Computer 4 Sale + Soul 4 Rent

BTW, I wrote this yesterday night, but after nearly 24 hours up on a few hours sleep, I fell asleep instead of wandering off to find innernets. Outside of the "Anybody know of good desktop computer for around $200?" part, the saved file was titled "TTS Beefender - 13Apr10 - Notepad", so I hope that little bastard isn't lying. I just called Brad out of the blue today to discuss stuff, we're cool. We're guys, or men actually, so this stuff isn't a big deal. With our dear leaders prepping us for a false flag nuclear terror attack: this is a bad time for any of us to get selfish or pissy, myself included.
So: that's that.
There is more below, but to each their own. Just don't ever say I don't try to explain my actions clearly, that's why I'm so relaxed. I'd rather avoid this crap altogether, but then I hear crazy stuff like "BK thinks handing out flyers is pointless!" when ** I was the guy who first brought flyers to our TTS street actions; I lead teams of flyerers; and I insisted on it being important. ** Yet, I still have to deal with normal people believing the most ridiculous broken-telephone garbage about me in this cynical world where "The good ain't gon' outweigh the bad..." (Lloyd Banks, "Better You Know Me").
So: here we are.
Before breaking down exactly what may have happened to cause recent "tension" below, as I remember it, let me clarify some things.
1) Everything I say is to help us actually beat the new world order; it's not just so we can try to feel better about ourselves until we lose.
2) Individuals just flyering on their own will not beat the NWO; group solutions also need to be added to convince others to join the battle.
3) Planning for the future will actually give us a chance to influence it; otherwise we're just losing to our fears and insecurities by not trying.
4) Nobody on earth can convince me that we have to "lose" regardless of what they believe or what they read; to me that's just NWO control.
5) TTS should be an "ambitious" group to help build on our success; people need to have "hope" in "plans" or "goals" that we define and share.
6) I never planned to "leave" TTS, just to make sure others could take on responsibilities after several months of us doing basically the same thing.
7) New TTS members need to know they'll be welcomed, taught and encouraged; street actions should be organized AND fun; we should get better.
8) (Philosophically) = (To Beat The NWO) = (Same thing to me), if TTS can prove various people can manage this, it proves that anyone can worldwide.
9) With the "G20 Summit" coming up and high school kids "planning" their "prom", we can either ask them for advice - or - try to think of "plans" ourselves.
10) Only selfishness, fear and laziness can stop us from "doing" all the "obvious" things that all "adults" can do; let's get out of this what we put into it instead.
Computer 4 Sale + Soul 4 Rent
Heya TTSsense,
Just a quick question and a long explanation, to each their own perusalage. First: does anyone have or know of a decently powerful desktop computer for sale for $100 - $200? I'm thinking P4 to Dual-Core, or 2.6 - 3.0 mhz speed. It has to run powerful music programs for live recording since me olde ways of working with my equipment suddenly don't work anymore. I blame Sir Evelyn (Ha!) De Rothschild, mostly 'cause it's fun, but that's another story. Either way, it'll help me say bascically the same stuff that I always say in more palatable and creative ways. That'll work.
Please let me know - Thx! :-)
(Incidentally: we should start using TTS and networked groups for more stuff, it'll come in handy depending on whether we move to shut 'em down now; or wait until things get much crappier. If the latter happens, we could use each other for jobs, barter, food, clothing and shelter, relationships, connections, repairs and so on. Like the Freemasons, we basically form a principled brotherhood with shared interests. Except we're actually "free" since we don't hide crap from each other and force us to kiss each others butts to advance. Poor guys. Free The Masons! :)
Second: since things are obviously public to those who check, I might as well break down everything so we can move the hell on and get some stuff done. To start: I've been like this for years. There's a million words worth of evidence. I got into this game to win and get out. That's it. I want to finish this crap and get back to all the fun crap I used to do. That's it. You can ask anybody who's known me for years: that's what it was. I have over a hundred notebooks full of ideas. Half of them are crap. The other half can beat the new world order. That was the point.
After a recent TTS street action, at Fran's, a young conspirienced couple joined us. I was speaking with them and lamenting how even though most people plan stuff all the time - and high school students are planning their prom, for some reason truthers don't, won't or can't plan anything, at least for the most part. I related a story of telling 20 truthers: "I know how to beat the new world order!" at a patio after a screening. They laughed and then asked how. I said: "We have to think about how to beat the new world order!" They laughed and admitted I was right. That's it.
The couple seemed a bit confused by this, so I offered to break out my notebook and show them. I was hesitant at first, but thought what the heck, I'm right about enough crap, so I'd be happy to be wrong about this now. I got the groups attention, said we had a good but slow day (true), so to make up for it and use our time well, perhaps we could plan a response for the G20 summit, or at least discuss ideas. There was a little nervous laughter, a few jokes, then the conversation went back to normal. So, I sighed and went for a smoke with the conspirienced couple.
When I got back I was in a bad mood, but quiet about it. The others at the table could sense my frustration and weren't happy about this either. I made the point that this is a problem that we have to solve on behalf of ourselves and others soon. It's one that I've seen for years. I even helped shut down the infamous "Laila's Meetings" on Saturdays in 2007 because I couldn't stand the fact that we weren't making plans to "do" anything. That might have been a big mistake; but so was normalizing doing nothing about something we say we should do something about.
Shortly after we returned, Mark was mad as hell at my little "Here's the Matrix!" trick and left. Most of the others were ticked off too. Later, Brad basically said it was too-loud at the table to suggest the idea he had. I basically said that in a world where we know we can say "Hey everybody -- I have an idea!" to get our groups attention, I couldn't accept that as a good reason to avoid anyone suggesting anything. He then flipped-out and threatened to kick my ass; I was a little numb at that point, so I just fell back and let him go. As far as I can tell, that's what happened. So far.
Anyway, save for a private inquiring email that wasn't responded to, there it is.
Since then I've heard "He's a witch -- burn him!", or modern versions, plus other weird stuff, though not much. None of it bugs me after I think about it, though initially some of it stings a bit. No matter what new distractions are introduced: truthers still have to show people who aren't conspirienced that we're "serious" and at least as competent as they are by being able to consistently organize, plan and produce instead of just hypocritically making fun of them for being stupid. That's a bad habit. It's probably just a self-defence mechanism against being marginalized.
No worries, we have a thousand easy ways to work on beating the new world order, we just need the "will" that many of our neighbours in America have. It's funny, now that I know why, but we Canadians were raised to be smug thanks to the "UN" calling us "the best country in the world" and other crap, like thinking we're "smarter" than Americans. We're not. We're just smarter than the ones they put on TV. That's it. All we have to do is look at their good activism, politics, lawsuits and more to see what we could do. Or at least work for. That's why this is funny.
So, only scientifically engineered insecurities and excuses can cause us to question our own ability to use all the obvious opportunities we have to kick the sn-t out of the new world order in full-public view. TTS has already proven it successfully and is known worldwide. That gives us more protection too. Our approach here is the best in the world (that I've seen). We move calmly and confidently with smiles on our faces while sharing what we know with whoever wants the info. We are able to reach the entire world in this city. They get it. If we do, it's game NWOver.
The rest is just distractions and crap that revolutionaries and thinkers go through, especially under this new form of "communism" being implemented around us. We are encouraged to avoid "thinking" by associating it with being "sad" as opposed to "exciting", which it often can be. We are encouraged to short-circuit conversations that have to explore the "bad" as well as the "good" sides of something to make "sense" of what we're talking about. IMHO, all we have to do is know that true "freedom" means not being "scared" to discuss possibilities until they can produce results.
Flashback Endnote:
Do you still think I'm nuts? Fair enough. It happens. After this long, "nuts" is "normal" to me. Frankly, I just never saw the point of doing this "activism" stuff to have to keep doing it. I thought: "We should just figure out how these people don't have to be screwed anymore. Rinse. Repeat." That was before I learned about the "new world order", but it didn't change things much. To give you an idea, here's one of my early "I'm outta here -- see you at the revolution!" emails sent to friends a few years ago. That should do. Sorry again for the length, but I hope this settles things once and for all.
Sunday, March 6, 2005 10:46 PM
Subject: "Who wants BEEF?" - "I do! I do!"
I'm strong enough,
2 carry,
T-Dot on my back,
And the whole of Canada,
Holla back...
Sunday, March 6, 2005 10:46 PM
Subject: "Who wants BEEF?" - "I do! I do!"
...bizzy weekend cuz'... were right...
...i was also right... that's cool....
jah, dawgodonthisearth: i gotz 2 say CMW was worth going to, met some headz and chased some tail, and i rolled wif' da JL and was gettin' love 4 my uniform "Bush Is The Real Terrorist" shirt - and i'm assuming hate (no one stepped 2 me) 4 pimpin' politrix, and 'cause i ain't playin' propah fakin' NY/LA...
it was cool - i got mebbe 10 power-points that could've been filtered by someone, but probably not as well as i could 4 myself. so, you were righter, but i gotta tell ya - i was clockin' mad b.s. bitchin' too, foolish cats in the game 8-lives deep and scared, lookin' 2 the Track Jesus 4 salvation...
(...oooh, that was good.)
(...i'm'a write that down...)
( yeaah...)
so, screw'em or save'em, eida-orr i'm'a get my Alexander-the-Great-on unitin' tribes'n'vibes like sour cream'n'chives, and riffin' on Jigga:
I'm strong enough,
2 carry,
T-Dot on my back,
And the whole of Canada,
Holla back...
peace and change...
BKB - vij
p.s. 4 those interested - an interesting side note: who would've ever thought the music biz was a wikkid place to meet hot chicks???
...gotta stay focused...'s all about the music man...
... ;)
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