thepinkcross.org
Relationships - http://www.cruelhoax.ca/#top
Celebrities - http://vigilantcitizen.com
Non-GMO Shopping Guide - http://www.seedsofdeception.com
Vaccine Risks and Exemptions - http://vran.org/exemptions
Montreal and Vancouver Don't Use Fluoride - http://www.fluoridealert.org
P.S. Incidentally, since some people kept asking "Vijay" to stop figuring out and explaining what's really happening because it made them uncomfortable, instead of agreeing to half-ass it, I developed a free-thinking philosopher stage-name that I often use for music, my radio show and more to say what I need to. I even meet people as "Black Krishna" or "BK", and it's similar to how a rapper or stripper (dancer) has two names so they can remember if they met you in the club or not, which changes how they know you want to interact with them. You can call me whatever you want, or "Vijay" or "BK", the former will tell me you want me to be more conservative, the latter more revolutionary, so it's easier for both of us. We run into problems when we can't just tell each other what's up, but we can find solutions. More G20 stuff is on my blog, a good place to start if you'd like.
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