[TorontoTruthSeekers] TTS WARNING: the BAT has SNAPPED!?!

Word to TTS,
I got some comments on a couple Youtube videos I posted last year. Here are the comments, copied and pasted:
[redacted] has made a comment on Toronto Truth Seekers: young truthers:
People that spend their lives devoted to the past, often live in the past and become delusional.
That pretty much sums you guys up there. You clog your ugly asses in front of the eaton centre and wastes people's time with your so called truth. Did you ever think people might just want to go shop or walk in peace.
I seriously hope all of you. That's right all of you, get aids or die of some disease. And I mean that with all the "Truth" inside of me.
[redacted] has made a comment on Toronto Truth Seekers: Darwin Lied?:
The only thing stopping me from ripping the man's throat out is the law. Seriously, when you die, no one in Toronto will mourn your loss.
So, I clicked on this '[redacted] anti-truthseekers youtube account [redacted] and he's got stand-up comedy videos where he says he dresses up like Batman and goes to Yonge-Dundas Square. So I think TTS has got to be cautious if you spot the 'caped crusader' perched around cause he might've been watching 'Dark Knight' too much lately and go into some Christain Bale style-tantrum and try some vigilante 'justice' on us for crimes like freedom of speech and seeking the truth.
word out,
Heya [redacted],
Thanks and It's good to share this with the group, with over 300 members we're one of the largest in the city, so we form a "gang" of sorts and can protect each other just by sharing info, especially quasi-death threats. Brad and I were talking about this yesterday while postering and flyering up Yonge Street. While we were mad as hell, there are a few possibilities to consider.
First, if this isn't the same "Batman" we see, and we start wrongly fighting with another person or group in Dundas Square, we'll get kicked out, ending our year-long successful run there forever, and destroying the hopes of many Torontonians who want TTS to continue getting bigger and stronger while doing what we do better on behalf of the city. We have to be very careful about this.
Second, since he joined on May 22, 2006, exactly 4 years before he posted the threats, and has just 10 videos, 12 subscribers and 1 subscription, this "account" might be created just to mess with people or groups like TTS. Many truthers have checked YouTube accounts where people (?) seemed to have joined just to post a random horrible comments about us and scare others.
Third, I believe that TTS is going to get attacked by spooks relentlessly over the next 5 weeks to make sure our group, with a brand that Toronto can trust based on our good works, can't reach out to the same people with a new sense of urgency who would listen to us. In fact, I believe this has already been happening, which is why we've been fighting and aren't interested in doing much.
Fourth, despite the rest of the world acting up, with many Canadian truthers already too-rattled (or whatever) to take any action, this is the type of comment that, if shared by you, or seen by others on your channel, could shut them down further. I absolutely think you should tell everyone: I just think we need to understand that this is fairly "normal" in "resistance" movements as well.
So, I wouldn't worry about it unless something else happens, because "worrying" about it will rob us of our drive and energy, just like worrying about most stuff does. We can think about it and make peace with the possibilities. If we see "Batman" there, he doesn't have "super-powers" anyway, so since TTS rolls 20 - 1 deep, we can handle any problems. I mean, so far, so good, right?
But... keep up the fantastic work and please keep us all posted! :-)
TTS, I think this is very important we all need to support this man
Splitting-the-Sky facing up to two years in prison for arrest-Bush attempt; former US Attorney General Ramsey will advocate on his behalf
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Splitting-the-Sky will be my guest on Truth Jihad Radio Saturday, June 5th. -KB
Canadian Man Could Be Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Implementing the Law:
Former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark to Speak at the University of Calgary's Peace Consortium in Defence of Splitting the Sky The Man Who Attempted a Citizens' Arrest on George W. Bush
Joshua Blakeney
Media Coordinator of Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge
“George Bush hasn't suffered at all over the monumental suffering, death, and horror he has caused...no matter how many American soldiers have died on a given day in Iraq (averaging well over two every day), he is always seen with a big smile on his face that same or next day”
- Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, 20081
Ramsey Clark will arrive in the Canadian oil-patch city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, this coming June 6th and 7th, mounting pressure on Judge Manfred Delong, who is presiding over the sentencing process in an epochal trial which some have dubbed: “The trial of Splitting the Sky versus George W. Bush.” Splitting the Sky (STS) on the advice of legal experts Ramsey Clark, Gale Davidson and Anthony J. Hall attempted a citizen’s arrest on George W. Bush on March 17, 2009 when the former US president was addressing an audience of business people at the TELUS Convention Centre in the downtown of Calgary.2
Agreed wholeheartedly Ms. [redacted]. He's basically managed by Wayne Prante at FalseFlagFlu.com, so TTS members can talk to him and others. I've been saying for years that any of us can do simple "interviews" or have "conversations" with other truthers, record and share them, over (speaker) phone or in person. Technically, like taking pictures of (Fridays!) chemtrails, it's not hard.
People often say they "aren't any good at (anything?)", but the fact is nobody was good at anything when they first started doing it, so that doesn't make enough sense. The other fact is that most truthers are good at talking to other truthers, so it would be ideal to have a bunch of us breaking down the game, and this case, in a variety of ways. We all have our voice, we just have to find it.
Finally, at least tactically for now, though his name is now a PSYOP word that makes most people "laugh" at the sound of a mass murderers name, myself included, there's still some residual hatred of "Bush" on the left and right that could be appealed to. If we want to keep this guy out of jail, we should tell other people outside of TTS about his case. Ramsay Clark is a credible guy too.
I'm sure there are more options, but if anyone is serious about any of these issues at all, they can always just do something about them. The first step is getting the "conspiracy" off your chest, or breathlessly ranting "9/11 was an inside job!" with details, but after a while, we shouldn't need to do that anymore. We should move to the next stage of figuring out how to be cool with dealing with it.
That way... we can deal with it! :-)
Incidentally, this is also why I suggest so many "group" solutions for TTS to use. Just hearing "Do something!" as an individual can be disempowering. That's why millions of isolated truthers just twiddle their thumbs and feel conspira-constipated.
Then, when they have a chance to talk about it, they go at people in ways they'd never want to be talked to. Then, when people don't want to listen, they say "People don't want to listen!" There's years worth of evidence. So: enough is enough.
People only get trapped in this endless cycle because they don't "do anything" about all the horrible stuff they research. When I'm productively fulfilled, I'm cool. But, when I slack, I get antsy and sometimes express my energy inappropriately too.
When you have people working with you, it's not so bad. To see how to work together, just see every other organized group of people in the history of the world. This might seem obvious, but what's obvious is we're not looking. We should start.
Now that all the "individual" stuff is out there to use, my focus is on riot-proofing Toronto and Canada by thinking of the best "group" solutions for all Canadians to use. There are more metrics for more possibilities, like a hockey "team" vs. hockey "player".
Unfortunately TTS has had issues, so people can't just trust the TTS "group" like they used to. That's tragic right before the G20, but as things blow up around here to justify 10,000 troops (e.g. the Ottawa bank) , many of us will start taking this more seriously.
So, I'd like to offer advice to any TTS members and/or others who can "form" a group, large or small, within TTS or without, on how to work together. Some may say I'm being "arrogant" or whatever, but I'm ignoring them. I have solutions and want to share them.
Below is an example that I shared with a veteran truther who moved outside of a city to a suburb and asked for my advice on how they could get active there. Our phone call got cut-off, so I quickly emailed them the idea below. It should work great and be fun too! :-)
sorry dood, phone died. the last point i was making is within 2
months you could have community meetings that lead to 10 people making
a short video with 10 facts you all co-sign that you thought everyone
in your hood should know. then you can burn copies and give it to
them. then everyone will know.
anyway, stuff like that.
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Wow, to think that people would believe i wrote that. I am Toronto Batman and while I disagree with some of your tactics.... I am not the same man who posted the comment. I got drunk and left my account open. And then a dumb friend thought it would be nice to type that. No offence guys, but its not in my character to do that. I'm sorry and will remove the comment(s). I had no idea this happened since no one messaged me personally.
I know it might seem hard to believe, but I never gave any of you guys problems. Sorry once again.
Btw if I snapped don't you think I would've attacked by now.
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