Bad Santa guilty of child porn charges

heya [redacted],
great stuff meng, nice look and format with subjects and tags. i also like how you add your two-cents before the articles to help us interpret them. however, on your recent article, while "demon" theories are fun to play with, i'm just not sure we're qualified to make that diagnosis based on two quotes in an article.
Bad Santa guilty of child porn charges
[My comment: Demonic possession? Mind control? It so seems that he's somewhat remorseful about it. Text in bold in the article are my emphasis]
now, people might accuse me of being "anti-religion" because i don't think "demons" did it. that's crazy. but, since i'm occasionally persecuted by groups of christians for saying so, me'n'jesus are jus' chillin' over here sayin' "please forgive them father -- for they do not understand -- hey! -- you owe me a beer!" ;-)
see, we have "new moon" and "harry potter" and "zombies" and lots more "magic" being promoted, so whether you're a "christian" or "pagan" or "buddhist" or "new age" or whatever, this type of "demonalysis" will become more popular in our "fantasy" culture. but that's only because it takes us away from reality.
incidentally, you can see this for yourself: the corruption of "spirituality" worldwide is thanks to the "new age" or "hindu" idea of skipping "reality" to connect with "god". fyi, that's why they have 800 million poor people there. as long as our focus is on fighting our favourite fairy tales, the new world order will win.
imho, religions can be used for "good" or "bad", so when they're being used for "bad" and we know they can be used for "good", we should ask "why?" today, "new agers" can be viciously "intolerant" if you don't share their happy-go-lucky "consciousness". that crosses-over into other belief systems too.
fyi, i was just thinking of mentioning to TTS all the "child" services popping up in toronto, from the native office beside the bay & college cop-shop, to all of the "stop child abuse" posters and more. i even filmed a video of a guy outside of muchmusic with a big banner who was ripping the children's aid society (CAS).
CAS is our our version of the child-snatching "CPS!" that alex jones often rips. i've talked to others, including lawyers who fight them, they're evil. as part of the NWO takeover, i'm guessing the bad guys have to bribe and compromise a lot more people a lot faster. perhaps even with children they steal for sex.
since toronto is reportedly a major centre of child-sex trafficking, while many of us are mind-bombed by our corporate culture into not caring for our kids or anyone else's, it's entirely possible that all the "pedophile caught" news stories and "abuse victims helped" services are meant to help "normalize" all of this.
we love to "run for the cure!" for cancer to help raise money for big banks and drug companies; we love "big green" activism and "big corporations" telling us how to live; we'd love for "big government" to "do something!" so we socialists don't have to; etc. so, we might just "get used" to the sex-abuse cycle too.
imho again, that's why we have to get our heads in the game and listen to everybody with a good record of activism on these issues. instead of fighting so hard to always have "our own opinion!" regardless of all the better ones available, we should be open to agreeing on some to figure out what can be done.
bah, anyway, that's long enough (more "what can be done" later), especially since so many people think it's "the end" anyway. personally, i don't want that end to be spending years dying of cancer, or slaving away in a gulag, or whatever. so regardless: we can all find success in making our destiny suck less.
on that note... happy earth day!

heya [redacted],
great stuff meng, nice look and format with subjects and tags. i also like how you add your two-cents before the articles to help us interpret them. however, on your recent article, while "demon" theories are fun to play with, i'm just not sure we're qualified to make that diagnosis based on two quotes in an article.
Bad Santa guilty of child porn charges
[My comment: Demonic possession? Mind control? It so seems that he's somewhat remorseful about it. Text in bold in the article are my emphasis]
now, people might accuse me of being "anti-religion" because i don't think "demons" did it. that's crazy. but, since i'm occasionally persecuted by groups of christians for saying so, me'n'jesus are jus' chillin' over here sayin' "please forgive them father -- for they do not understand -- hey! -- you owe me a beer!" ;-)
see, we have "new moon" and "harry potter" and "zombies" and lots more "magic" being promoted, so whether you're a "christian" or "pagan" or "buddhist" or "new age" or whatever, this type of "demonalysis" will become more popular in our "fantasy" culture. but that's only because it takes us away from reality.
incidentally, you can see this for yourself: the corruption of "spirituality" worldwide is thanks to the "new age" or "hindu" idea of skipping "reality" to connect with "god". fyi, that's why they have 800 million poor people there. as long as our focus is on fighting our favourite fairy tales, the new world order will win.
imho, religions can be used for "good" or "bad", so when they're being used for "bad" and we know they can be used for "good", we should ask "why?" today, "new agers" can be viciously "intolerant" if you don't share their happy-go-lucky "consciousness". that crosses-over into other belief systems too.
fyi, i was just thinking of mentioning to TTS all the "child" services popping up in toronto, from the native office beside the bay & college cop-shop, to all of the "stop child abuse" posters and more. i even filmed a video of a guy outside of muchmusic with a big banner who was ripping the children's aid society (CAS).
CAS is our our version of the child-snatching "CPS!" that alex jones often rips. i've talked to others, including lawyers who fight them, they're evil. as part of the NWO takeover, i'm guessing the bad guys have to bribe and compromise a lot more people a lot faster. perhaps even with children they steal for sex.
since toronto is reportedly a major centre of child-sex trafficking, while many of us are mind-bombed by our corporate culture into not caring for our kids or anyone else's, it's entirely possible that all the "pedophile caught" news stories and "abuse victims helped" services are meant to help "normalize" all of this.
we love to "run for the cure!" for cancer to help raise money for big banks and drug companies; we love "big green" activism and "big corporations" telling us how to live; we'd love for "big government" to "do something!" so we socialists don't have to; etc. so, we might just "get used" to the sex-abuse cycle too.
imho again, that's why we have to get our heads in the game and listen to everybody with a good record of activism on these issues. instead of fighting so hard to always have "our own opinion!" regardless of all the better ones available, we should be open to agreeing on some to figure out what can be done.
bah, anyway, that's long enough (more "what can be done" later), especially since so many people think it's "the end" anyway. personally, i don't want that end to be spending years dying of cancer, or slaving away in a gulag, or whatever. so regardless: we can all find success in making our destiny suck less.
on that note... happy earth day!
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