CKLN Rude Awakening: Hard Times, Health Care and Hustling 4 Your Future - 3/22/10

CKLN Rude Awakening hosted by Black Krishna
Hard Times, Health Care and Hustling 4 Your Future
This episode: how many people still want to believe in "Hope" and "Change" after a year of failure from President Obama? Will people believe the new "universal" health care package is "good" without looking into the details? Why don't we care about the details of the deals that determine our future? When will people have "faith" in their "plans" to deal with this? How do we come up with them? Why do the people who run the world -- who clearly hate people -- want us having so much fun? :-)
CKLN Rude Awakening is hosted by Black Krishna (BK) on Mon, Tue and Thu from 6 - 7 am on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Download mp3 links by 8 am at, and Please contact with questions, answers, suggestions, news tips, music and more.
U.S. House Passes Health Care Reform Bill, Pres. Obama Set To Sign It Into Law
2010/03/22 | Staff
[Ed note: today is "3/22", a number favoured by the Yale Secret Society "Skull and Bones".]
He promised change and he’s delivered.
U.S. President Barack Obama is poised to sign a reformative health care bill into law that would provide coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans.
The House of Representatives voted 219-212 in favour of the controversial $940 billion health care overhaul late Sunday. The bill will also change the way insurance companies are allowed to operate and will ban the practice of denying coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions.
“We proved that this government – a government of the people and by the people – still works for the people,” President Obama said Sunday.
Obama's health care reform bill is being likened to Medicaid and civil rights legislation in the 1960s.
Idaho First to Sign Law against Health Care Reform
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
By Staff, Associated Press
Boise, Idaho (AP) - Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter on Wednesday became the first state chief executive to sign a measure requiring his attorney general to sue Congress if it passes health reforms that force residents to buy insurance. Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states nationwide.
Obamacare wins: Now the pain begins
By SALLY PIPES, The New York Post
Last Updated: 3:29 AM, March 22, 2010
... That's not to say there will be no short-term effects. The bill immediately redefines youth to age 26, mandating that group and individual health plans cover adult "children" up to that age. This will certainly increase premiums, as will the new law's ban on policies that have lifetime and annual limits on health-care services.
Americans will also start to pick up a portion of the $20 billion in tax hikes imposed on medical-device companies, as well the new taxes on drug manufacturers. And we'll no longer be allowed to buy over-the-counter medications with our flexible-spending accounts.
But the most onerous of the bill's taxes start to take effect in 2013. Families with incomes greater than $250,000 will pay a higher Medicare Payroll Tax up to 2.35 percent, plus a new 3.8 percent tax on interest and dividend income. With this stroke, Democrats have managed to punish both work and the savings of American families.
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